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Dear César,

I thought you might like to see some new paintings I’ve acquired over the last year. Two were at discount due to scuffs, scratches and dents on the canvas, and one due to a chipped frame (and the fourth frame missing altogether). I’m particularly pleased with the riverside scene, from a lesser known Barbizon School artist I enjoy, although I think the waves and sky on the fishing boat picture are particularly well-wrought, in subtle use of colour.

Yes, [responding to my previous mail — Editor] I really don’t know where the other good commenters have got to on your website. At least Berk and Robiul semi-regularly comment…

The Americans really did (and do) behave appallingly. They always have. They should never had have the arrogant fundamentalist disloyalty to leave England at all in my estimation, and consequently found a traitor nation, corrupted to the very stated core of its egalitarian constitution. I too don’t think one can merely place the decay in the 19th Century. Much as there is nothing to be patriotic about in my own country, I do not extend any strange, knee-jerk admiration overseas either. Thomas Goodrich’s paragraphs never fail to shock and distress me, no matter how many times I read them. The abject sadness of them is worthy only of a terrible focussed anger. I cannot imagine, had the Jews been their legitimate official enemy in this war, that the American armies would have treated their prisoners with such barbarity. And that goes back to the morals instilled in them from at least the founding of their country.

It upsets me to know that our race is so effortlessly suicidal, so lacking in racial loyalty. There are no ‘George Floyds’ among our own citizens, so regularly knifed to death, raped to bloody ruin, and, as of recently, torched in their sleep. Just flowers and condolences, and prayers for forgiveness and ‘peace’, if that even, forgotten by the day after so more signs can be held up for the cameras, ‘refugees welcome’, ‘say no to racism!’ and these febrile idiot golems can feel good about themselves, as they empty their nations out in inverted charity and misplaced love. I struggle to see how bad it will have to get for them to ‘wake up’. Part of me still fears even then that they will capitulate. Filing reverently into oblivion, cautious to be decent and welcoming and polite.

Hence why in my opinion most people do not deserve life – they can’t even protect their children. As I said to Abby not so long ago, “why are you a slave? When they’re lining you up next to me, ready to machine gun us into the flaming pit, will you be as you are now, telling me to keep my voice down in case I offend the authorities and turning to them with a meek apologetic smile, with their weapons drawn and pointed at you? When it is too late to do otherwise?” (again I was told to ‘stop being silly’ – I take it she took me in full imminent literality, missing my point).

Best regards,


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Editor’s 2 ¢

They should never had have the arrogant fundamentalist disloyalty to leave England at all in my estimation, and consequently found a traitor nation, corrupted to the very stated core of its egalitarian constitution.

Indeed, in fact, as you will see in my forthcoming post on uncle Adolf’s 1920 speech, Americans should invite the ghost of King George III to come back and resume the throne.

George’s ghost would dissolve the Union, arrest the pretender in the White House—whether Biden or Trump—, and round up the philo-Semitic ‘representatives’ in Congress.

In exchange for an apology and a promise to never misbehave again, Americans would get lower taxes, a less intrusive government, secure they borders with cartel-controlled Mexico, and above all end the madness that has flowed from the ‘self-evident’ Christian / neochristian idea that ‘all men are created equal’!