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Racial right Voltaire


I add the translations from Karlheinz Deschner’s books on the criminal history of Christianity or Eduardo Velasco’s essays; or the quotations already written in English from David Irving’s books on Himmler, Brendan Simms’ on Hitler, Savitri Devi’s magnum opus, the mysterious author of Might is Right or Goodrich’s Summer 1945 when the muses don’t come to me. But this morning a muse visited me.

I’d like to comment on the recent contest organised by Counter-Currents on the so-called NAXALT, about which several essays were published.

First of all, that little riddle of liberals against the racial right is only understandable under the skies of Christian ethics. In the video I embedded the day before yesterday, Tom Holland tells the fascinating story of a theologian from the first centuries of Christianity who was already promoting migration to our lands for humanitarian reasons! In other words, if we pull out the root, Christian ethics, NAXALT doesn’t even appear on the horizon. We can already imagine the Chinese or the Israelis agonising over coloured migration arguing ‘Not All Xs Are Like That’. Such malware didn’t exist in the Aryan collective unconscious before the advent of Christianity.

Jared Taylor, brought up very Christianly by his parents, argues exactly that ‘Not All Jews Are Like That’ when confronted with the JQ. That typical stance among normies and even some racialist neo-normies was refuted when anti-Christian William Pierce published ‘Seeing the Forest’ in 1999. If some quarters of the right wing still refuse to see the forest, it is because of the Christian morality that has enslaved the Aryan collective unconscious for centuries.

Mixing metaphors, The West’s Darkest Hour represents a few steps closer to crossing the psychological Rubicon than the mid-stream stagnation in which the American racial right finds itself. That is why, ideally for me, a new breed of racists who have crossed the Rubicon should emerge that differs from today’s racialists. Ideally, young males would understand this site and become intellectual guerrillas, disseminating our ideas in the forums of the stagnant.

I will allow myself a few autobiographical paragraphs.

My bellicose attitude in the secular arena is a legacy of the Catholic bellicosity of my father and the Jesuit who baptised me: my father’s protector before his marriage (the Wikipedia photo of this Jesuit is taken precisely from my First Communion).

Portrait de Voltaire (Musée Carnavalet).

Voltaire’s bellicose attitude was instilled by his early teachers: Jesuits. Ironically, the names Ignatius of Loyola and François-Marie Arouet go together! Speaking a little immodestly, my style is like that of Voltaire. It has two main qualities: clarity and brevity. Unlike the pundits of the racialist webzines, I avoid circumlocutions and don’t get bogged down in long arguments. I just show the absurd in a couple of strokes. And if there is one thing that should be preached with Jesuit zeal and crystal clarity, it is that the scale of values of both ‘atheists’ (in fact, secular Christians) and Christians is the factor that prevents us from seeing the forest.

‘If you could write lucidly, simply, euphoniously and yet with liveness you would write like Voltaire’. —Somerset Maugham

3 replies on “NAXALT”

I’ve had the NAXALT conversation come up many time with my pseudo-progressive (only in that she isn’t into reading or a true leftist activist mentality, and is merely female) girlfriend. I try to explain it very simply: if you’re walking down an alleyway and you find yourself surrounded by a huge crowd of foreigners brandishing spears, and zombie knives, and the occasional carbine, screaming to the gods, and pushing towards you menacingly, do you think to yourself “hmm… these look like good people, although they’re certainly angry. Perhaps I should wait here with them until I can ask each individual how they feel, to establish if any are ok and might want to be my friend” or do I instead assume the entire group hostile for survival’s sake (as makes empirical sense), as me evaluating their potential benevolence isn’t really a good use of my time right now, having enough goodness already in my own people’s life without them, and besides, they look like they want to rape and murder me. Unfortunately she’s slow to get that point, though it makes a little sense to her in other circumstances outside of race. I try (and often fail) not to discuss any sensible matter of the sort with her – what’s the point? – but I do grow tried of her/their overreliance on NAXALT. It merely shows they have no real grasp on statistics and probability, added to that neochristian desperation.

Before Christianity, there was no ideology in the West that commanded us to love the Other. Moreover, a decadent woman without children will transfer her feelings and see the ‘minorities’ as her children. The transvaluation of values ​​not only implies repudiating the god of the Jews and reinstating the Aryan archetype, but every woman will be obliged to give the State at least five children.

Thankfully, in my girlfriend’s case, I should add that she has five children already. I was acting as stepfather, right up until the State (and her policeman ex husband) got involved, dismayed that I was attempting to educate the children as to the true nature of the world, and to free them from television and smart phone usage in favour of the garden, fitness, art, poetry, and the great outdoors, on top of me being a ‘dangerous ‘terrorist’ (for, as best I can see, owning a UK prepper’s grade of legal sporting toys & distributing widely-available e-books), and removed them, without due process or any defence statement allowed from me, and before any court case, treating a CPS accusation like a conviction, wrecking both our lives irrevocably. I think it’s since then that she seems to have turned in the direction of muted Other-love (not for the adults so much as the ‘starving African children’, we have argued over my views on abortion for example – it’s in my book’s diary entries), never a great priority to her before. What you say is correct. I mourn for the loss of my new family, and we both are in tangible grief. They ruined her, and her highest goal, the only active goal of her life, the soundest and most sacred of natural impulses, to be a mother. My own health too has plummeted since their loss.

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