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Conservatism Film


Why aren’t the racial right forums commenting on the blockbuster film Am I Racist? Matt Walsh’s movie is a mockery of the most radical wing of anti-racism and was released this month in the US and Canada (though not in the country where I live).

Another Christian who harshly criticises the excesses of Wokism, albeit in the Spanish-speaking world, is Agustín Laje. It is worth watching this conference which Laje begins by talking about John Stuart Mill and freedom of expression.

4 replies on “Wokism”

However ironic in use, I felt the trailer was undone by its utilization of degenerate music (although what more could someone expect from such an orthodox production?) Weirdly, I found myself – bar the obsessions over their incessant canard of ‘racism’ – empathising a little with the progressive commentators…

America as a national project does need to be destroyed, and there really isn’t anything worth saving. I don’t think it would bother me if the monument was re-named to something silly. Its very existence is testament to a country ruined from its outset, a corrupting Christian founding under at least one miscegenating liberal. A ridiculous country anyway, with a poorly-wrought foundation myth, steeped in egalitarianism, the seeds of its own later destruction, concerned only with capitalist financial aims from selfish Protestants in abandonment of their own ancestral blood and soil.

He should have continued dressing like a conservative (Republican?); it was just as silly. I’d like to watch it still though, for its main theme. I was aghast when I saw the dinner party table stuffed with nothing but women, all of that certain breed, thoroughly unsuited at all times to political and societal discourse. I hope I can find a way to watch it from this country.

Thank you for Brad Polumbo’s brief review. Yes, I don’t find that too surprising. Perhaps the rank and file Progressives truly believe what they’re saying, but, as with most political activist leaders across the spectrum, its obvious now she’s not willing even to put her money where her mouth is. Those of the sort of interview fees I’d expect a corrupt modern politician or failed ex-prime minister to request for an hour of their time, someone like Tony Blair (OK, slightly less).

I saw the comment underneath from a YouTuber saying “My ancestors had no slaves and fought in the Civil War to free slaves. No chance will I pay reparations.” It seems the Christian mentality has popped up again then. Personally, I think it would have been wiser to exterminate their enemies altogether than to fall back on the unreliable and dangerous tool of utilizing them for centuries of slave labour at all. As I wrote recently, were it not for the capitalist greed that founded America, the landowners rendered somewhat lazy then for all their industrious reputation, and their own European technical prowess and in-house innovation inhibited by the widespread use of free foreign labour, that very situation of emancipation, and the civil war in general, might never have come about. Difficult times and harder work breed true innovation and long-lasting progress, and their desire to sit back whilst slaves facilitated the resource gathering and maintenance of the industries retarded their civilization, much as freeing them was also a poor decision. As best as I can see, they should never have been in that country. Capitalism and Enlightenment Christian ethics sabotaged them from the start. I’d be interested to see more of Matt’s position regarding these ideas I’ve raised, if any. Like you, I’ll wait for YouTube.

As for the narrator, I just wish Brad could realise one of two options, 1. to stop using the neologism ‘racist’, no matter which side of the divide it is applied to, 2. to acknowledge that racists do exist among whites, and merely to announce, ‘So what? What’s wrong with that? It’s a good thing to be racially aware and ethnocentric. Don’t we wish to succeed?’

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