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Autobiography Kali Yuga

Dark Era!

Not long ago I noticed that there are YouTube channels showing videos of criminal investigations into serial killers of children (!) in the United States. Below we see two of the victims of one of these killers, image taken from this video.

Two months ago I posted an entry about a comic book I read as a child, Little Lulu. It was the age of innocence when I imagined that childhood in the neighbouring country to the north was as wholesome as the children in my favourite comic: Lulu, Tubby, Annie, Iggy, Willie, Wilbur and the beautiful little girl Gloria (whom I compared to Lorena: the girl I had a crush on in primary school). We even shot a super-8 film at home about one of these stories—a magazine that I still own after so many decades! My cousin Octavio played the role of Tubby, who sneaked into the house to eat the lunch that Lulu and Annie (played by my sisters) had prepared for them…

It would take time for me to realise the dark side of the society I lived in. But I never imagined the horrendous levels of evil to which not only the US but the entire West has fallen. Cases like the child abductor whose victims are pictured above are legion if those YouTube channels are to be believed. Is it any wonder that in January I fantasised about the movie The Village, filmed in the US by an Indian from India, which opens with a group of Aryans creating a town far from the iniquitous ways of Kali Yuga?

3 replies on “Dark Era!”

I refer to this 2004 film.

I promised myself I wouldn’t drop names, but recently a prolific white nationalist and his co-host on their podcast View from the Right spoke about the Fourth of July in nostalgic terms, like conservatives who hold up the 1950s as an exemplar. Well, a number of these child murders date back to that era, and only recent DNA technology has been able to solve those cases…

What I hate most about the Anti-White Loxists is that in the end they treat their own children badly and worse and now imagine our people who see us as inferior to them, that what they are is a Bunch of Neanderthals, the truth is that this world It’s a waste, it reminds me of what Ernesto Mila Rodriguez said.

We live in a situation very similar to that of the first years of the French Revolution of 1789 or during the period after the Soviet Revolution of 1917, when those in power were literally under siege and responded with terror, the guillotine and shootings. … Only today, it is not we who face a revolutionary period, but globalism and globalization. In 1989, with the fall of the Berlin Wall and then the Kuwait War, the first planetary revolution took place that brought to power a new doctrine, neoliberalism, and a new class “the lords of money”, through a structure of economic power, financial power. But this new system, this true revolution that began at the end of the 21st century does not work well: this crisis is the first crisis of globalization, the globalized world is unviable because it is excessively diverse for the parties to be able to compete with fair play and Always, inevitably, globalization will drag down wages and generate misery and industrial desertification in most of the world. The “new revolutionaries” now need to accelerate their project of planetary domination. That is why they are decimating and destroying the islands of resistance. They are the wars that the US has waged in the last fifteen years and that target the hearts of free peoples: they are the NATO bombings of Yugoslavia, they are the attacks on the Taliban regime that had stabilized, managing to reduce the production of heroin and pacifying the country except for a small strip of the north, was the attack against Iraq (it is a country in the region that had the best educational system and more permissive than any other in the area), were the executions of Milosevic, Saddam, Gaddafi, the fabrication of the Bin Laden myth, the mass murders in self-attacks such as 9/11, a true casus belli to unleash a “strategy to fight against terrorism” on a global level, the “Eastern springs”, the “Arab springs” that always ended in fiascos or civil war, it is the economic crisis artificially created through rating agencies and through large-scale fraud and the deliberate promotion of economic bubbles, it is the destruction of the Welfare State that points at the back of the neck of all of us, are the new healthcare technologies that will only be accessible upon payment to those who can afford them but that will be closed to the vast majority of the population…

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