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Francis Parker Yockey

4th of July

In 2015 I posted another entry with the same title where I quote Francis Parker Yockey. Along with another American racialist, Michael O’Meara, Yockey realised what his country was all about—unlike those on the contemporary racial right who still wave the American flag and feel safe to spout the words ‘Jew, Jew, Jew!’ as if that explained everything.

Given that Joseph Walsh is now in a London jail because of thoughtcrime (remember: Yockey died in prison!), I would like to quote below what he said nine years ago in the comments section of the post linked above:

How appropriate that America will be the first white country where whites will become a minority (if you don’t count Rhodesia and South Africa). Whites are about 55% of America’s population now. They will eventually be 49%.

Even if the whole of white America became racially aware and every white voted for an open National Socialist political party they would still not be able to beat the Democratic party which takes votes in the three crucial states of New York, California and Texas. So a political solution to the survival of white America is out of the question. As William Pierce used to say ‘White revolution is the only solution’. Even if a white revolution leads to a World War, it is the only way to secure white survival: Racial Holy Wars or extinction.

There are about 600 million whites worldwide, yet I would say that not even 1% of the white race is racially conscious. Only about 2 million whites worldwide are. We are in trouble. What we do not have in quantity we must make up for in ruthlessness.

But the blonde beast won’t rise until the collapse comes. Therefore— When will you throw your nukes at Hezbollah, Bibi?

13 replies on “4th of July”

In my opinion National Socialism or any political party and ideology won’t bring about the reawakening of White racial concioussness nor will lectures or harsh rebuking of Whites.

What will awaken the blond beast is a renewed culture based on the Nordic/Aryan racial spirit. Art which praises the Nordic figure, stories which show Nordic heroism in the face of modern degeneracy and manipulation and renewed artistic circles which focus solely on the Nordic Ideal of beauty and spiritual expression.

The West turned away from the Nordic racial ideal thanks to opposing artistic expression among Jews and Judeo-Christians which makes up modern art and more art is always being made to reinforces this opposition so cultural and artistic expression did more to change Western civilization then any political party could.

Even Hitler was able to become Fuhrer and maintain the loyalty of his fellow Germans because he appealed to the popular artistic and cultural image of the Nordic Race which was already long established in Germany before he came to power.

The Nordic Ideal itself was long established because of the cultural and artistic significance of the Nordic race for most of Western history which Guenther pointed out many times in his works and being the son of musicians he understood this connection between racial spirit and art really well.

In my opinion National Socialism … won’t bring about the reawakening of White racial concioussness … What will awaken the blond beast is a renewed culture based on the Nordic/Aryan racial spirit.

Id est: National Socialism! Or haven’t you read the National Socialist Hans F.K. Günther?

“In its essence, the National Socialist idea exceeds not only Germany and our time, but the Aryan race and mankind itself and any epoch; it ultimately expresses that mysterious and unfailing wisdom according to which Nature lives and creates: the impersonal wisdom of the primeval forests and of the ocean depths and of the spheres in the dark fields of space; and it is to Adolf Hitler’s glory not merely to have gone back to that divine wisdom … but to have made it the basis of a practical regeneration policy of worldwide scope … (The Lightning and the Sun, pp. 219-220, standard edition; p. 128, Pierce edition)” (Savitri Devi)

National Socialism and Nordicism both are movements that are grounded in reality and the natural order and both seek the well-being and improvement of the Aryan race. But their differences are that National Socialism makes or seems to make the improvement of the Aryan race and its value “ideologically objective” (it is universally applicable to all races) whereas the Nordicism of Guenther and Schemann stated that the self-improvement of the Nordic race and its value as a race is only applicable or relevant to the cultural and civilizational fabric of Western civilization particularly Germanic-speaking peoples and possibly other predominantly Nordic people of Non-Germanic speech.

The National Socialists favoring the Nordic/Aryan race as objectively valuable is what caused them to seek out the subjugation/enslavement or eradication of less-desirable races because they were considered not to be universally equal to Aryans is not an idea that most Aryans/Nordics will obviously agree with.

Since National Socialism is stated to be grounded to reality; it should have been aware of the reality that Natural Selection only adapts animals to their local environment; it does not make them objectively better than the animal species around them who are adapted to other environments so the Nordic/Aryan race’s value as a race should only have mattered to local Germanic-speaking countries and culture and manner of civilization within Europe and Germanic-founded countries like the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc.

But the Nordic movement did actually recognize this reality and it was made very clear in “On the ‘Value’ of Races” and “Misunderstandings of the Nordic idea” if you had read these whole chapters.

So National Socialism could not restore the Nordic race and look after its well-being with its objectivist ideas of Aryan racial superiority and it even sent many Nordic/Aryan men to fight and die in a bloody World War in the name of this objective racial value of their race which is the opposite of what the Nordic Movement of
Guenther wanted.

Hitler’s belief in objective Aryan racial superiority also made him indifferent to how many individual Aryan would die heroically to defend their fatherlands and spread his beliefs since he only saw them having breeding value and nothing else becuase they were only seen as parts of a whole national body of NS Germany whose parts can be replaced with more people who will have no ability to willingly participate in the defense of their race and country sicne they will be propagandized, especially in the SS, which is also something Guenther and the Nordic Movement did not agree with.
Wars destroys Nordic blood the most along with the cultural and artistic energy of the West and propaganda is not an ethical way to promote the Nordic ideal and and many Nordicists, even the ones in America like Stoddard and Grant, knew this.

Most of all, if the Nordic Movement succeeded in showing that the Nordic race only mattered to Western civilization and culture to the world; then nobody would have a problem with the Nordic race being considered of high value by the West like they do today thanks to the belief of the objective racial value of the Aryan race by National Socialism which caused so much death and destruction to Europe and paved the way for the abolition of Europe by the fanatics who push universal racial equality.

So I really don’t understand why Guenther and the pre-NS Nordic Movement of the 1890s-1930s is not considered to be very important for the preservation of the Aryan/Nordic race.

Robiul Hoque,

I would suggest that you write shorter comments. I have a habit that if I see long ones, I don’t even read them.

‘There are about 600 million whites worldwide, yet I would say that not even 1% of the white race is racially conscious.’

As Dr. Robert Morgan put it: ‘You cannot save a people who don’t want to be saved.’

William Luther Pierce called the normie white population ‘lemmings’ after the myth that lemmings commit mass suicide. However, it appears that sheep—what Rabbi Jesus called his cultists—sometimes commit suicide in this manner.

As I never tire of saying: the takeaway from: ‘Take up your Cross daily’ is that Christianity is a suicide cult. Ragnar Redbeard called Jesus ‘the true crown prince of evil’.

Inspired by Nietzsche who used passages from the Lutheran Bible to invert their meaning, when I speak of ‘take up your cross’ I mean the Cross of tolerating these traitorous whites and trying to do something for them! (impossible according to Morgan).

“As Dr. Robert Morgan put it: ‘You cannot save a people who don’t want to be saved.’”

All peoples and races need a spirit or a culture rooted among them in order to see themselves as a people in the first place. Whites/Nordics are a race who lost their culture and spirit and had it replaced with one made by Hollywood and Jewish modern artistic expression which promoted all the traits and behaviors of ‘lemmings’ or ‘sheep’.

That kind of culture is also the only one Aryans today have with no competing cultural and artistic influences unless you include anime. So if Aryans/Nordics do not have a culture of their own like they did back then of course they are a race who will passively accept their fate becoming a minority in their own countries. Only a cultural revival of the Nordic spirit and Western art has some chance to get a significant amount of Nordics to care about saving their race.

When you talk about a “cultural revival of the Nordic spirit”, I believe you mean turning the clock back at least 1500 years, right? Because the Aryans have been marching, slowly but steadily, towards their doom since that time, at least. A little thing called “Christianity” have a lot to do with that. And you also seem to believe that such “revival” is possible by peaceful means, without bloodshed. How do you propose to do that? You mentioned the pre-NS nordic movement. Well, I know nothing about them, but did they make any considerable progress during, for example, the “roaring twenties”? Do you really think this “revival”, and the promotion of such values, are possible against a massive campaign of demonization led by news and entertainment media, and academia, completely in the hands of the “enemy’, without first completely obliterating this system (with can only be done, I’m my opinion, with extreme prejudice)?

The Aryans/Nordics managed to survive Christianization and even came to dominate it by forming a nobility that struggled against Church power and influence especially in German-speaking kingdoms even if they were slowly being exposed to racial mixing and egalitarian ideals. Let’s not forget that it was both the Roman and Byzantine Church that heavily depended on the Aryan/Nordic warrior-nobilities from all over Europe to defend them from foreign influences and threats so the Church needed the Aryan race to exist so it could exist.

As for the Nordic cultural revival, I do think it could be done peacefully because this “massive campaign of demonization” as you say is directed at the ideology of objective racial value of the Nordic race. The Pre-NS Nordicist Movement in Germany at least thought that the high value attributed to the Nordic race is only valid within the context of Germanic civilization and culture. If that same idea was expressed through a cultural revival; there would be no valid moral reason to demonize it unlike with the idea of objective White racial superiority.

If you want to learn more about this pre-NS Nordicist Movement I translated some of their work into English in my blog.

Robiul Hoque:

The Aryans/Nordics managed to survive Christianization and even came to dominate it by forming a nobility that struggled against Church power…

In real history, Aryans never dominated Christianity; Xtianity subjugated them. You really have to read, at least, our excerpts of Who We Are within The Fair Race. Otherwise it’s impossible to understand the darkest our of the West.

Robiul Hoque:

Only a cultural revival of the Nordic spirit and Western art has some chance to get a significant amount of Nordics to care about saving their race.

But this can’t happen if we don’t shake the monkey of Christianity off our backs. You really need to read some of the PDFs on this site, for example the first book we published, The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour: especially Eduardo Velasco’s essay on how Judea defeated Rome through Judeo-Christianity.

In short, Nordicism, if we use the famous parable of the sower, is a seed that will never fall on fertile ground in Christendom. We must first implement the Nietzschean law against Christianity in order for the seed to reach fertile ground. But to understand it, as I said you must do some reading before continuing posting long comments on this site.

Incidentally, I fully agree with you about Nordicism vs. the POV of American racialists, who cannot distinguish between mudbloods and Aryans—because of their Judeo-Xtian values!

“But this can’t happen if we don’t shake the monkey of Christianity off our backs. You really need to read some of the PDFs on this site, for example the first book we published, The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour: especially Eduardo Velasco’s essay on how Judea defeated Rome through Judeo-Christianity.”

What these PDFs have taught me is that internationalism is bad for the Aryan/Nordic race. Any kind of internationalism whether it is Christian, colonial, ideological, racial etc. The Aryan race needs to be a free race with roots within their own lands and a high culture which celebrates their heroic spirit and physical beauty. This culture no longer exists thanks to internationalism which Christianity is a part becuase it is a direct threat to it. So if it were to be revived by specifically creating art and films that defy modernity and celebrate Nordic beauty within the context of Germanic/Indo-European speaking cultures. Animation is one medium where this can be done with minimal cost.

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