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Aryan beauty Hans F. K. Günther Nordicism

The Nordic ideal

Editor’s note: A correspondent sent me these translations of Hans F. K. Günther’s Der Nordische Gedanke unter den Deutschen with a note: ‘This will put white nationalists in their place and perhaps grant more moral and social legitimacy to the Nordic movement’. Those who want to delve deeper into the matter can use Google translator to read this article that Eduardo Velasco wrote on his webzine Evropa Soberana.


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Complaints against the Nordic idea

The Nordic idea is a consequence of the recognition of the importance of the Nordic race for the life of the Germanic-speaking peoples and therefore presents the image of the healthy Nordic person as the model for the selection of the German people. The Nordic idea thus aims at the birth victory of the Nordic person within all German tribes: at the higher number of children that can be achieved by the predominantly Nordic people of all German tribes after appropriate choice of spouse…

The opponents of the racial idea are now less concerned about the alleged incitement of people than about the ‘destroying intention’ of the racial idea. One would like to accuse the Nordic idea of causing a rift in the German people: on this side the Nordics, on the other the non-Nordics.

This accusation cannot apply to the Nordic idea, simply because the reality is quite different: the racial rift does not run through the German people but through almost every single German. It is a rift that brings every single German the unease of having to decide: for or against the select model of the Nordic people. By pointing to a rift in the German people that must separate Nordic Germans from non-Nordic Germans, the opponents of the Nordic idea were unable to arouse any effective resistance to the emphasis on the importance of the Nordic race, because just as the number of purely Nordic people in Germany is relatively small, the number of people without a Nordic influence is also relatively small. Moreover, it would not be possible to ‘organize’ a unity of all non-Nordic Germans because these non-Nordic people would have to be gathered from the most hostile circles and camps of the German religious denominations, classes, parties and tribes: an impossible undertaking…

It is difficult to understand how the Nordic idea can have a ‘completely disruptive’ effect if it praises the importance of a race that has proven itself to be the creative one among all German tribes. The Nordic-minded Germans will not be able to become ‘destroyers of the people’, as they have been accused because they emphasize the unity of the German tribes through the common Nordic blood, the creative blood in the German national body. They will not divide the German people as the political parties do, which emphasize class differences – the high number of children of a found Nordic working-class couple will be more important to them than the high number of children of a non-Nordic noble or rich person.

The Nordic movement will not divide the German people as the religious denominations do, which erect barriers between Germans and Germans that go beyond their matters. The Nordic movement does not want to achieve its goal through the means used by churches or parties, but through the higher birth rates of the predominantly Nordic Germans—a means that will not harm any of our fellow countrymen in any way. Just as the non-Nordic Germans are not blamed for having a higher number of descendants than the predominantly Nordic ones, we German Protestants do not blame the German Catholics for having a higher number of children (birth rate in Prussia per marriage in 1912: 47 for Catholics, 2.9 for Protestants)—neither can the predominantly Nordic people be blamed for having a higher number of children.

The ‘butterfly victory’ of the Catholic Church will serve as an example for the Nordic movement. All the arguments against the Nordic idea reveal again and again that the fact that this idea is new has a downright confusing effect on most observers. It is confirmed once again: most people who consider a new idea try to fit it into the traditional set of ideas of the time. But here we must once again demand that the idea of a re-Nordization can hardly be fitted into any one place; from its perspective, it will have to demand a completely new order, a thorough relearning…

While the theory of hereditary health (racial hygiene) shows the means to increase the higher-value genetic makeup in general and thus aims to benefit all peoples and all races represented in the nations, the Nordic idea is primarily aimed at increasing the higher-value genetic makeup of a race represented in the German people, in fact in all its tribes: the Nordic. It therefore wants to first stop the ongoing counter-selection of the Nordic blood component of all German tribes and then help this Nordic component to have higher numbers of children…

The promotion of the reproduction of hereditarily capable people regardless of racial affiliation will not meet with resistance in the long run. But the special promotion of the reproduction of hereditarily capable people of a certain race—this goal, which is precisely what makes the Nordic movement unique—will still bring this movement a lot of opposition… The promotion of the Nordic race, so that it achieves not only the same but higher numbers of children than the other races, will only ever be taken up as a task by a fraction of the people. But a fraction is enough to fulfil the task. If only he achieves the higher number of children from his circles, this fraction will always be proportionally satisfied. That is the nature of the birth rate.

Once that has been achieved, the Nordic movement has the task of monitoring the selection and number of children in its circles, supporting economically weakened, capable clans so that they can have a large number of children, etc.

Ultimately, the Nordic idea seeks to convince people through the fact of its existence and through the way of life of its adherents…

The knowledge of the value of the Nordic race for the German people will never be directed against an individual, but it will have to clearly distinguish between desirable and less desirable childbearing—this distinction seems indispensable. Everything must be done to increase the birth rate of Nordic and more Nordic people in Germany.

12 replies on “The Nordic ideal”

‘The book [Der Nordische Gedanke unter den Deutschen] covers the fundamental ideas of Nordicism, its goals and the misconceptions about it and why the Nordic race is an appropriate model for the German people. It also explains the “creative spirit” of the Northern race. One thing that is interesting about this book is that it does not convey the idea that the Nordic race is objectively superior to other races but actually the Nordic race is only “superior” in relation to the culture and civilisation which comes from its spirit/race soul which is Western civilisation’.

“the high number of children of a found Nordic working-class couple will be more important to them than the high number of children of a non-Nordic noble or rich person.”

I think this is an important point for America.

Destroying class divisions and focusing in the nordic ideal would have had a great impact on this sick, mammon worshiping country.

I read Europa Soveranas texts about eugenics and he was on spot by saying there was nothing more unfair than discriminating through something as stupid and superfluous as money.

Had Hitler won the war, his influence would have smashed the bourgeoisie classes and eradicated any threat opposing to the Nordic ideal.

The funny thing, Herr Caesar, is that those who mostly oppose the Nordic ideal are not from other races but judaized Nordid (the english and American middle and political classes).

I promised not to mention names and I must keep my word. But a few years ago one of the leading figures of white nationalism gave a lecture and speaking about the distinction between Mediterraneans and Nordics said ‘I guess I belong to the Nordic type’, or something very close to it.

The way he said it (physically he looks like Stephen King), is that he had to be modest in front of his audience; he must not offend anyone.

From my POV, these scruples are what are killing the white man. He is ashamed of his superiority and wants to diminish it by despising Nordicism. That’s why I believe that JQ is secondary to the Aryan problem: the inheritance of guilt in the Aryan collective unconscious that Christianity bequeathed to us, even to secular whites.

“Everything must be done to increase the birth rate of Nordic and more Nordic people.”

This should be carved on stone for every white nationalist to see and memorize as mantra.

Today, negroes and Orientals breed like rats and are covering the world with filth while a cold, subtle war is being waged against the Nordids birthrate.

For us to succeed against the darkest hour, we need to embrace the Nordic ideal and fulfill the transvaluation of values.

Other races should not be disparaged in order to achieve the Nordic ideal. Guenther himself was respectful towards other races & wished them well along with his own race. All he wanted was for his race to have a future & have them look to improve themselves both body & soul. By improvement he specifically meant turning Nordics away from degeneracy & filth & towards self-discipline, calm reflection, duty, & noble actions. A tradition of a well-disciplined mind & body is what makes the Nordic man “superior” to races that lack this they’d rather engage in degenerate pleasures & vices.

In order for Nordics to succeed they need to focus on loving & heroically defending their race & opposing the spirit, not the physical existence, of Jews & Nonwhites. Spirit is what guided civilization & the Nordic spirit has been replaced by the modern Jewish spirit which is why the West is so antiwhite/anti-Nordic. While the Nordic spirit has been forgotten & only mentioned in a almost hundred year old book that I painstakingly translated.

There are 3 possible instances of racial appearances. 1) All brown/or black colored, all bright colored (Nordic), or a combination of the two but usually with a stronger instance of brownness. Any subvarieties of humans races will either fall into one of these three.

@ Robiul Hoque,

What happened to your site?


It was not doing well but I have made a new blog where I will be posting the translations to Gunther’s spiritual work on race.

In Guenther’s day those who opposed the Nordic spirit & ideal were Non-Nordic Germans & Europeans & Jews.

They had various reasons for opposing it but the most major reason in my opinion is that the Nordic spirit & ideal is the direct antithesis to the modernist Jewush spirit which has infected the West today with all its degeneracy, hyperindoviduslism & encouragement towards indulgence & pleasure & away from duty, self-discipline & heroism. It was these qualities that made the Nordic spirit/ideal “superior” because it drives people away from animalistic degeneracy & towards being the best a Nordic man can be both genetically & spirituality within his own civilization.

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