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Racial right Savitri Devi

Heydrich, 3

In the film, the meeting that starts at this moment makes me think…

Had it not been for the Anglo-Americans, these are the kind of meetings that would exist today in the centre of a Europe completely conquered by the Third Reich instead of the meetings where the Russians now have the power over the destiny of Europe.

If the white race is to survive, sooner or later the English and Americans will have to make a truly astronomical humility cure—i.e, swallow their pride—and do a centuries-long penance for the blunder their ancestors committed in the 20th century (and 21st century by continuing to defame Hitler).

Incidentally, as far as my Tuesday post about the impostor is concerned, I learned a lesson.

I shouldn’t drop names when criticising the racial right because, sometimes, I will need their favours. For example, the moderator of Counter-Currents did me the courtesy of clarifying, in the comments thread, that the impostor who in various racialist forums has been trolling me for six years was a troll and not the real César Tort. Like it or not, from now on I won’t drop names because I have had the experience that some moderators of other racialist forums have been so susceptible to my criticisms that they continued to let the comments of that impostor pass, under my name, even after I repeatedly informed them by email that the impostor wasn’t me.

So from now on my criticisms of the racial right will omit the names of the specific persons, so as not to unnecessarily hurt their susceptibilities.

In any case, the regular visitor to this site is well aware that my ideological difference with them lies precisely in the fact that they don’t think like Heydrich and his SS gang, as we see at the round table in the film. The racial right still lives under the sky of Christian morality, and we want to practice genocides like Genghis Khan for the simple fact that we must comply with the four words (‘eliminate all unnecessary suffering’). And if humans are the devils of the animals on earth, to save them we must dispatch them. Always keep in mind that the first measures taken by the Nazis when they came to power were precisely to prohibit vivisection and many other unnecessary sufferings of our cousins!

Those who do not feel such compassion for animals will never understand National Socialism, and I would suggest that they stop visiting racialist forums and read instead Savitri Devi’s Impeachment of Man, which touches on the issue of unnecessary cruelty to animals.

In the next post of this series, I will see if it is worth quoting some specific words of these SS officers at the round table…

5 replies on “Heydrich, 3”

In my view, the four words is the only sensible alternative to Antinatalism.

In my view, there is no guarantee, even with Antinatalism, that it would end all suffering. Perhaps life and with it horrendous suffering, might happen again on this planet. I don’t think that the technology even exists to destroy this planet so thoroughly that future life could not evolve on it. If this occurs, then we are simply kicking the horrendous-suffering can down the road. Instead of Antinatalism, in my view, we ought instead to direct our energies to the 4 words: end all unnecessary suffering. I wrote about this in that anthology: On Exterminationism.

For new visitors, Gaedhal’s short piece can be read here, pages 143-144. Solving the problem of evil is my life’s goal!

A bizarre fact is some of the current German leaders are descendents of former 3rd Reich officers, yet they are enforcing policies poisonous to Germany and Europe’s future.
There was a term used before WW2 by the Nazi’s of the Michel? class I think, of those cosmopolitans who destroy Europe for spite and personal money. This class of person is firmly in power now in EU.


Could you blog on your new Jewess President of Mexico. How did that happen? I would have thought that Mexicans were more naturally racist than that. Aren’t brown Mexicans more anti-Semitic than Whites? Also, we’re getting reports of upwards of around 40 political assassinations throughout Mexico. Could you describe that phenomenon. Is that purely the result of Amerindian violence and drug cartels?

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