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Racial right

Cancer patients

The brief exchange between Will Williams, an anti-Christian racialist like us, and a Christian commenting on Counter-Currents, reminds me of my dilemma: I want to save Anglo-Germans from the ongoing extinction but most are like a cancerous patient who refuses to see that his cancer is due to smoking.

In other words: the rampant self-loathing from which today’s Aryan suffers is ultimately due to Christian ethics and guilt that grows every day like cancer. For example, the alluded Christian stated: ‘despite [William] Pierce’s brilliance, his agenda is seen as morally repugnant’ by racial right groups—not realising that to wipe out orcs is the only way to survive (remember: millions of them have already invaded the Aryan lands)!

Fortunately, Jared Taylor, the granddaddy of American race realism, is already realising that his country is a goner, as we can see in his latest video.

How long will it take my northern neighbours to appreciate what I say on page 73 of my recent psychobiography on Nietzsche?

3 replies on “Cancer patients”

The tensions between pro-White Christians and pro-White anti-Christians is a fascinating one. I was never Christian. I started out my intellectual journey as a militant anti-Christian atheist. I slowly moved to anti-Christian White Nationalism after going through normie Conservative, anti-Islam, and libertarian phases. But I have never abandoned my anti-Christian stance

Hunter Wallace argues that it is not Christianity but modern liberalism that is responsible for the West’s decline and that before modernity the Christian West was very racist. While this is true I think it is woefully incomplete. Since the middle of the 19th century modern science has put Christianity on life support. Post Darwin, it is growing increasingly difficult for Christian literalists to win over intelligent White youth; one of the reasons why young people just keep pushing left. And as CT has pointed out on this blog, modern historical research is in the process of proving that the Jesus story was pure myth born of Jewish midrash. There is a multi-century out-migration from Christian literalism. I don’t see Christian literalism having a future. Or I should say a White future. Dumb blacks and browns are embracing Christianity. Big deal. Therefore I don’t think Christianity could possibly save the White Race. How do you create a meaningful movement of White racial particularism on a theological foundation of spiritual universalism? I don’t think it can be done.

One of my influences in becoming a pro-White racialist was Larry Auster, the Jewish convert to Christianity. He was a Christian literalist par excellence. I can’t help believe that he was a big influence on Nick Fuentes (and Vox Day too). Auster used to tie himself up in knots trying to argue how Darwinian macro-evolution was wrong (the biggest fraud ever he said) but micro evolution was true. And he would forcefully argue that Christian universalism did not imply multi-racialism. Maybe if we lived in the 18th century or prior where we did not have the transportation and communication technology that we have today.

As for me, I would rather believe in the computer simulation hypothesis than the God of Abraham. I have nothing but contempt for that malevolent Semitic god. It is not the god of my native Nordic people. Going forward, it may be possible that Christian White Nationalism may serve a useful purpose in the short term. But if this battle is going to take centuries and end up in a world wide racial upheaval, at some point there is going to have to be a non-universalist philosophic foundation for White racialism. What that will look like I don’t know. But it not be born of the God of Abraham.

Hunter Wallace argues that it is not Christianity but modern liberalism that is responsible for the West’s decline and that before modernity the Christian West was very racist. While this is true I think it is woefully incomplete.

But in the case of Latin America that’s not even true! Here the Iberian whites began to mix even before Hernán Cortés married an Indian woman!

The dishonesty of those American racialists who only see the navel of their nation is astronomical, since they are unable to realise that south of the Rio Grande there were historical events that cleanly refute their claim that before modernity everything was great in Christendom.

And let’s not talk about how the empire that Constantine left, with its universalism, soon became a melting pot for all the races of the Mediterranean. Even in this, the American racialists lie to themselves by only looking at their navel (both Kevin MacDonald and Greg Johnson republished Wallace’s piece), as if the history of Europe didn’t exist either!


Very correct, the USA is a goner and has been for some time. Low IQ human filth do not make a country.

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