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In political theory, the Overton window represents an ideology acceptable to the public. Yesterday watching the interview of Colonel Douglas McGregor by Judge Napolitano, I was impressed that the colonel said that the Israeli lobby controls Western politics, the media and the financial sector because both the colonel and the judge are normies. I used to watch the judge on Fox News and the colonel worked in Donald Trump’s cabinet—in other words, they are both normies.

It’s amazing how the window has expanded as far as the JQ is concerned thanks to Bibi’s genocide in Palestine. While it is more accurate to say that Jews control the aforementioned sectors, clearly the window has expanded. I wonder if, when the Middle East conflict escalates into a regional war, the window of acceptable discourse will expand even further and the JQ will be openly discussed (no longer needing to say that it is just the Israeli lobby)?

It seems that at last, the pendulum of history is beginning to swing to our side. But its inertia is insufficient because the racial right still doesn’t have Uncle Adolf as its guiding star. There are still no leaders with whom the ordinary dissident could identify. Perhaps tomorrow I should resume my comments on Simms’ book.

8 replies on “Overton”

I would add that it is a “question” only for normies, Christians and conservatives. I agree with Linder that we on the white racial right should phrase it: ‘the Jewish Problem’.

We don’t go about asking ourselves “questions” about other biological problems that are an existential threat to us. That there is a Jewish “Question” just testifies to the Christian axiology that we still live move and have our being in. The Jews, although apostates, are still created in the image and likeness of God. They still possess souls of imperishable value and infinite worth. And were one to contemplate dealing with the Jewish problem as with any other biological problem, then in steps the decalogue, the transgressing of which will send one to a post-mortem superheated torture chamber.

I was looking back at some of your old blogposts from years ago. Linder once said that Jews can no more stop jewing than termites can stop chewing wood. This is why ‘Every. Single. Time.’ is a thing.

Biologically, Jews are ‘obligate parasitoids’, i.e. a ‘species that must parasite off a host for sustenance, and then must kill the host itself’.

‘ob-’ in Latin means: ‘towards’. ‘legatum’ means: ‘tied’. Thus, the etymology of ‘obligate’ signifies that the organism’s ‘hands are tied’, so to speak. The organism cannot do otherwise.

Yes, Gaedhal,

Jews are parasites and they always need the blood of others to survive.

That’s why exterminating them is more than justified, but such act is forbidden under Christian axiology.

To solve the Christian question opens the way to the solution of the JQ.

In other words, you start by untying your hands (using the above metaphor by Gaedhal). If white people are tied up, it is because Christian ethics commands it.

It has long occurred to me to argue with atheists in this way when talking about the JQ (or Jewish Problem): ‘Apparently you are a neo-Christian.’

When they don’t understand, I explain to them that during the Jewish holocaust perpetrated by Titus in the year 70 c.e., no white man complained, and that loving your enemy was malware installed in subsequent centuries in the Aryan collective unconscious.

Who among the editors of the major racial-right sites thinks we should do something similar to The Turner Diaries? They’re all neo-Christians!

Yesterday I was listening to Gregory Hood’s latest podcast View From the Right but I stopped when this guy said that since Sam Francis the bulk of everything substantial had already been said.

Nonsense! Neither Hood nor his interlocutor (or the late Francis) talked about the CQ, much less about transvaluing our values back to the values of the Romans in the year 70 c.e.!

White nationalism is a dead end.

The Jews themselves say that the Romans killed a greater number of Jews, proportionally, than what Hitler did, if we admit, arguendo, the historicity of the Holocaust. And yet, the Pagan Romans never had paroxysms of grief, regret and self-hatred over this, like the modern Christianised Germans do. Nay, the pagan Romans had a triumphal procession in The City, and built a triumphal arch which still, remarkably, stands today. A list of Roman massacres of Jews is given in Atwell’s Caesar’s Messiah. I think that there was a massacre of tens of thousands of Jews in the City of Alexandria. To be a modern German politician is to weep and wail and rend one’s garments continually over what Germany supposedly did in the Second World War.

And yet, the Pagan Romans never had paroxysms of grief, regret and self-hatred over this, like the modern Christianised Germans do.

And precisely that is what I call the ogre of the superego (cf. my post today).

The Romans mistake was being too tolerant with jews and not exterminating thoroughly, like the pest they are.

The jews certainly understood that fact and created a virulent religion that will safe guard their existence.

What should have been our response to that? Herr Nietzsche gave us the answer already, way too late, but still better late than never.

It wasn’t exactly tolerance.

They believed that they could apply the same medicine as in Carthage, but they failed to realise that the psyche of the Jews was much more resistant than the Carthaginians.

If Emperor Hadrian had known what these Semites were planning with Judeo-Christianity, he wouldn’t have left stone upon stone of Jerusalem, nor gene upon gene of its inhabitants.

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