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On Richard Grannon

In talking recently about mental illness with a clear aetiology of early childhood parental abuse, I said that I resented using Sam Vaknin’s seminal work because he is a Jew, and in a subsequent post I said that Richard Grannon said the same thing but that he is an Aryan. The problem, of course, is that it isn’t clear who is worse: the external enemy or the traitor.

In a recent interview, for example, Grannon touched in passing on the subject of National Socialism in our times and said that he had a Chinese girlfriend, and that some National Socialists told him that if he had children with her it would be a problem because it would stain his blood. Grannon found this desire to preserve racial purity unacceptable.

That brief exchange magnificently illustrates what we have been discussing on this site for years: which is worse, the subversive Jew or the traitorous Aryan? The white nationalist consensus is simply to blame the Jew and exonerate the Aryan, whom they consider merely a victim of the Jew.

Jewry is certainly noxious but this nationalist stance is, in my view, incredibly derogatory of the Aryans in that it sets them up as easily hypnotised dudes: like those parasitic worms that burrow into grasshoppers so that they commit suicide by throwing themselves into the water, where the worm larvae can already crawl out.

Unlike white nationalism, I believe that the Aryan has the same level of agency as the Jew, but that after the Punic Wars decimated the original caste, the patricians began to interbreed with the mudbloods of the Mediterranean, which got worse when Caesar set up an empire and even worse when Constantine, in an already highly interbred Mediterranean, had the brilliant idea of replacing the ancient Aryan religion for a Semitic one.

That was what caused the West’s darkest hour, with the aggravating factor that in modernity, after the founding of the United States and the French Revolution, Christian egalitarianism mutated into secular egalitarianism, and with the result of the Second World War into the distinctly anti-white ideology that, in our century, has reached its terminal metastasis.

White nationalists don’t see things that way: they simply make a Christian reading of Western history, and in the case of secular nationalists, in no way subscribe to what William Pierce wrote in Who We Are, which details what I said above at the level of a historical essay.

The fact that the external links section of the Metapedia article on Who We Are directs the visitor to a defunct Lulu Inc. page, where we see that this book is no longer available even by that sell-on-delivery printer, speaks volumes. White nationalists generally don’t care about an alternative view of history from the Aryan preservationist viewpoint. The history books that they read, if they read any at all, have been authored by either Christians or neo-Christians.

So back to the issue: which is worse, the Jew or the traitorous Aryan—Sam Vaknin of Richard Grannon? The problem is that almost all whites today think like Grannon. For me, a pure white man who tells me he’s going to marry a Chinese woman, I’ll stop talking to him for life. And if it doesn’t affect my job or income, I’ll spit on the ground and tell him I’ll see him and his new family on the Day of the Rope. But nationalists never talk like that, not even remotely! Like good Christians or neo-Christians they believe in loving everyone, even the traitor.

I believe that only exterminationist hatred can save us.

7 replies on “On Richard Grannon”

“I’ll spit on the ground and tell him I’ll see him and his new family on the Day of the Rope.”

That’s the kind of pushback that I’m yearning to see. If I saw that publicly I would cheer “Well said!”. It would be a small sign of a paradigm shift, from Happy Mode into Angry Mode.

Race-mixing faggots like Grannon can’t be executed yet, but they can be ridiculed and humiliated.

Can we really blame the behavior of white women with men lik Grannon?

Atila the hun was murdered by his gothic mistress when the Germanic warriors raised in arms and challenged him.

The same can happen again today, but we seriously need to put ourselves together and brush away any christian sense of guilt or shame.

Agreed, but in the case o Atila’s mistress, I would have killed her too (after saying a nice “thank you, good job”, of course), not to mention her modern equivalents. You see, damaged goods and all that LOL.

I wouldn’t have hurt her, since good deeds are rewarded, not punished, and women just need a strong masculine energy to keep themselves straight.

If modern women today were to kill Grannon and the sort like him, they’ll be rewarded and praised, regardless to whether they can find a husband or not.

Ideological allies don’t kill each other, after all.

So, she opened her legs to Atila because they were “ideological allies” and then changed her mind when the “tide” changed? What about male traitors, do they deserve the same treatment?

Which one gets sent to the concentration camp to learn the meaning of arbeit macht frei?

Hint, it isn’t the jew.

There is no forgiveness for those who are too brain-damaged to be salvageable.

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