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2nd World War Correspondence Film Women

‘Cool German ladies’

Yesterday I made a find among the documents my father left behind: a letter written during the Second World War, in Germany, from the combat zone between the Americans and the Germans.

The missive, typed in Spanish, is addressed to my father and lacks a year, although we see the words ‘Abril 9’ (April 9) at the top. A brief note from my father that I didn’t scan for this post attached to the letter reads (my translation): ‘Letter from Nelson Valderrama. Friend of mine in high school’.

I will translate the two sentences marked in pink (the orange is a sticky tape which, I assume, my father put on). On the first page, we read ‘…and I wounded the first German I ever wounded—between neck and shoulder, as I searched him I got his blood on me’. On the back is the second page we read: ‘…a young German girl, I stayed with her most of the night. I don’t understand these people, they’re supposed to hate Americans, and here they are super cool young ladies whose boyfriends we’ve killed, inviting us to spend the night with them…’

Many times I have mentioned my favourite Russian film, Andrei Rublev, where Durochka, a blonde girl, spits in her partner Andrei’s face to leave with a Tartar after these savages massacred, with infinite cruelty, almost all the inhabitants of her village. What I love not only about that scene but about the film in general, is that it makes no value judgements: it just portrays with extraordinary crudeness the reality as it happened centuries ago in director Tarkovsky’s mother Russia.

In one of his videos, the late Gonzalo Lira said that women’s behaviour shouldn’t infuriate us. It is simply their nature. I would add that this is as true for Dúrochka as it is for the German women, as we see in this letter which shocked me yesterday when I read it for the first time in my life. (While I had long heard the name ‘Nelson Valderrama’, I had no idea that this idiot had fought on the wrong side during WW2!)

Not only did the casualties Valderrama describes disgust me as I read it, but his letter sheds light on why Andrew Anglin is right that women’s brains are constituted in such a way that they think radically differently from us. And as a vlogger said, whose text I edited in my anthology On Beth’s Cute Tits (pages 99-116), if power were to pass once more to us, we must never again empower the fair sex.

But I insist: the late Lira was right that we shouldn’t hate women in the least for their behaviour. If anything, we should hate the men who have been tolerating, and still tolerate, all feminist waves. That’s why I so highly recommend the best Russian movie ever made: a film so different from Hollywood that only those who appreciate art cinema will love it.

3 replies on “‘Cool German ladies’”

Why not hate a traitor if in the end it is a waste, I don’t care that hatred has helped me leave aside some vices and unpleasant people, whether they are my family or not, as far as I’m concerned, Hunter, Los Turner’s diaries and The Walk of the Serpents to the traitor, whether unconscious or subconscious, they must be repudiated because they are reprehensible and despicable, but the truth is I suppose that all materialism is preferable to the spiritual, before some incels attacked me when some girls E-Girls were wanted by me, but those stupid people do not understand that in the end in 1945 everything was lost and that was what David Lane said that there were no longer Pure Aryans, but everything can be recovered with white people from all over the world joining forces As Berhard Schaub said in his Europaische Aktion conferences, what bothers me most is that in the end we do not understand the context, I have had to see people who by necessity have had to marry a purebred woman because white girls are real Degenerate mentally ill women and also some Nordic white girls marry traditional boys like me because men are just as sick or gangbangers. I saw that on telegram and Instagram with the Trump wave, many spies and agents like Espteins Maxwells meddled in our affairs. As always, propaganda as a weapon and ideological subversion, but in a war sexual violence is more typical of a degenerate and putrid society, which is why Spengler was not loved by the crypto-Jews in the NSDAP, just read the book world infiltration and sheep and Goebbels himself said that they were all surrounded by traitors and infiltrators, the same thing today.

Regarding Trumpism, I only saw one girl who turned out to be somewhat more decent and her name is Krista Marie Shipman (here with her husband)

I say this because she was the typical conservative neopagan Onlyfanser to attract whites or skins to Trumpism but now she is a Christian according to her but for me she only did it to return to her Christian family and have the blessing of her husband’s family.

I only follow what I have found out and intuited and deciphered from everything I have read and seen on Instagram and Telegram, this at least is something but my position will always remain the same as that of Nikola Tesla or Lovecraft on racial hygiene beyond the Just worldviews also emphasize that the Jewish question is an irremediable problem and the only solution goes without saying.

@ Benjamin,

I let your long comment that exceeds 400 words go by without reading it, though I was able to skim it over: you touch on several topics. I would suggest that next time you comment only on the topic of the post, and more briefly. Thank you.

P.S. And never add naked links please.

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