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The Bible

by Gaedhal

Marcus Eli Ravage, a Jew himself, points this out in A Real Case Against the Jews. Why, he asks, do you Antisemitic Christians accuse us, the Jews, of writing The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion—most likely written by an Orthodox monk in collaboration with the Russian Secret police, the Okhrana—when it is provably true that we wrote the Bible!

And what sort of world does the Bible envisage? Well Yeshangyahu—or Anglicised to “Isaiah”—tells us. The goyim shall bow down to the Jew and lick the dust off the soles of his feet. The leaders of the Goyim shall keep the feast of Booths in Jerusalem. Incidentally, when we see our leaders cringing at Yad Vashem and Auschwitz, and when we see our leaders visiting the Wailing Wall, this, in my view, is the beginning of the self-fulfilment of Isaiah’s “prophecy”. In my view, the Holocaust is simply another holiday, like Purim or Channukah, that was added to the religious calendar. The leaders of the Goyim are already keeping Jewish holidays by observing “Holocaust Remembrance Day” and visiting the Wailing Wall. Indeed, the term Holocaust comes from the Greek Old Testament, and means: ‘A whole burnt offering to Yahweh’.

As the Psalms say: ‘Why do the Goyim rage and imagine a vain thing?’ The ‘vain thing’ referred to here is the temerity to imagine a life free from Jewish domination. As the acolytes of Karl Marx would put it: Revolution is inevitable. Or as Star Trek puts it: “Resistance is futile: you will be assimilated”.

The New Testament is no better. Rabbi Jesus shall be the “Messiah” or anointed king ruling a worldwide empire from Jerusalem. Any resistance to His rule shall be met with lethal force. Jesus treads the winepresses—filled to the brim with goyim blood. The Protestants in Northern Ireland, sing of being knee-deep in Fenian—i.e. Catholic—blood. Well, the Jewish soldiers and Jewish horses in Revelation shall be bridle-deep in Goyim’s blood. Jesus wears a tunic dipped in Goyim blood. Jesus kills the children of Heretical sects of Judaism, after first subjecting their founders to a gangbang.

‘Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not. Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds. And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.’ (Revelation 2:20-23)

The Bukkake being concluded, Jesus will strike the children spawned by such a coupling with death. Revilo P. Oliver called Revelation ‘a hymn of hate’, whereas Steve Wells, of The Skeptics’ Annotated Bible calls it the worst book in the Bible. John, in his fever dream, dreams up more and more inventive ways to murder his religious and ethnic enemies.

Ravage was amazed that Christians would accuse Jews of writing the Protocols, when it is provably true that they wrote the Bible, and that the Bible has much the same ends. I never read the Protocols, myself, so I don’t know.

However, accusing Jews of writing the Protocols requires no epistemic humility. However, admitting that you and all of your ancestors for more than a thousand years have been duped by the Jewish long-con of Christianity does require epistemic humility.

Some people are congenital atheists. Aron Ra, Alex, and Christopher Hitchens never bought the Christian swindle, even though they were brought up Christian. With me, it was not so. I was well and thoroughly duped and gulled by Christianity for about 30 years. However, I have the epistemic humility to admit this.

As Mark Twain put it: it is far easier to dupe people than to get them to admit that they have been duped.

22 replies on “The Bible”

I think what you have said about lack of self esteem is the main reason why whites in general worship christianity.

It is a religion that preaches for their humiliation and destruction.

A healthy, proud race will never abid to such a thing.

But as sick as they are, their only hope to health themselves and to regain any sense of pride is to first be humiliated to the lowest degree.

Break their fragile egos and force them to accept their mistakes in order to develop the proper humility to amend their characters, so they can look forward to fight for something bigger than themselves, which is first and foremost the preservation of their race.

I owe the POV of this site to the time when I began to mature my ideas thanks to Eduardo Velasco’s essay on the conflict between Judea and Rome. Curiously, it was an English teenager who used to comment here who, upon reading that essay via Google Translate, recommended it to me a few years ago (I hadn’t read it). Velasco’s long essay changed my way of seeing things. It was an eureka moment and from there I began to see the deep tragedy of the white race like never before.

The most curious thing is that one could use Kevin Mac’s conceptual platform to approach Velasco’s essay. But the American racialists don’t, not even the professor, because their audience is mostly Christian.

I can understand Kevin Mac. But once you come to understand the evil influence that caused the decline of the West (analogous to the unprocessed traumas of the friend from the chess club I was talking about below but in an entire race), everything becomes as clear as that blinding luminosity of Antarctica where you need dark glasses to keep your eyesight!

And the most impressive thing of all is that Velasco has apparently died, and if I hadn’t rescued his legacy on this site, he would be lost to posterity.

Herr Caesar, there are no worst blinds than those who do not want to see.

A lot of whites need a “Humiliation” ritual before they can dare to take their heads out of the sand.

Is this the post you wanted me to pay attention to? Not sure what it has to do with my solution to overcrowded prisons. I will say, though, that while you are correct about epistemic humility in this particular regard, it is a very dangerous weapon. Postmodernism has wielded epistemic humility to devastating effect. Empirical proof is always a good thing to have, if you can get it, but there are many truths that are intangible and unprovable. Who among us can prove that the sky is blue, or that ice cream is delicious? So you see, putting all our faith in empiricism is a mistake, one that has come back to bite us big time. Ultimately, this world is a battle of wills, nothing more.

When I posted that comment in the other thread, I was referring to the article ‘Empathy’.

You don’t realize it because you don’t have empathy.

The other thread of discussion was Benjamin’s post, who lamented what his government did to Tyrone and Chris: imprisoning them for crimes of opinion.

You took advantage of that post to ask me something about overcrowded prisons. I have told you many times that I am not obligated to answer all your questions. And you continued insisting not only on that thread but also on another with the same question, whether I agreed with killing all the prisoners.

The reason I didn’t answer is because that question in the context of two imprisoned friends was irreverent. But you don’t realise it because you lack empathy—decoding other people’s emotions (remember, you can feel empathy for an enemy, even for a serial killer; empathy is neither sympathy nor compassion).

You have to do psychological healing work before continuing with that attitude on this site.

It’s easier to understand what someone is feeling when I can see their facial expression, hear their tone of voice, etc. I can’t do that with text on a screen.

Some people like to dance around a question when it would be quicker to just answer it. I’ve never understood this. And you’ll have to tell me what specifically I need to heal from, because I don’t know.

Like the chess player friend I referred to in the recent ‘Empathy’ post, who despite the fact that I gave him two of my three autobiographical books doesn’t want to do any internal work on his schizogenic mother (now deceased), an autistic person has to do something similar.

I already cut this guy off for life, because his narcissism was so unbearable that now only a family member tolerates him.

And you don’t need to actually see someone to know how he feels about, say, friends imprisoned in your country (the UK).

I meant exterminating all the *real* criminals, not our own people who have been imprisoned by the system for saying naughty words. I assumed that distinction was obvious.

You obviously meant that, I know, but monopolizing that thread for your questions denotes narcissism.

That word gets thrown around far too much these days. If everybody is a narcissist, nobody is. It’s lost all meaning. Anyway, the sooner you answer a question, the shorter the thread will be. You do seem rather concerned with keeping this place tidy. Maybe you have OCD like me.

Perhaps I erred in using the word ‘narcissism’, influenced by a large number of videos I recently watched on YouTube on the subject. It seems to be fashionable to discuss this issue these days.

But since I see that you insist that I am obliged to answer your questions, and that you are not going to do psychological work to heal yourself (not long ago you told me that you suffer from autism, and now you say that you have Obsessive-compulsive disorder!), I think you should no longer comment on this forum.

I think it should be ‘bridle-deep’, I forgot the hyphen. The hyphen in this case essentially turns ‘bridle deep’ into an adjective. I remembered the hyphen in ‘knee-deep’. In the Book of Revelation, the blood reaches up to a horse’s bridle.

I have read a number of your posts, and some of your PDF books (though not all). Now that I’ve read this, I have to ask… On what grounds do you object to all the bloodshed in Revelation?

So countless humans will be slain in the Second Coming; so many will be slain that JC’s horses will be bridle-deep in blood. And? “There is nothing particular about man,” as Himmler put it. “He is part of the world.” And at least some churches think there will be animals in JC’s Kingdom. Is your objection to John of Patmos’ exterminationist vision that the ones doing the exterminating aren’t Aryan? Or that the dead might include some Aryans in there?

My apologies if I’m misrepresenting your position here. Feel free to correct me if I am.

Where do I ‘object to all the bloodshed in Revelation?’ Irish Gaedhal is the author of that piece, not me.

I sent this as an email, and most of the people on my email list are leftists. That said, I agree with Alex Linder: getting rid of our enemies is simply pest control. Just as we humanely dispatch vermin, so too ought we to humanely dispatch our enemies. John, a Jew—‘John’ means ‘Grace of Yahweh’, in Hebrew—thinks up more and more sickening ways to torture his enemies to death. There is a piece in Revelation where people are so tormented, that they want to die, but must linger on instead for months.

We have Jesus, seemingly, subjecting Jezebel to gang rape, and then murdering her children.

Imagine being stung by a scorpion, and dying slowly, with no medical treatment, over a period of three months.

My only point is that Revelation is a sick Jewish snuff-porn revenge fantasy, and that we Aryans ought not to revere it as the Word of God.

My mother swells up even when bitten by non-venomous insects. Imagine 5 months of this followed by death. Yehuchannan or “John” of Patmos did. I object to these deviant Jewish fantasies being the Sacred Text of the white man.

The Seven Churches mentioned by John of Patmos in the Book of Revelation 1:11 are located in Asia Minor, i.e., Jewish settlements.

The Bible ends with the dream of this John of Patmos about a New Jerusalem precisely in times when the Romans had destroyed Old Jerusalem to build, on its ruins, Aelia Capitolina.

See what I said about Kevin Mac way above on this thread. White nationalists are wilfully blind…

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