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Tyrone, Chris

and the UK

Just today I learned of something that happened a couple of weeks ago, about the subject of my post last month that two Londoners, who had commented on this site—Tyrone Patten-Walsh and Christopher Gibbons—had been prosecuted and found guilty for what they said on Chris’ podcast Black Wolf Radio.

I met both of them in August 2014 when I attended a peaceful BNP demonstration outside London. After the peaceful demonstration, I went with the whole group of young English men for a beer in a pub. While it is true that Tyrone and Chris liked revolutionary novels, such as what Harold Covington wrote, they never told me, either personally or by correspondence (I used to exchange emails with both of them, especially Tyrone) that they planned to do anything illegal. Ever.

Since, as I said in my post last year, the judge, prosecutors or even the System news story I reproduce below, fail to quote verbatim what Chris and Tyrone were saying in Black Wolf Radio I used to listen to, I assume they were jailed simply for thoughtcrime—the kind of pronouncements about which they would never have been jailed in the United States of America, thanks to that country’s First Amendment.

I’ve said it a couple of times and it bears repeating: Bloggers or podcasters who live in Europe, Canada, Australia or New Zealand should consider moving to the third world (where I’ve chosen to live). This is what podcaster Gonzalo Lira, murdered this month by the Kiev regime, advised. Gonzalo was murdered precisely because he failed to comply with his own advice (Ukraine is not third world but second world, and it is illegal there to criticise the Kiev regime).

Below I reproduce the System’s text on imprisonment, apparently for thoughtcrime, as they fail to cite verbatim whether it is true that Chris and Tyrone instigated others to commit terrorist acts. Pay particular attention to the penultimate paragraph, insofar as it suggests that it was thoughtcrime (‘homophobic, racist, antisemitic, Islamophobic and misogynistic comments’) rather than terrorist plots, or encouraging others to commit terrorist attacks, what has been punished this month:

Neo-Nazis who targeted [really?—Ed.] Prince Archie jailed for 15 Years

Two far-right British podcasters who encouraged acts of violence [really?—Ed.] against ethnic minorities as well as making derogatory comments about public figures including Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s son, Prince Archie, have been jailed for a total of 15 years.

Christopher Gibbons, 40, and Tyrone Patten-Walsh, 36, were jailed on January 4 after being convicted of committing crimes under the Terrorism Act 2006, between March 2019 and February 2020.

Gibbons and Patten-Walsh were both found guilty on eight counts each of encouraging acts of terrorism, with Gibbons convicted of two additional counts of dissemination of terrorist publications.

Gibbons received an eight-year prison sentence and Patten-Walsh seven years.

The two men from London were arrested in 2021 following an investigation by the Metropolitan Police’s Counter Terrorism Command that focused on material they created, including what the police described as a “neo-Nazi online podcast.”

Titled Black Wolf Radio the 21-episode chat show contained a number of homophobic, racist, antisemitic, Islamophobic and misogynistic comments, some targeted at the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and their son.

In June 2022, prosecutor Anne Whyte QC told a London court, per the BBC, that Gibbons had described Prince Archie as an “abomination that should be put down.”

Gibbons also claimed that Prince Harry should be “prosecuted and found guilty and judicially killed for treason.”

Discussing the sentencing, the Met Police’s Counter Terrorism Commander, Dominic Murphy, said per a press release that Gibbons and Patten-Walsh’s material was “exactly the kind that has the potential to draw vulnerable people—particularly young people—into terrorism.”

“We are determined to identify and hold to account individuals pushing this material. In this case, officers reviewed hours-upon-hours of material to present a compelling case,” he said. “I hope this case and today’s sentencing sends a clear message that there are serious consequences for those who share terrorist material or encourage others to become involved in terrorism.”

Gonzalo Lira used to say in his videos that the repression of dissidents was going to escalate terribly in the West shortly. Now even I don’t feel safe visiting the UK again; for example, for having quoted extensively passages from Covington’s novel The Brigade on this site. By the standards that imprisoned Chris and Tyrone perhaps those novel quotes could be interpreted by the English justice system as ‘incitement to terrorism’ or something similar. So—

Goodbye, England!

From the comments section of the above-embedded video about the Chris & Tyrone case:

• ‘The other problems with such laws is that Police and Judges are left with the almost godlike decisions to prosecute’.

• ‘Government should never be able to tell us what we can and cannot say’.

• ‘7 and 8 years seems pretty harsh considering that judges routinely hand out joke sentences to people who actually do harm to others’.

• ‘Their sentence including Islamophobia means criticising the religion of child rapists comes with a 7 or 8 year prison sentence. Britain has Sharia now’.

• ‘In Scotland you can sit at your dinner table and if someone says something you don’t like you can report them to the police’.

• ‘Verbal attacks on Whites are ignored, while the very same words pointed towards minorities will [make] the law fall upon the speaker like a ton of bricks’.

• ‘As an English man in England I’ll think and speak my mind truthfully and factually. F the government’.

• ‘Shouting “fire” in a crowded theater is welcome when you believe there is a fire, and is then a moral duty!’

• ‘Free speech is a myth—every debate about free speech soon turns into a discussion about restrictions on free speech. Even those that say “I believe in free speech” always follow it with the word “but” and then go on to describe the restrictions they want imposed on speech’.

And so on…

5 replies on “Tyrone, Chris”

Ireland, especially Northern Ireland, is safe enough… at least for now. Irish people, in my view, are not as competent at running a police state as the English are. Bishop Williamson (Resistance SSPX) used to say that the Irish cannot govern themselves. The last time I visited England, I got the distinct impression that I was in a police state, and I never went back. In Ireland, there seems to be some actual on-the-ground resistance to the Great Replacement. In Northern Ireland, the loyalists have always resisted the Great Replacement. However, the only thing to be wary of in Ireland is internment on remand and the juryless Special Criminal Courts. However, thus far, the regime has not employed these weapons in its legal arsenal against white nationalists. I predict that eventually they will, though.

Europe would never be free from the hegemony of England so long as the isle of Erin is not free.

Yesterday I was even watching a video on YouTube about the planned increase of hate speech laws in Ireland.

I was hoping to read parts of my essay On the Aetiology of Wokeness aloud on a dissident livestream, but now I think I’d better not. It could get me imprisoned on multiple grounds.

Why has the First Amendment been such an effective barrier to free speech erosion? The Constitution and the Bill of Rights have been subverted time after time by the forces of international finance. Why is the First Amendment any different?

If you read the texts that can be seen from Joseph Walsh linked in my yesterday’s post (while his voice in our podcasts was censored), you will see that after WW2 the entire West suffered a collapse in its self-esteem and self-image, to the extent that it became fashionable to commit ethnosuicide—so fashionable that an English prince can now procreate with a semi-mulata woman! Since I have researched the trauma model of mental disorders, what Westerners do reminds me a lot of self-harming women who cut their bodies (a phenomenon that can be understood in my chapter on Colin Ross in Day of Wrath).

All white people suffer, as I said, from a catastrophic loss of self-esteem. If the Americans’ First Amendment is still hanging by a thread, that’s because they benefited the most from the Diktat they imposed on Europe after WW2. Europeans were no longer even allowed to speak freely.

In the US you can openly say that the black adopted into Mitt Romney’s family must die; that he is an abomination among a family of pure whites. As long as you don’t incite immediate violence, you can say that.

In the UK you can no longer say it, even as a mere academic discussion. The English, compared to the Americans, suffer from an even more collapsed self-esteem (and the same can be said of the Swedes, the Germans, the French, etc.).

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