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Eight years ago I published an entry here under the title ‘Solitude’, in which I quoted some passages from Nietzsche’s poetic prose and then commented on them. I would like to recite some of those quotes and comment on them again, but from a more mature perspective.

Now Zarathustra looked at the people and he was amazed. Then he spoke thus: ‘Mankind is a rope fastened between animal and Overman – a rope over an abyss. What is great about human beings is that they are a bridge and not a purpose: what is lovable about human beings is that they are a crossing over and a going under’.

The lovely thing about white nationalists is that they are a crossing over and a sinking, indeed. But they don’t yet go under completely into the river so the nymph helps them finish crossing it.

‘I love the great despisers, because they are the great venerators and arrows of longing for the other shore. I love those who do not first seek behind the stars for a reason to go under and be a sacrifice, who instead sacrifice themselves for the earth, so that the earth may one day become the Overman’s. I love the one who lives in order to know, and who wants to know so that one day the Overman may live. And so he wants his sinking in his sunset’.

If anyone has read the central book of my Hojas Susurrantes, that dream I had as a child with an impressive celestial ship in the shape of a pencil and my family in the foreground in a bucolic environment, and how as a child I wanted to be in the big rocket that I saw on the horizon more than on that beautiful field day, you should know that a few years ago I transvalued my childhood values and realised that we must be faithful to the Earth since it is through self-knowledge that one can truly know the universe and become the overman.

‘I want to teach humans the meaning of their being, which is the Overman, the lightning from the dark cloud “human being”.’

Racialists are a dark cloud that could give birth to lightning bolts that would split history in twain (Savitri’s Kalki), but they still don’t give birth to them.

‘It dawned on me: I need companions, and living ones – not dead companions and corpses that I carry with me wherever I want’.

My river nymph died in 1982. Where is there someone like her on the other side of the river? It bothers me to deal only with the ghost of a person dead and cremated long ago because today’s racialists don’t dare to cross her psychological Rubicon.

‘It dawned on me: let Zarathustra speak not to the people, but instead to companions!’

I realised for a long time that going to the racial right forums to try to invite them to the other side is a fool’s errand.

‘Look at the good and the just! Whom do they hate most? The one who breaks their tablets of values, the breaker, the lawbreaker – but he is the creative one’.

They hate the hero of the Second World War, who tore up their cherished tablets of Judeo-Christian law. Once you break those tablets you realise not only that the majority of humans have no value, but that they are ranked negatively in the eyes of the overman.

‘Companions the creative one seeks and not corpses, nor herds and believers. Fellow creators the creative one seeks, who will write new values on new tablets’.

‘I do not want to even speak again with the people – for the last time have I spoken to a dead person’.

Below are some excerpts from Robert Pippin’s introduction to Nietzsche’s book.

As noted, the problem Zarathustra confronts seems to be a failure of desire; nobody wants what he is offering, and they seem to want very little other than a rather bovine version of happiness.

For example, those who belong to the racial right aren’t revolutionaries in spirit but de facto conservatives (neo-normies).

It is that sort of failure that proves particularly difficult to address, and that cannot be corrected by thinking up a ‘better argument’ against such a failure.

The events that are narrated are also clearly tied to the question of what it means for Zarathustra to have a teaching, to try to impart it to an audience suffering in this unusual way, suffering from complacency or dead desire. Only at the very beginning, in the Prologue, does he try to ‘lecture publicly’, one might say, and this is a pretty unambiguous failure.

The reminder of the Prologue appears to indicate that Zarathustra himself had portrayed his own teaching in a comically inadequate way, preaching to the multitudes as if people could simply begin to overcome themselves by some revolutionary act of will…

He had shifted from marketplace preaching to conversations with disciples in Part I, and at the end of that Part I he decides to forgo even that and to go back to his cave alone.

As to the latter, I think I should no longer tweet on X (if anyone wants to ask me why, do so in the comments section).

5 replies on “Solitude”

When you say the majority of humans have no value, there is a question I would like to ask. Yes, I know, another one. Ukrainians just had their Day of Remembrance for the victims of Stalin’s induced famines. It is understandable that White Nationalists would use the famines for propaganda purposes, but my question to you is, can we (or should we) express grievance at the starvation of millions of Slavic people when (allegedly) it was Himmler’s goal to achieve the same thing? I know there are many Slavs who fall into the “mystery meat” category, an amorphous blend of white, mid-eastern and mongoloid, but there are many sufficiently white ones as well. How do you feel about the famines, César? Horrors took place which I could never have imagined in my worst nightmares. It is said that, in some towns, bodies were exhumed from cemeteries and eaten.

Had the Germans won the war, the fate of the Ukrainian collaborators is unclear, although I suppose many would have been respected at least for a while.

Regarding the courage of the Ukrainians who fought on the good side of the war and your question, it is not that difficult to answer.

Savitri says in her book that we translated for this site that a mestizo (let’s say, a Ukrainian with conspicuous aspects that his Asian blood is noticeable) could put himself at the service of ‘a true race’ (the Aryan), which would mean giving up having offspring while serving the Reich.

Naturally, that Ukrainian does have moral value, more than the traitorous Aryans of today, and surely he would have been rewarded in the Greater Reich by letting him live until he died.

I see. I wanted to know if you personally felt aggrieved by the starvation inflicted upon millions of Slavs by the Judeo-bolsheviks. Obviously there’s no way to know how many of them were decent, racially valuable people, but that memorial with the emaciated, Aryan-looking little girl clasping some wheat is heartbreaking.

“it was Himmler goal to achieve the same thing.”

If that was truly their goal, then they would have really exterminated more than 6 million jews and be done with the jewish question.

Had they wanted to exterminate the undesirable “Slavic” population, they would have done so through sterilization and/or expulsion.

I’m not Caesar but, to the mass murder of Ukrainians, only the Germans reacted to this. Only through a German victory would they have achieved some sort of revenge against the enemy.

The rest of the world merely ignored them, and also the rest of the world waged a holy war against Germany.

I feel sorrow for those Ukrainian farmers that had no one to help them. It was truly a cruel and horrible disaster, and I curse whoever protected the perpetrators.

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