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Kevin MacDonald Racial right

My difference with white nationalism in a nutshell

Kevin MacDonald is probably the most respected figure in American white nationalism, whose message is that Jewish subversion is the primary cause of white decline. Thomas Kuhn used the Rubin vase to illustrate how a paradigm shift works: the experience of seeing either a vase or two faces before exactly the same image engages a subject’s subjectivity. For example, MacDonald tells us at the beginning of this article: ‘The Gaza war is bringing us an awesome display of Jewish power over the US media and political culture’.

I would have said: ‘The Gaza war is giving us an astonishing demonstration of the hypnotic power of Judeo-Christianity in the political culture of the United States’, in the sense that if this continent hadn’t been conquered by Christians (let’s say it had been conquered by the Vikings), the Jews wouldn’t have the power they now have in the US.

MacDonald is seeing the faces of Jewry in Rubin’s vase. I am seeing the Christian cup whose Kool-Aid turned many Americans into demented fanatics of the state of Israel. Exactly the same information, the same ‘vase’, is being processed by me and white nationalists in a radically different way!

See these excerpts from David Skrbina and Tom Holland’s books on the origins of Christianity, and what we might call atheistic hyper-Christianity, to understand what we mean.