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Axiology Racial right

Pride punished

In her book Jung and Tarot: An Archetypal Journey, Sallie Nichols comments on The Devil card that it will take some time before the two slaves of this card, a white man and a white woman, take responsibility for the acts they commit (I would have added, as a paradigm, the sin of antiracism). A real cataclysm, like that of the Tower of Destruction, must occur before a ray of light allows them to see their long tails, thus interrupting their complacency.

What Nichols says is also perfect for understanding the racial right, complacent in their worldview that their project of nationhood, which includes Christianity and capitalism, is perfectly compatible with Aryan preservation. When it comes to their slogans like ‘Faith, Folk and Family,’ I must say that the Judeo-Christian faith really goes against the grain of the Aryan folk.

As the Canadian Sebastian Ronin saw last decade, we need a real lightning strike—say, an apocalyptic energy devolution thanks to the peak oil crisis—that includes the starvation, war and pestilence of billions of exterminable wingless bipeds, before these haughty ones see their tails.

It also reminds me of Dr. Robert Morgan’s vain efforts in The Unz Review discussion threads to debunk the racial right’s self-serving tale that the American Civil War had nothing to do with black emancipation. (Unlike Morgan, many white nationalists believe this in order to avoid putting the puritanical morality that caused that anti-white war in the dock—see pages 93-121 of Neo-Christianity.)

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