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Free speech / association

2nd post since yesterday’s censorship

My appeal was apparently unsuccessful; which means that this site, in its original WordPress version with the theme called ‘Quentin’ (that reddish background I liked so much), will no longer be viewable at the previous address of The West’s Darkest Hour:


I’ve contacted some page designers to ask them if they could modify this incarnation of the site to make The West’s Darkest Hour look more or less like it did in its previous incarnation. Hopefully I can afford it… For the moment all I can do is thank R.W. for the financial support he has just given me.

To new visitors who would like to get an idea of the point of view of this site, I would suggest they read the post that ends the book On Beth’s Cute Tits, ‘The Iron Throne’. The problem, of course, is that almost all the links in that article are now broken, except the master essay ‘Rome v Judea’ which was linked to another of my blogs. If I can afford the team of experts who will be reviewing the visual and operational needs of this new incarnation of The West’s Darkest Hour, the links will be active once again.

In the next few days I will upload, here, the last five entries that can no longer be seen at the old address of this site. The posts prior to those five can be viewed thanks to the 433 PDFs below this post (each PDF contains a screenshot of ten posts).

In one of the five missing posts, I talked about a wonderful documentary of June 1st debunking the mad gender ideology, a documentary produced by Matt Walsh. Although Walsh is not one of us, he says we can win this battle as long as we are not censored. See his very recent lecture at the Western Conservative Summit:

5 replies on “2nd post since yesterday’s censorship”

They shut you down back in 2018, and did it again yesterday.
These “existential amputations” can be very depressing.
I spent the whole day brooding about a world without WDH; without a lantern in this long dark night.
Your readers are still here, CT.
Weiter den Kampf.

Unlike 2018, this time I proposed to the WP team that they restore my site under the promise that I would not post another entry (rather move here).

But they refused.

Interestingly, the Blogspot guys who axed WDH in 2011 did restore my site, and I haven’t posted there since 2011:


I guess this is how they did it in the dark ages.

Since their system is built upon lies, censoring becomes vital to keep it afloat.

Now, why the censors are allowed to exist is also what you are trying to teach others. At least, I understood.

Have you heard of the Johnny Depp trial? Observing that case shows a concrete example on why empowering women is such a disastrous idea.

I have been told that yes: it is possible.

But I am not entirely sure if I can afford it.

I hope the export will be within my budget.

We shall see…

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