‘The Jews murdered God’, writes Andrew Anglin in The Daily Stormer, ‘but He rose again’.
Fortunately, Christian Anglin has all his savings in Bitcoin. That means that when crypto-currencies crash, he and other white nationalists who believe in cryptos, and who suffer from schizophrenia (such as that a gospel written by Jews is good news for Jew-wise Aryans), will be fleeced. This will happen once the longed-for day comes that we have been prophesying on this site since 2011: the collapse of the American dollar.
2 replies on “Anglin celebrates Easter”
Aryan christians are worshiping a jew, their blood enemy, and there’s just no way around that.
Of course, worshipping a dead imaginary Jew that “dies” for your sins, and a holding a Jewish god to be your god despite being non-Jewish and Aryan are the ultimate twin manifestation of Psychosis. A future Aryan socio-political order would celebrate the mass burning and destruction of bibles, liturgical books, Gospel books and other associated Christian trash in the future.