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Scientist censored

In my opinion, the best scientist on YouTube has been Chris Martenson. Thanks to him I realised that racialist Sebastian E. Ronin was right: energy devolution (peak oil) will make, later in the century, the forthcoming crash of the dollar look like a picnic. But last December YouTube censored Martenson’s video about the best Covid treatment by far, Ivermectin (a video that now can be seen in his webpage: here).

Yesterday, YouTube censored Martenson’s latest video, ‘Vaccine mandates are here’, and now it can be watched at Odysee (scroll down: here).

Since the end of the last century, when I was researching psychiatry full-time (I even took a mental health course at Manchester’s Open University), I learned that Big Pharma dominates medical science to such an extent that much of what passes as medicine is bad science (e.g., these vaccines) or even pseudoscience (psychiatric drugs).

The System’s game is obvious. They want to do big business and that’s why they censure Ivermectin, insofar as it is a generic drug proven for forty years as an antiviral drug but… it can no longer make anyone a millionaire (unlike the new Pfizer vaccines not duly tested, whose side effects are sometimes serious).

Yes: it is a question of money. And I suggest to those with a good sense of what real science is to watch at least these two Martenson videos linked above.

The System generally censures those who tell the truth, such as racialists for example. Yesterday I was talking about the great class that Jared Taylor gave on race realism while debating a Catholic. Let’s not forget that the guy who began to have millions of hits on YouTube on the subject of IQ, Stefan Molyneux, was censored on YouTube— vaporized, I would dare to say, as now there is not a single surviving video from Moly’s channel on that audiovisual platform.

One reply on “Scientist censored”

What’s terrible about the Pfizer vaccine is that sometimes it damages the women’s reproductive organs (I only care about Aryan babies of course).

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