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Racial right

So many wights!

The number of Christians in the racialist right doesn’t stop surprising me. See, for example, this recent exchange in the American Renaissance comments section.

As after midnight I saw ‘The Long Night’ I was left with the image of the Hound hiding from the wights* and telling Beric that they were too many. Exactly the same can be said of the enormous number of Christians.

It is useless to argue with them in the discussion threads of the racialist forums. Secular Christianity is already in its phase of wights or the army of the dead, spiritually dead whites that only want to spiritually kill more whites.

Robert Morgan has had the patience to argue with the Christians on The Unz Review. I have no patience with those who haven’t had the honesty to reply to my eternal argument: that long before Jewry took over the media, the Spanish and Portuguese had already ruined their blood in the Americas.


(*) In Game of Thrones’ fiction, a wight is a reanimated corpse, either human or animal, raised from death by the White Walkers using necromancy to act as their minions. Wights are often referred to collectively as the Army of the Dead, or simply as the dead.

One reply on “So many wights!”

The Wights are the White Walkers. The Others are those who are raising them from death. This is one amongst many things that were misrepresented in the movies. I suppose it was done deliberately to connect the word “white” with evil, and simultaneously erase the word “others” (so dear to our enemies) from any connection with it.

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