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How the monetary system works

‘We just create worthless electronic money out of nothing. Then we lend it out and charge interest out of it. Then we make them give us their houses and real wealth when they cannot pay. LOL!’

But now that nasty little game is over

3 replies on “How the monetary system works”

Jim Rickards tweeted today:

‘Congress will pass trillion dollar spending bills. The Fed will consider negative interest rates. Don’t let anyone fool you into thinking this is “stimulus.” Spending, yes. Stimulus, no. This is because velocity is approaching zero and debt-to-GDP heading to 115%. Keynes is dead’.

– “Jim Rickards tweeted today:

– ‘Congress will pass trillion dollar spending bills. The Fed will consider negative interest rates. Don’t let anyone fool you into thinking this is “stimulus.” Spending, yes. Stimulus, no. This is because velocity is approaching zero and debt-to-GDP heading to 115%. Keynes is dead’.”

Cesar, how might your assessment of this apparent beginning of the end total crash of the Petrodollar differ from Maloney’s “Hidden Secrets of Money” series (if at all)? How long do you expect the banks who “play that nasty little game” to last and be able to enforce their usurious tyranny? (especially the gigantic banks).

Meaning, how long do you think the banks of America/the West might retain their power to use the security forces of the State as enforcers (example: foreclosures, as you are probably well aware, in America, if you are unable to pay your mortgage note, the banks will have you evicted from “their” property; they send the local police to come and force you out & off of the property at gunpoint. The property they use the police to seize back from you is usually sold thereafter at an auction at a local courthouse.)?

As I understood your reply to one of my most recent comments on your site that you do not anticipate this unfolding economic crash to decisively destroy the system &/or dislodge the psychopathic ruling class from power in & of itself.

I am sure you’re subscribed (& thus aware); Mike Maloney has a couple of vids that look heavy, “The System Just Broke…” Off topic, thanks for the suggestion to watch the film, “The Seventh Seal,” it was interesting. Those flagellants were something else. I had been kinda fascinated by that crazy period. I even got to see relics of that a while ago, in Lucern, Switzerland (there is a still intact bridge for pedestrians from the Medieval period with lots of art work popularly associated with the Plague/Black Death… paintings of death personified as skeletons dancing & coming to visit towns, etc…Lucern was one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been).

Switzerland is definitely a degenerate Neo-Liberal hellhole the same as most European countries (not nearly as bad as America, in my opinion), but I wish I had stayed there instead of having returned to America like I did. There is a fight to be fought there same as America, and I think the average Swiss is arguably more worthy of being saved than the average European-American (or perhaps less unworthy of living, idk).

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