by Robert Griffin
Editor’s note: Below, part of ‘William Gayley Simpson on Christianity and the West’ by Robert S. Griffin, an article published last year on The Occidental Observer.
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We are a physical organism, a part of nature, at a particular point in the evolutionary process, argues Simpson. Church dogma and practice obscure those realities, and that does us a disservice. Christianity does not concern itself enough with strength, vitality, distinctions based on blood and breeding, and aristocratic excellence, which support the qualitative advancement of the race.
Claims Simpson, Christianity has had a weakening, emasculating effect on Western civilization, as it has enslaved us to ideals and ways that vitiate our vigor as a people. Christianity is characterized by “soft” values: unselfishness, charitableness, forgiveness, patience, humility, and pity. The church has focused too much, Simpson holds, on “the poor, the sick, the defeated, the lowly, and sinners and outcasts” and not enough on “the well-constituted, and healthy, and beautiful, and capable, and strong, and proud.”
Simpson believes that people will become what they most value and what they most attend to, and Christianity points us in precisely the wrong direction. Christianity places too great an emphasis on one’s subordination to an external deity and the transference of responsibility and power to this higher authority. Simpson points out that prior to the dominance of Christianity, Europeans stretching back for three thousand years of their history believed most in the individuals who were noble and excellent. They expected people to stand on their own two feet and make something of themselves and looked to leadership from those who proved themselves to be truly superior.
Christianity’s sentimentality and otherworldliness has undercut man’s belief in his innermost self. It has taken away his struggle, without which there is no growth, no fulfillment. It has not encouraged man to get his roots deep down in the soil, to food and drink, and to force his tender shoots up to the sky, to sun and air. To the contrary, it has told man that all this costly and painful labor has been done for him by another, and to accept this fact and rest in it, and eventually he will be transplanted to another garden (heaven) and be miraculously transformed into a full-grown and perfect flower. There simply isn’t any other garden, says Simpson, and to live as if there is will result in this garden on earth, our garden, the only one there is, remaining—or becoming—barren.
Simpson looks upon Christianity as a Semitic religion and foreign to the European spirit. […] He envisions a bible that holds up our own ideals and traditions, that is the record of our supreme achievements and triumphs, that tells the story of our saints and heroes, and that contains the admonitions of our great wise men and guides and the vision of our own hopes and dreams and purposes pushed deep into a distant future.
Why, Simpson asks, cannot Aristotle be our Moses, Homer or some of the Icelandic sagas our Exodus and Judges? Why cannot […] Goethe take the place of Job? Why cannot Blake supplant the Revelation of St. John and Shakespeare replace Ecclesiastes? Why cannot the Psalms be superseded by the record of some ones of us, in the past or now or yet to come, whose lives and teachings are most inspiring to our collective soul?
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Editor’s note: Most articles published on The Occidental Observer are more sympathetic to Christianity, as can be seen in the site’s articles dealing with Christianity. In the comments section of TOO’s Wednesday article, ‘Jews, White Guilt, and the Death of the Church of England’ by Andrew Joyce, a Vespasian said (I’ll take the liberty to correct the spelling of the commenter):
“Jewish aggression against Christianity is, of course, nothing new” [a phrase in Joyce’s piece].
I would not only dispute your assertion but argue to the contrary, as Christianity has atomized its populations to the point of powerlessness in the face of Jewish collectivism.
I didn’t get a chance to comment on Dr. MacDonald’s last article, but the individualism inherent in Christianity has had the effect of individualizing populations (the personal savior concept is a psychological divide and conquer strategy), created a false worldview (militarism is the correct worldview), and misdirecting focus into the absurd idea of an afterworld (Jews don’t believe in an afterlife).
The fact of the matter is Christianity is, and has been the reason for Jewish domination over our societies for centuries and if Christianity didn’t exist, the Jews would invent it because it has been such a disorientating, confusing, disarraying and atomizing effect on western man.
You’re too wrapped up in it to see it. It’s not whether something is true or not, only the effect it has on behavior, and that behavior has been extremely destructive.
An idiot responded to Vespasian with wishful thinking: ‘…a new Counter-Reformation which would include a Tridentine revolution against contemporary Rome. I would call that progress’. In that same thread, another idiot commented: ‘A true Christian understands that Christianity was never a Jewish religion, that Jesus was not a Jew, and that the Israelites were not Jews’.
Sometimes I wonder how long it will take American racialists to shake off the monkey of Christianity from their backs…
17 replies on “Christianity and the West”
11:35 am
I’ll move this comment into the main entry, after the second swastika.
Jews did invent Christianity
“Sometimes I wonder how long it will take American racialists to shake off the monkey of Xtianity from their backs”.
Probably only when they have forsaken the name of “America” in favor of something totally alien to the spirit of capitalism and christinsanity. Perhaps entirely new names that most Americans of today with their undisciplined dialect would struggle to pronounce like “Gescheitsland” and one for a capital city too hard for them to remember such as “Dörferstadt”.
You really hit the nail.
But it’s even more simple.
Denying nature = denying reality = wanting personal everlasting life after the real death = the death of your race.
Death is the engine of evolution. Death is good. Warrior is the bringer of true life. Only Christians hate death – because they prefer the lie of eternal life.
I see you enjoy quoting Adunai’s posts from Unz Review, eh? I couldn’t have imagined that the visitors of this place might influence anyone. Considering that César once called it a bottle thrown into the sea… I myself wish Joseph Walsh wrote a blog.
I’ve found some of his posts on the 4plebs archive, too. About Poland’s lost eternity:
> Better be among the 15% of the happy Nordic survivors than live in the tranny Catholic filth of today.
archive 4plebs org/pol/search/username/Adunai
It’s still a bottle thrown into the sea, as Adunai lives in Ukraine and admires Stalin (which is why he’s no longer allowed to comment here). And in the case of pessimists like Walsh, haven’t they heard what triggered WW1? (I cannot be too explicit, as this site disappeared for a couple of days last year—email me to know the details.)
It will continue to be a bottle thrown into the sea until at least a dozen knights gather around my round table.
So what if you off Merkel? There are millions like her…
There is no Germany left, what exists today is a disgrace to the memories of past. That’s why I’ve said that every decent German killed himself in 1945.
You misunderstood. I was speaking about pessimists; not about Merkel. This stuff (WN pessimists) can only be discussed through email for reasons explained above.
@brainofboltzmann I have considered writing a blog but have not done so so far. I have been co-hosting a radio show with Chris White, who appeared on a few episodes of the radio shows that I used to co-host on TWDH, which you might want to listen to. The show is called Black Wolf Radio, type the name into Google and it should come up. I’ve also considered recording my own radio show but haven’t done so so far because I won’t be able to say what I want to say because I risk being sent to prison.
However, mostly I just prefer to keep my thoughts to myself and not communicate with anyone anymore. Most ‘humans’ are idiots and there’s not point in me trying to expound on my thoughts to them as it will be like lecturing a dog about quantum physics-they can’t understand what the hell you’re talking about. They have very limited capacity to comprehend so I’ve taken the words of Lao Tzu to heart “He who speaks, does not know. He who knows, does not speak.”
I do talk to a few associates here in the UK who are worthy of having communication with but most humans are like dumb animals, like a goldfish, no fucking awareness or capacity for understanding complex thought. They are the goyim, the cattle that the Jews correctly understand them as. A commenter, ghostman, said that intelligent life on Earth died in 1945. In other words that The Ubermensch shooting himself in the head symbolized the death of intelligent life on Earth. I don’t think that’s true but it certainly feels like Earth is devoid of all higher consciousness, all intelligent life.
I do have a lot to say but there’s not enough room in the comments section of TWDH to say it. Like you say, I should have my own blog. I am currently speaking to a former commenter on TWDH so if you want to speak with me let me know how to contact you and I can speak over Skype or Facebook.
Nietzsche was right – God was dead. And Christians are right, too – he rose from the dead – on April 30th, 1945!
I have been thinking about Lend-Lease. It is relevant to the actual entry as I’m viewing WW2 as a religious war of the likes waged by Charles V or Philip II of Spain.
People are pondering as to what extent the Lend-Lease given to the USSR was important to the war effort, some might question why America did not remain neutral, but nobody dares to admit even in thoughts as to why the Anglo-Americans chose to fight against Germany on the side of Russia to begin with! Even from the pragmatic standpoint of civic nationalism, the bipolar world of the Cold War was obviously the worst-case scenario to the US interests compared to what could have been possible otherwise – a Eurasia split among Germany, Japan, Italy, England, possibly even the rump USSR beyond the Urals, all ripe for divide and conquer!
The answer evidently lies in that World War 2 was a religious war to crush all expansionist powers which were threatening the Judeo-Christian way of life. And the crux of the matter is that the Soviet Union had no fundamental disagreements with America – both swore an oath to build a universalist society for the sake of each individual’s happiness. That’s why when the economy of the Warsaw Pact showed weakness, the mindless GDR drones chimped out and tore down the Berlin Wall!
The Cold War is unthinkable in terms of geopolitics and weapons. It had been about morality all along! And just to think that the wretched Germans witnessing the downfall of their hard-wrought thousand-years’-long dominion of Mitteleuopa in that fateful AH 56 (AD 1945) were fully expecting the Iron Curtain to stand for centuries! And instead, the whole charade disintegrated in 45 short years like a colossus with feet of clay!
So many socialists are calling out America for murdering a few subhuman children in Iraq (Noam Chomsky comes to mind). Yet even at the height of their feeble-minded half-baked kind of racism, in the Pacific War, what did the Americans do to Japanese? They could have exterminated the entire archipelago! Instead, they decided to integrate them into the universalist egalitarian capitalist Christian global empire!
So many possibilities opened by technology. All wasted away because the hearts and minds are shut.
In Homo Americanus Tom Sunic sees WW2 as a religious war.
From the Jewish Wikipedia:
Among other goods, Lend-Lease supplied:
58% of the USSR’s high octane aviation fuel
33% of their motor vehicles
53% of USSR domestic production of expended ordnance (artillery shells, mines, assorted explosives)
30% of fighters and bombers
93% of railway equipment (locomotives, freight cars, wide gauge rails, etc.)
50–80% of rolled steel, cable, lead, and aluminium
43% of garage facilities (building materials & blueprints)
12% of tanks and SPGs
50% of TNT (1942–1944) and 33% of ammunition powder (in 1944)
16% of all explosives (from 1941–1945, the USSR produced 505,000 tons of explosives and received 105,000 tons of Lend-Lease imports)
Bolshevism would have crumbled without Anglo-American interventionism. But without this interventionism it wouldn’t even have existed in the first place! Victor Rothschild, a biologis by education, even bragged at an MI5 meeting that “…the Soviet Man is the Test Tube Man of the Future!”
Excerpt from Hitler’s speech of 11 December 1941:
“Ever since my peace proposal of July 1940 was rejected, we have clearly realized that this struggle must be fought through to the end. We National Socialists are not at all surprised that the Anglo-American, Jewish and capitalist world is united together with Bolshevism. In our country we have always found them in the same community. Alone we successfully fought against them here in Germany, and after 14 years of struggle for power we were finally able to annihilate our enemies.”
As to why the Judeo-Americans didn’t exterminate the Japanese the answer is simple: Jewry prefers to enslave through democratization i.e. homosexualization. The more races to enslave, the better. Why exterminate when you could humiliate? such is Jewry’s credo.
It’s important to not react too much in the opposite direction when confronted with the weakness of christianity. For example kindness to weak family members can make sense, or caring for an elderly parent makes sense. A crude meme of destroying weakness is nonsense. Children are weak, babies are weak. Our genetic survival depends on protecting those weak children and babies from predators.
The problem with christianity is it teaches submission to the enemy. It appears to teach behaving in a weak manner to the enemy. And so that’s a major problem. If we look at The Song of Roland, this is a pseudo-christian work. It disguises racial themes under a christian veneer, and it preachers european warrior values. And among those values are kindness to and compassion to friends.
There are tender hearted moments in The Song of Roland and this is coupled with a ferocity towards the enemy. Christianity inverts that by preaching for people to hate their parents and love their enemies. But some people then incorrectly react to christianity by preaching hostility to all weakness, but the weakest members of our society, babies, well they need protection. And so too extreme a reaction isn’t good.
The song of Roland presents a moral system that balances hardness with tenderness.
>Why, Simpson asks, cannot Aristotle be our Moses, Homer or some of the Icelandic sagas our Exodus and Judges? Why cannot […] Goethe take the place of Job? Why cannot Blake supplant the Revelation of St. John and Shakespeare replace Ecclesiastes?
Such a substitution should not be effected until their level of development has been fully discerned. What we received from Aristotle was mostly a compromise position with concessions to the sophists and materialists, at the expense of pre-Socratic/Nietzschean philosophy. The true Aristotle and his full significance hasn’t seen the light of day.
Goethe’s significance is veiled to the majority of the German people. He wasn’t a mere poet, he was the actual founder of German culture (which should be distinguished from civilization. Basic to civilization are laws, history, unity/organization, political freedom, idealism, and work ethics. Last three items on the list come from Mein Kampf).
Goethe wasn’t necessarily cosmopolitan (it’s worth noting that Richard Wagner wrote in his memoirs that the German capacity of appreciating humanism beyond the nation was akin to the mind of the ancient Greeks), Hitler spoke highly of him in Mein Kampf, saying he had in him the voice of blood and reason and there are indications that he wanted to reclaim him from the reactionaries and internationalists.
Simpson putting Blake and Shakespeare on the same level was a mistake. Shakespeare was a genius in the ancient sense of the word (see Voltaire’s philosophical dictionary entry), which meant being an inventive pioneer, and he meets Dietrich Eckart’s description (given out by Rosenberg) for genius (which is how he was able to depict criminality without ending up as one).
Blake, despite the excellent upbringing that had been arranged for him and despite his flair for the revolutionary, was influenced by mysticism (i.e. Swedenborg). Supposedly, Hitler admired his work since it featured Nordic legends. There’s also some merit in Blake not subscribing to mainstream Christianity.
Blake’s statement that “Evil is the active springing from energy” apparently conflicts with Nietzsche. Later he wrote, “Energy is the only life and is from the Body and Reason is the bound or outward circumference of Energy.” This shows that energy and willpower which is devoid of understanding for the laws of nature can be just as harmful as arbitrary reason being enthroned as sovereign (warned against by Schopenhauer and Rosenberg).
In the order of greatness: Aristotle > Goethe >= Shakespeare > Blake
I place Goethe before Shakespeare due to his longevity, as he not only had the wisdom of youth, but also of age.
If you haven’t already read it, I highly recommend “The Germanization of Early Mediaval Christianity” by James Russell. It offers a useful model of religious transformation and details how proud Germanic peoples were “worked on” by mentally asiatic missionaries over the course of centuries. In short, Simpsom was even more right than he knew.