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Catholic Church

Black Wolf Radio

Talking with Joseph Walsh in today’s episode of Black Wolf Radio, Chris White said after 4:26 that the Roman Catholic Church was the very last vestige of the Roman Empire. He even subscribes the doctrine of the priest who baptised me (*): that the present occupier of the Holy See is not a true pope.

I wonder if White has read the masthead of this site, because the historical fact is exactly the opposite: the Church murdered the Greco-Roman culture and destroyed ninety-nine percent of its literature in Latin (see also the quotations of Catherine Nixey’s book on this site).

(*) The photo of the priest that appears in this Wikipedia page, also reproduced above, was taken on 12 March 1966, during my First Communion. As I said, he was one of the founding fathers of ‘sedevacantism’, and put forward his ideas in The New Montinian Church (1971) and Sede Vacante (1973): books that I saw on the shelf of my father’s study in the 1970s. The very month I met White at London I also met the traditionalist community that Jez Turner used to visit, who praised Joaquín Sáenz (1899-1976) when I told them that he had been my family’s priest.