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Apocalypse for whites • XXV

by Evropa Soberana


Appendix to the second chapter:
Nietzsche on the conflict ‘Rome v. Judea’

The two opposing values ‘good and bad’ and ‘good and evil’ have fought a fearful battle on earth for thousands of years…
The symbol of this battle, written in a script which has remained legible through all human history up to the present, is called ‘Rome against Judea, Judea against Rome’. To this point there has been no greater event than this war, this posing of a question, this contradiction between deadly enemies.
Rome felt that the Jew was like something contrary to nature itself, its monstrous polar opposite, as it were. In Rome the Jew was considered ‘convicted of hatred against the entire human race’. And that view was correct, to the extent that we are right to link the health and the future of the human race to the unconditional rule of aristocratic values—to Roman values…
The Romans were indeed strong and noble men, stronger and nobler than any people who had lived on earth up until then or even than any people who had ever been dreamed up. Everything they left as remains, every inscription, is delightful, provided that we can guess what is doing the writing there.
By contrast, the Jews were par excellence that priestly people of resentment, who possessed an unparalleled genius for popular morality. Just compare people with related talents—say, the Chinese or the Germans—with the Jews, in order to understand which is ranked first and which is ranked fifth.
Which of them has proved victorious for the time being, Rome or Judea?
Surely there’s not the slightest doubt. Just think of who it is people bow down to today in Rome itself as the personification of all the highest values (and not only in Rome, but in almost half the earth, all the places where people have become merely tame or want to become tame): in front of three Jews, as we know, and one Jewess—in front of Jesus of Nazareth, the fisherman Peter, the carpet maker Paul, and the mother of the first-mentioned Jesus, named Mary.
This is very remarkable: without doubt Rome has been conquered.
(On the Genealogy of Morality, sections 1, 15 and 16.)

12 replies on “Apocalypse for whites • XXV”

Nietzsche really needs to make his mind up whether he is an anti-Semite or not (I know he is dead). It is hard to believe he was a philosemite before he went mad.
Nevertheless, he grasped the gist of the events that took place. Would you agree that: ‘The Romans were indeed strong and noble men, stronger and nobler than any people who had lived on earth up until then…’?

Can you please specify your point? I don’t want to make empty guesses. In my original comment, I just reminded about those semi-mythical Aryans that conquered all land from Sweden to Kashgaria.

Re: quote
Nietzsche lived before Nazi Germany and we cannot know if he would consider it better than the Romans.
There is no one Nietzsche but several Nietzsches, even within Thus spake Zarathustra, where he started writing about the Overman in 1883 and when he wrote the fourth section of the book in 1885 he was undergoing a classic voyage into madness: Overman is gone and the grotesque doctrine of the eternal recurrence of the identical took possession of his mind.
In this site there are many biographical entries about Nietzsche where you may find plenty of evidence why Nietzsche’s mind went down, down, down…
He didn’t find the key to his salvation. This 2013 post in this site provides the key to open a door into the labyrinth of his mind. In a nutshell, he was a very confused man who suffered horribly and experienced absolute solitude. (I know how terrible such solitude is because I’ve experienced it in the country where I’m living.)
If you want to ponder a bit into his tormented soul, and how he lost his mind becoming a philo-Semite, don’t miss this book.

Jack quoted “stronger and nobler than any people who had lived on earth _up until then_”. Sure, the 20th century would’ve given him a lot of inspiration.
Was Nietzsche particularly abused though? Or did his suffering originate solely in him?

In the first link I provided above I mention a book by Alice Miller which contains a splendid chapter on Nietzsche.
IMO whatever happened in his childhood was not enough to drive him mad. Overwhelming solitude on the one hand, in addition to the methods of childrearing he endured, was enough.
I can empathise with him because I cannot speak with anybody here, and this drives you to what Nietzsche called ‘the seventh solitude’: dangerous territory.

We are forgetting the Aryan communities and nations which existed between the Palaeolithic and the 20th century. March of the Titans shows that there were thousands of these. Were there any which were better than Rome?

IMO, and pace Pierce, NS Germany was better than Sparta because many of these Aryans mentioned by Kemp committed the fatal mistake of using non-white labour (which always ends up in mestization, even in India with tough religious laws).
If there’s a moral of Kemp’s & Pierce’s books is: extermination or expulsion. Never use non-white slaves as ‘capital’.

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