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Amerindians Archeology Prehistory

Titans, 6

Food for thought from chapter 6 of March of the Titans:
The Complete History of the White Race:

Lost white migrations / Megaliths in North America

As part of the legal wrangling, the Paiute have consistently refused to allow DNA testing of the corpse.

This is not the only case where American Indians have blocked the study of obviously non-Amerind remains. Another case, that of Kennewick Man was similarly held up by Indian objections; and in 1993 another skeleton was found near Buhl in the state of Idaho.

The latter remains were some 10,600 years old, making them the oldest ever found in North America. The skeleton was however turned over to local Indians, the Shoshone-Bannock tribe, and reburied before any comprehensive testing could be undertaken.

In this way several unique anthropological specimens have already been returned to, and buried by, Indian tribes. In Montana, naturally shed human hair discovered by one archaeologist elicited an Amerind claim. Although the hair had not been buried in any kind of ritual, the US federal government has prevented testing of the hair to commence.

The reasons for the American Indian sensitivity over the issue are obvious proof that Whites—even if only in small numbers—walked the continent of North America before the Amerinds themselves would undermine the latter’s claim to be the original “Native Americans”. For the sake of political correctness, much valuable scientific data is being suppressed.

The fact that America’s Stonehenge is still largely unknown to the wider public is an example of malicious suppression of an important archaeological site for the political implications which it carries.

Editor’s note: Left, some of the rocks at America’s Stonehenge.

For a 4,260-word essay on this very subject, see “Lost White America” by Paul Golding.

One reply on “Titans, 6”

Two hundred years of “acadamic” and media lies falls apart if they admit the theological truth. Another chisel in the trust of the system they do not wedged into the chinks of their ivory tower. They buried the finds of thousands of Giant finds in the Americas during the 1800s in university vaults.

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