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Christendom Philosophy of history Psychology

A lesson

by Jack Frost

As we’ve seen, there is great resistance from certain quarters even on the racial right to the very idea that the Christian worldview is in any way responsible for the current political situation, even when it’s easy to show that the core doctrines of political correctness are quite consistent with Christian teachings, and even when there are so many on the left who are churchmen.

This is no doubt a great help to the system, and more proof, if any is needed, that worldviews don’t change easily. Change is difficult because people become emotionally invested in something that touches them so deeply, and also because a worldview is, in some ways, beyond the reach of reason.

When Christianity took over white civilization so long ago, it didn’t triumph by its skill at argument, or appeals to evidence or logic, but largely by the sword, just as it proclaimed it would. You don’t reason people out of a worldview. You don’t “educate” them out of it.


The lesson of the Christian takeover is that a new worldview may arrive, but if it follows precedent, its arrival will be unheralded, unplanned, and accompanied by great bloodshed.