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Bimbo queen

bimbo!I have now watched the thirty episodes of the three seasons of Game of Thrones and really loved the visuals of the series (with the exception of the botched desert scenes with that dumb blonde).

With racially-conscious directors such beautiful art, in a series filmed in the ethnostate based on fantasy dramas of writers that presently might only be children, will certainly inspire and bring much good to the white psyche and morals.

However, I must rephrase what I said yesterday. Among other problems, the fatal flaw in Game of Thrones is that the bimbo Daenerys Targaryen looks like she will be destined to conquer and rule the kingdoms of earth. Just compare the bimbo with the manly Tywin Lannister. How I would love to dress like him!


Quite a few female characters of Game of Thrones behave like men. In my humble opinion this is Jewish propaganda destined to debilitate our self-image and self-esteem in the real world. Remember my quotable quote of the last week? “If a woman has only manly virtues, we run away…”

Thanks Herr Nietzsche. It is a pity that quite a few feminized western males in the pro-white movement believe otherwise.