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March of the Titans (prologue)

Excerpted from the prologue of March of the Titans: The Complete History of the White Race by Arthur Kemp:

When reviewing the historical development of all nations, quite often mention is made of a “rise and fall” of a particular civilization. This poses a major question: Why have some civilizations lasted a thousand years or more, while others rise and collapse within a few hundred? Why is it, for example, that nations such as Japan, Sweden, and England—all nations with limited natural resources—could have progressive active cultures for more than one thousand years; whereas mighty civilizations such as Classical Rome, Greece, or Persia, amongst others, collapse after only a few centuries?

Politically correct historians blame the rise and fall of the great nations of the past on politics, economics, morals, lawlessness, debt, environment, and a host of other superficial reasons. However, Japan, England, and Sweden have gone through similar crises scores of times, without those countries falling into decay. It is obvious that there must be some other factor at work—something much more fundamental than just variations in politics, morals, lawlessness, or any of the other hundreds of reasons that historians have manufactured in their attempts to explain the collapse of civilizations.

Originally created by Proto-Nordics, Alpines, and Mediterraneans, and then influenced by waves of Indo-European invaders, the white civilizations in the Middle East all flourished, producing the wonders of the ancient world. These regions were either invaded or otherwise occupied (through the use of laborers, immigration, or in rare cases, by conquest) by nonwhite nations of varying races. When the original white peoples who created those civilizations vanished or became an insignificant minority (through death and absorption into other races), their civilizations “fell” in exactly the same way that the Amerind civilization in North America “fell.”

500 BC—First Turning Point

It was around the year 500 BC that the first great turning point in white history was reached. This was the decline of the first great white civilizations in the Middle East and their subsequent replacement by nations and peoples of a substantially different racial makeup.

Up until this time the development of the white race’s territorial expansion was such that they were a majority in Europe and all of Russia west of the Urals. They formed a significant component of the population of the Middle East and their rule extended into the Indus River Valley in Northern India.

In India, the invading Indo-Aryans established a strict segregation system to keep themselves separate from the local dark skinned native population. This system was so strict that it has lasted to this day and has become known as the caste system.

However, even the strictest segregation (and Aryan laws prescribing punishments such as death for miscegenation) did not prevent the majority population from eventually swallowing up the ruling Aryans until the situation has been reached today where only a very few high caste Brahmin Indians could still pass as Europeans.

Exactly the same thing happened in Central Asia, Egypt, Sumeria, and to a lesser degree, modern Turkey. Slowly but surely, as these civilizations relied more and more on others to do their work for them, or were physically conquered by other races, their population makeup became darker and darker.

Miscegenation with Nonwhite Slaves Caused Egyptian Decline

From the time of the Old Kingdom, the original white Egyptians had been using Nubians, blacks, and Semites (or Arabs) to work on many of their building projects or as general slaves.


Egypt: Same country, different people. Above left: The white pharaoh, Queen Nefertiti, circa 1350 BC; Above center: The effects of racial mixing are clearly to be seen on the face of this coffin portrait of a Roman lady in Hawara, Egypt, 100 AD; Above right: The mixed race Egyptian, Anwar Sadat, president of Egypt in the twentieth century. Nefertiti ruled over an advanced civilization; Sadat ruled over a third world country. The reason for the difference in cultures between Nefertiti’s Egypt and Sadat’s Egypt was that the Egyptian people had changed.

At various stages the pharaohs also employed Nubian mercenaries, and ultimately Nubia and Sudan were physically occupied and incorporated into the Egyptian empire. Although the buildings of ancient Egypt are very impressive—many having survived through to the present day, their construction was dependent on the Egyptian ability to organize an unprecedented mass of human labor.

Several attempts were made to prevent large numbers of Nubians from settling in Egypt. One of the first recorded racial separation laws was inscribed on a stone on the banks of the southern Nile which forbade Nubians from proceeding north of that point. Nonetheless, the continuous use of Nubians for labor eventually led to the establishment of a large resident nonwhite population in Egypt, with their numbers being augmented by natural reproduction and continued immigration.

The region was also occupied for two hundred years by the Semitic Hyksos, who intermarried with the local population, and this was followed by other Semitic/Arabic immigration, fueled by the long existing black settlement on the southernmost reaches of the Nile River.

Once again the factors which led to the extinction of the Aryans in India came into play in Egypt: a resident nonwhite population to do the labor, a natural increase in nonwhite numbers, physical integration, and a decline in the original white birthrate.

All these factors compounded to produce an Egyptian population makeup of today that is very different from the men and women who founded Egypt and designed the pyramids.

As the population makeup shifted, so the cultural manifestations, or civilization, of that region changed to the point where the present day population of the Middle East is not by any stretch of the imagination classifiable as white. The Egyptians of today are a completely different people, racially and culturally, living amongst the ruins of another race’s civilization.

Identical Reasons for Decline in Middle East

The decline and eventual extinction of the white population in the Middle East marked the end of the original civilizations in those regions. In all the Middle Eastern countries the Semitic (Arabic) and black populations grew as they were used as labor by the ruling whites. In the case of Sumer, the white rulers were physically displaced by military conquest at the hands of Semitic invaders.

This process continued until almost all remains of the original whites in the greater region were assimilated into the darker populations. Only the occasional appearance of light colored hair or eyes amongst today’s Iraqis, Iranians, Syrians, and Palestinians serve as reminders of the original rulers of these territories.

Lesson—Role of Racially Foreign Labor in the Decline of a Civilization

The lesson is clear: a civilization will remain intact as long as its creating race remains in existence. This applies to all races equally—white, black, Mongolian or any other. As long as a civilization’s founding race maintains its territorial integrity and does not use large numbers of any other alien race to do its labor, that civilization will remain in existence.

If a civilization allows large numbers of racial aliens into its midst (most often as laborers) and then integrates with those newcomers, that civilization will change to reflect the new racial makeup of the population.

Any civilization—be it white, black, Asian, or Aboriginal—stands or falls by the homogeneity of its population, and nothing else. As soon as a society loses its homogeneity, the nature of that society changes. This simple fact, often ignored by historians, provides the key to understanding the rise and fall of all civilizations.


Evidence of black slaves in Egyptian and Grecian society. Left: Nubian (African) slaves as depicted in ancient Egyptian art, and right two Greek vases, dating from the fifth century BC, show the racial types of two slaves, a Semite and a black.

History Is a Function of Race

The early white civilizations in Greece and Rome also fell to this process. The last great Grecian leader, Pericles, actually enacted a law in the year 451 BC limiting citizenship of the state according to racial descent. However, some four hundred years later this law was changed as the population shifts had become more and more evident. Certain Roman leaders tried to turn back the racial clock, but their efforts were in vain. The sheer vastness of the Roman Empire meant that all sorts of races were included in its borders, and this brew ultimately led to the dissolution of the original Roman population.

Those who occupy a territory determine the nature of the society in that territory. This is an immutable law of nature. It is the iron rule upon which all of human endeavour is built—that history is a function of race.

The Rise and Fall of Civilizations Explained

A civilization “rises and falls” by its racial homogeneity and nothing else. As long as it maintains its racial homogeneity, it will last—if it loses its racial homogeneity, and changes its racial makeup, it will “fall” or be replaced by a new culture.


Note: Why I am reposting this entry is explained: here

46 replies on “March of the Titans (prologue)”

1) Is it realistic to ask white rulers to have such foresight? Isn’t imperialism a natural aspect of the will to power?

2) Evidence needs to provided by way of data showing reverse colonization occurring INSIDE Europe. Current race-mixing is the result of Jewish media propaganda and the elimination of racial taboos through mind control, nothing else.

Rome, the original geographical territory from the 3rd century BC, was not overcome with race-mixing; sure, it included North Africans and Asians into its Empire as citizens, just like Alexander had done; but the actual miscegenation problem was happening on the outskirts of Europe, not within.

Race-mixing in India, Egypt, and South America are not necessarily a loss because they are not our original homelands … so why is it a tragedy is such empire collapse into miscegenation eventually?

I think Europa can remain white with colonies externally.

…nothing else.

You’re forgetting that capitalism has no flag or banner, and that according to Michael O’Meara and Tom Sunic the economics over race policies have been a major factor in turning whites into degenerate Eloi, even more than the JP according to them.

As to having empires, hell no! That’s what started the love for the One Ring (economics over race) in the first place! If a white ethnostate is formed, according to Pierce the way to handle entire continents would be thru “extermination or expulsion” of non-whites. Only that will work.

See e.g., here:


I’m not sure you can stop it from happening by telling whites, “Don’t colonize because in a few centuries you will be race-mixed.” No matter what, it’s going to happen so long as whites have curiosity and lust for power, conquest, and adventure.

It’s like telling an 18 year old not to drink alcohol.

But the point of Pierce’s and Kemp’s histories, as I see it, is that in the future conquests won’t be like the previous conquests. Conquests by 18 year-olds are exactly what all previous white empires were. Now we need to grow up. Which means that we must understand why whites have a 5,000-year record of racial failure in the long run, since the times of the cultures that Kemp mentions above. Pace Franklyn Ryckaert, future conquests got to be exterminationist. That’s why I admire The Turner Diaries so much.

The ethnostate must teach that the highest form of Wisdom consists in keeping one’s blood pure. The first commandment of the new law-table is “Thou shalt keep thy blood pure”. Another commandment must dictate the necessity of not enslaving non-whites.

Whites have a long historical record of seeking living space and may always have the drive to gain further living space inherent in them (as they should if they are healthy). However, in the future, instead of building empires via colonization, they must expel (and leave to die out naturally) or exterminate the non-whites they encounter wherever they go. Whites who desire to enslave non-whites rather than expelling or exterminating them are jeopardizing the survival of their race.

WNs should be more concerned with Heidegger, Nietzsche, the existentialists, the Romantics, Asatru, the Traditionalists, and the idealists (whoever one finds common ground with) than they are with miscegenation.

The cause of our downfall was spiritual, not material/genetic. If we restore the spiritual, the genetic/material will take care of itself.

But mere biology is not enough to keep whites organized and motivated; the post-war agreement proved that; Western Europe was predominately White and lived in luxury yet it has deteriorated into a pile of feces. What was missing was the preservation of Western high culture; a common ethos, something worth striving for. Biology is a static term, we need a quasi-religious goal to unite the white race.

I’m not as concerned with saving the white race genetically as I am returning to our pagan/Aryan spiritual orientation (because without the latter, the form doesn’t mean anything).


You got it backwards Mr Deutsch. First biology and precisely because we want to fulfill David Lane’s words with all our heart, that the beauty of the white Aryan woman shall not perish from the Earth, then we follow Manu Rodríguez’s advice. But to me, Heidegger, the existentialists, Asatru, the Traditionalists (curious that you capitalize it), and the idealists tell me little or nothing. Conversely, the sole image of Aryan female beauty tells me all…

Biology first, Kultur second, just as the Jews have been beating us but now on the mirror-image of National Socialism.

Mister Deutsch: “The cause of our downfall was spiritual, not material/genetic. If we restore the spiritual, the genetic/material will take care of itself.”

In fact, the cause of our current downfall is genetic: the replacement of genetic Europeans with genetic Jews at the rudder of Western countries.

Good luck to you trying to restore the spiritual without kicking the Jews out of government and the media!

Do you think that White people just spontaneously started degenerating throughout the West? For no reason at all? Or maybe they didn’t spend enough time reading Nietzsche? And so, your solution is that more people start reading his books. I bet you will also advise the populace to show stronger will power. Seriously, what is your plan to restore spiritual health in your country?

I have a different approach than you. I think the problem comes from the hostile political power at the top. When we try to do something about that, we run into the Jews.

Biology or spiritual vision; whichever comes first, I guess it doesn’t matter … but the point is you need both.

If our people had a high culture prevalent in Europe and America would miscegenation even be possible?

No way; because when whites are elevated, rather than degraded by prole culture, the difference between us and the other races is like that of a god and an ape.

Our women dress like sluts, our men dress like nigg@rs. It’s a cultural issue.

If our people had a high culture prevalent in Europe and America would miscegenation even be possible? No way…

Spain and Portugal had a high culture when they conquered the Americas and look what happened.

Out of curiosity, have you ever slept with a non-white women, or at least thought about it?

Do you have sympathy for whites who have 10-25% foreign genes?

I don’t answer personal questions regarding my sexual life but yes: I feel uttermost sympathy for non-whites who are in our page. For instance, I remember a woman from India who was very concerned about the ongoing extinction of the white race.

“Spain and Portugal had a high culture when they conquered the Americas and look what happened.”

What “high culture” are you talking about Chechar? Christianity? I know that isn’t it, since we both see Christianity as poison, so what do you mean by “high culture” for Spain and Portugal hundreds of years ago when they were both so Christian?

The time of El Greco and the flourishing of the Spanish literature in the so-called golden age of Spain… yes, I’d call that high culture (even the Aztecs had high culture when the Europeans arrived to the continent).

India, Persia, Egypt, Greece, Rome etc. had high spirituality and high culture, yet they all fell because they disboeyed the more-than-human law of Nature for specie preservation: the law of blood purity.

All spirituality, culture, philosophy, basically all thought (which humans alone possess the capacity for) must serve the more-than-human Natural Order, which I gather is what paganism is about. Humans should not abuse their capacity for thought by thinking they have overcome Natural Law.

They fell because their civilization declined, which caused miscegenation. Miscegenation does not cause decline any more than death causes cancer.

Mister Deutsch,

I disagree, miscegenation does cause decline. But you are right in believing that the problem has cultural and ideological roots.

To convince large segments of the masses that multiculturalism is great, and globalization is inevitable, requires a well functioning propaganda machine.

I dont believe either that you can set up an ethnostate without a massive ideological change in the mindset. I suspect the argument based on “white beauty” is not enough, when your listeners are immersed in PC ideology and materialism.

You need also to convince them that you can solve the economic problems that they are struggling with. So I think you need to work on many different fronts.

If large segmens of the population begin to sense that multiculturalism and globalization are threatening to dramatically change their country, both culturally and economically, then there is a chance that WN could stand a chance of success. But there are offcourse no guaranties.

Nationalist or traditionalist philosophy will not do anything for the masses. Even if you and I enjoy reading Nietzsche, and find him inspiring, we are clearly in the minority.

Most people will never consider reading any philosophy, and if they do, many of them will have a limited understanding of this type of litterature. The majority need something far more simple. Like basic principles to adhere to.

This is why controlling the massmedia is far more important than disseminating complex philosophy or other forms of high art.

@ Chechar

My point was that there has to be a significant, inner (cultural and spiritual) decline that causes the possibility of miscegenation (of course I know that miscegenation causes a further decline in intelligence).

@ Jannik

Point being; miscegenation is a symptom, not a cause of decline, in my opinion. I have yet to see evidence that Greece, Rome, Egypt, or India declined BECAUSE of miscegenation, more like they declined as Spengler described, and then, miscegenated.

Additionally, we don’t need to convince the masses of anything; the white mannerbunde-patriarchy simply needs to take power back from the Jews.

White aristocracy is the greatest obstacle to our enemies.

Mr Deutsch,

Spengler and Yockey were wrong. I discovered it when I read Yockey’s views on pre-Columbian America, of which Yockey was ignorant. Neither the Mesoamericans nor the Incas fit in Spengler’s model.

These guys’ theories, at least what they say of the cultures I am familiar with, remind me our friend Sherlock Holmes and his phrase to describe such faulty logic. He called it “theorizing before the facts”. Spenglerians, take heed of Holmes’ advice because you know what happens when you do that: instead of forming theories to fit the facts, you inevitably start twisting facts to fit the theories.

The Spenglerian model applied on pre-Columbian America is such nonsense, at least in the way that Yockey interpreted it.


“Spenglerians, take heed of Holmes’ advice because you know what happens when you do that: instead of forming theories to fit the facts, you inevitably start twisting facts to fit the theories.”

Right, but the general trend of a society in decline and becoming more urban-cosmopolitan clearly would lead to favorable race-mixing conditions. When races are closer to nature, they are more unique because their uniqueness is exacerbated … the city homogenizes.

In all cases, urban areas (civilization ends in the city) have been the hub of miscegenation.

I disagree with you on a lot of issues, I’m glad you entertain dissent here, unlike CC.

Yes I tolerate dissent here; don’t censor comments and only have banned Joe and his multiple sock-puppets (he’s still trying to comment even today, and in one of those comments, which now go directly to the spam filter, he called me Jew 🙁

@Mister Deutsch

I agree there has to be a significant inner decline that causes the possibility of miscegenation and it is an interesting topic for research.
As far as I know, trees don’t miscegenate and animals don’t miscegenate (unless they come into contact with man), they stick with their own, so it’s a distinctly “human” activity. I suspect our ability for speaking, and thus for thinking, has caused us to imagine we are different and can engage in miscegenation without experiencing consequences.

To be honest, I think our ability to think is overrated and has misled us. We abuse the capacity too often and have ended up a perverse and ugly species. It’s an interesting topic, one that leads to a lot more questions.

Wm. Pierce:

“Many other examples—not only among mammals, but also among birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians, and even invertebrates—could be given of pairs of species, potentially interfertile, whose separateness is maintained only by an instinctive, psychological barrier against miscegenation. This general revulsion in Nature against miscegenation has long been recognized by zoologists”

“To be honest, I think our ability to think is overrated and has misled us.”

I disagree. We are losing because the Right is seen as anti-intellectual and backward.

I was always a spiritual fascist, but I never put it together until I read C. Schmitt and listened to Jonathan Bowden’s YT videos. Thinking is what brings the soul in alignment with reality; we need great statesmen and philosophers to organize complexity and package it in forms that the rest of us, lesser thinkers, can digest.

Question: How do you counter our enemies without an intellectual refutation of the Enlightenment, egalitarianism, humanism, and the idea of progress.

Answer: Your can’t because all of our enemies are intellectuals in the universities and press.

“I disagree. We are losing because the Right is seen as anti-intellectual and backward.”

I think that is mostly correct. And that is why I think the left(and the jews) have got it mostly right, when applying their strategy of taking control of a nations politics and culture.

For the left, their takeover has been made possible because all of their energy was focused on the media and education. And this was a long march through the institutions. But it was made possible by a ideological climate that was at least somewhat open to their ideas.

And I also agree that it is necessary to “repackage” ideas, or dumb them down, so the large majority are able to digest and absorb them.

But these repackaged ideas must be accompanied by concrete analysis of politics and economics, and solutions to the most pressing of these issues.
This is the only way that these ideas can win acceptance in the public at large. This is also why I prefer a strategy which focuses on the mass spreading of pro-white ideas. Like the mantra of “14 words”.

“Additionally, we don’t need to convince the masses of anything; the white mannerbunde-patriarchy simply needs to take power back from the Jews.”

I dont know if I understand you correctly, but if you advocate a strategy similar to Greg Johnsons, where the bulk of energy is expended on converting some white intellectual elite, I dont think this strategy will spell success.

Rather I think it will fail miserably. The left won the “culture war” because a real physical war was won on the ground. And this was also made possible by the wider popular support that both socialists and liberals enjoyed afterwards. So I dont think that “premature populism” is any real issue at all.

NS Germany was made possible by appealing to the wide masses. Intellectuals only played a secondary role. However once political control is achieved, leading intellectuals and academics of the right must replace the ones who are in power at present.

Mister Deutsch: “all of our enemies are intellectuals in the universities and press.”

You mean phony intellectuals. No one is impressed by their BS. That’s why they have to rely on intimidation. For example, they say that race replacement is great for Whites, and that race doesn’t exist… Who believes that? No one.

The main tactic of the Jewish media consists in underreporting racial attacks against White people and in making a fuss about semitically incorrect words uttered by White people. It isn’t an intellectual approach at all. They do not intimidate us through the force of their arguments, but through their control of government, the media, and the universities. If you disagree, you are fired!

We don’t need to develop a highly intellectual discourse to reply to a bunch of frauds, bullies, crooks and liars. And we don’t need to explain to White people that race replacement is bad for them. We must simply tell people about the JQ :
– Jewish activism is the driving force behind anti-whitism in government and the media
– The government really wants to kill us
– Jews have a lock on the media (and consequently, on the electoral process)

“How do you counter our enemies without an intellectual refutation of the Enlightenment, egalitarianism, humanism, and the idea of progress.”

Efforts to kill the White race have nothing to do with enlightenment, equality, humanism and progress.


The masses will do whatever the media and educational system tells them; there is no ‘battle’ for the heart and minds of the average person. The average person’s mind is already made up based on a limited spectrum of information.

To use Plato’s analogy, the masses are born into a cave of ideas, from which they will never escape; the cave is their culture, historical understanding, and philosophical POV, which is shaped largely by the ruling elite. The only people with an opinion that matters are those who stand outside the cave, and are contending for political, religious, and economic power; they alone shape the future.

The average, white prole and bourgeois is incapable of free thought whatsoever; they merely respond to stimuli and will do whatever is required for continued access to food, comfort, sex, and money. Hilter marketed to the proles and bourgeoisie, but he repeatedly affirmed the idea that the only thing you want from the masses is CONSENT and APPROVAL, not understanding, reasoning, or intelligent discourse.

Jannik: “a strategy similar to Greg Johnsons, where the bulk of energy is expended on converting some white intellectual elite”

I don’t think he actually says that. Rather, he talks about the necessity for White Nationalists to develop ideas, memes, myths, visions, intellectual arguments, philosophies, and so on, as a first step.


“We don’t need to develop a highly intellectual discourse to reply to a bunch of frauds, bullies, crooks and liars.”

“Efforts to kill the White race have nothing to do with enlightenment, equality, humanism and progress.”

So what exactly would you suggest as an alternative?

Mister Deutsch: “So what exactly would you suggest as an alternative?”

I’m not contesting the need for intellectual arguments on our side. I was just saying that it is largely a matter of common sense, not high philosophy. It doesn’t take extraordinary intelligence to debunk the Jewish or leftist nonsense. For example, the idea that we are enriched by being replaced (!?) is crazy. The idea that White people must be replaced in the name of universal equality doesn’t make sense either.

That said, I enjoy reading pieces by authors who write well and have greater insight or knowledge than the average White Nationalist. Such people are needed to lend prestige to the White cause.

I’ve learned a lot from White Nationalist blogs: about the Jews, world war II, social conformism, the phony two party system, and so on. Those blogs are doing good work.

Mister Deutsch (somewhere, in one of the comments): “we don’t need to convince the masses of anything; the white mannerbunde-patriarchy simply needs to take power back from the Jews.”

That is exactly my view. White people don’t need to be convinced that race replacement is bad for them. They need to be told about the Jews. But that approach contradicts what you say about the need for an intellectual right-wing discourse or ideology.

The ideology is needed for intellectuals who have institutional power. The masses do not need to be consulted; the pottery (the people) is molded by the potter (the state and statesmen).

“That is exactly my view.”

Well, in fact, I’m not saying, like Mister Deutsch, that the masses are stupid and count for nothing. My point is that they already know that race replacement cannot be good for them!

Amor, you are too sentimental. I’m not saying the masses should be treated like crap and used like human resources. No, I’m merely making the point that their political worldview is always framed by pettiness and the egotism of the small world they live in.

Hilter echoed these sentiments repeatedly.

I hate the discourse that says that the masses are hopelessly stupid and that you can’t get anything out of them. The truth is that the masses are politically inactive, which doesn’t mean stupid. Many rocket scientists are politically inactive. They are part of the inactive masses, molded by the media. Conversely, many revolutionaries who did change the course of the world were probably half-morons.

The masses are not stupid, they are as J. Bowden said; ‘like sacks of potatoes that need to be moved about.’

If we were talking about rocket science, then the rest of us would be totally irrelevant; as are the masses in matters of philosophy and politics.

Mister Deutsch

“The average, white prole and bourgeois is incapable of free thought whatsoever; they merely respond to stimuli and will do whatever is required for continued access to food, comfort, sex, and money. ”

I dont think this is entirely correct. If this was the case, then you wouldnt have a dozen national-populist protest parties popping up all around Europe. The people who openly support these type of parties, and many of them are very ordinary non-intellectual types, risk some nasty personal consequences. Some risk being fired from work, or ostracized from their community and friends.

“Hilter marketed to the proles and bourgeoisie, but he repeatedly affirmed the idea that the only thing you want from the masses is CONSENT and APPROVAL, not understanding, reasoning, or intelligent discourse.”

Yes that is correct. But to get their approval you still need to convince them with sound arguments that address their problems, arguments which most people can follow, without requiring an academic background.


“I don’t think he actually says that. Rather, he talks about the necessity for White Nationalists to develop ideas, memes, myths, visions, intellectual arguments, philosophies, and so on, as a first step.”

Well I dont think this should be the first step. At least not all of it. Political organization should be the first step, and along the way you develop arguments that are effective tools of persuasion.

When Hitler rose to power even NS was not a fully developed political philosophy, rather the later developments were added on the basis of what the political situation required.

CC and related sites function as places where a small group of nerdy types of WN and traditionalists, can gather to read articles and research taboo literature.

But in a larger framework this type of site will achieve very little. Rather it might even become a distraction for some people. Thinking that they are actually doing something productive, when the truth is that organizing politically is far more important.

Its not that I think that CC is useless, far from it, but this type of site will only ever appeal to a quite small segment of people. And its naive to think that the readership somehow will transform themselves to become leaders in the future. I just dont think that this causal connection is evident.

This is why I dismiss the notion of “premature populism”. Populism can never become premature in my view, especially not when the demographic and economic crisis is looming all around the western world.

Jannik: “Political organization should be the first step, and along the way you develop arguments that are effective tools of persuasion.”

What type of political organization? They say that political organizing with a view to win local elections, or to pressure the local administration into resisting immigration, is exhausting and time consuming, and there is usually nothing to show for your efforts at the end.

“But in a larger framework this type of site will achieve very little.”

I don’t know what you mean about a larger framework. If Greg Johnson and Kevin MacDonald tried to get elected in a local administration like a city council, they would be wasting their time.

Meanwhile White Nationalists debating on Internet blogs are having an impact. I think that more and more people know about the Jewish problem.

Another possible field of activism is community organizing. If you organize something for local White kids, like school and sports activities, there is less risk of burning out, since the human relationship aspect is in itself profitable to you and to others, even if it doesn’t yield any direct political result. And even when you are no longer active, you’ll know that you have improved some people’s lives. It’s good for the morale.


I wont pretend that I know the ins and outs of the situation in America. And overcoming the entrance barrier to the political system in the US probably seems like a breathtaking task. I am mainly talking from a european and scandinavian perspective, so our situations are probably not completely comparable.

“What type of political organization? They say that political organizing with a view to win local elections, or to pressure the local administration into resisting immigration, is exhausting and time consuming, and there is usually nothing to show for your efforts at the end.”

I was thinking about setting up political parties, working towards the end of political representation. But maybe the situation is somewhat different in the US, although I doubt the efforts would be totally futile, but they probably are time consuming. I think it is the only way forward in the long term though.
The work the “American freedom party” is doing looks solid. The same goes for the “Northwest front”. Although I admit that my knowledge of these organizations is quite limited.

“Meanwhile White Nationalists debating on Internet blogs are having an impact. I think that more and more people know about the Jewish problem.”

Perhaps, although I am not completely convinced that the impact is that great. In Europe most, but not all, of the ethnicnationalist sites have had limited impact, to my knowledge, compared with the “Counter-jihad” movement which has had quite a huge impact.

But I pretty much doubt that a site like CC will have that large of an impact. For an outsider the site will probably appear to esoteric.

The Golden Dawn in Greece is in my opinion an example of a nationalist political movement and party with succes. Their homepage has limited academic content, and also gives the impression of being a grassroots movement.
They focus mainly on politics, and less on metapolitics.
I think their strategy is the right way forward.

Is a movement like GD possible in the US? I dont know for sure, but there are probably many who would rule it out beforehand, since the US doesnt exactly have many right wing activists who are ready to march on the streets.

“I am mainly talking from a european and scandinavian perspective”

I’m making my comments from Armorica (=Brittany). So, I don’t have any special knowledge about the USA.

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