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Might is right (book) Real men


I have decided to suspend, at least for the time being, quotes from Might is Right because of what Ragnar Redbeard says in my last post on the subject, starting with these words (‘Though, the survival of the strongest is the logic of events, yet personal cowardice is the great vice of our demoralized age’) to the end of that post.

While what Redbeard says is true, I detect a big problem: the soft totalitarian world we live in.

In the darkest hour of the West (a euphemism for the darkest hour of the white race) we cannot go out fighting. It is impossible to imitate, say, those tales of Prince Valiant that I read in the Sunday papers as a child.

We live in a world that rather resembles a scene from Paths of Glory when Colonel Dax and his soldiers cannot even get out of the trench because of the machine-gun fire that falls like a downpour on anyone who dares to stick his head above ground.

This is the reality in which we live even with peaceful demonstrations like the one in Charlottesville. The System mercilessly crushes dissent: first with its Antifa, then with police and months or years later using the courts to punish (illegally, as the demonstration was peaceful) those nationalists who went to Charlottesville.

In a totalitarian world, it makes no sense to talk about physical courage, as long as the enemy is so powerful that there is no way to wage an external jihad to weaken him.

But the enemy is not so powerful as to prevent internal jihad… If we cannot wage external jihad at all, it is time for internal jihad: as I said to Jamie a month ago in the context of apostatising from Christianity.

The reason why, at least for the moment, I don’t feel it makes sense to keep quoting Redbeard every other day is because his book was written when external jihad was still possible. For example, when Redbeard published Might is Right Hitler was a child, and when this Austrian grew up he fought both internal and external jihad.

In the darkest hour for the white race, we can only fight internally. The good news is that Muslims consider internal jihad greater, spiritually, than external jihad. To distinguish it from Islam, I call the struggle with oneself the priesthood of the holy words.

2 replies on “Redbeard”

In other words: The most subversive thing in Kali Yuga is to detect what is happening.

And what is happening is that Christian ethics, together with Pax Americana, now covers the West.

Only a priest of the sacred words can know this; and knowing it, his mission is to preach this knowledge.

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