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Man with sword

A few hours ago I listened to a programme I’d heard a dozen years ago: Carolyn Yeager’s interview with (now retired) blogger Severus Niflson, ‘The Heretics’ Hour: Are White Males Hooked on Weakness?’ I found it fascinating to listen to again because it shows how I’ve matured since then.

Like me, Severus Niflson grew up in Latin America but unlike me he was educated in the United States from his teenage years. As he confesses in the interview, his aim is not so much to communicate with white people in general but with white nationalists, who have to listen to some things. What I liked most about the interview is that the image Severus gives us is that of an Aryan man with his sword: the symbol of the defender of his people. If the warrior loses the sword, or if he dies, we are toast because no one will defend us anymore.

Severus talks about white nationalists in a way that is not as harsh as I do (because I believe that, in the collective Aryan unconscious, the white man, the nationalist included, has already thrown away his sword).

Severus says something very true: if we detect that even among the leaders of white nationalism some have been seduced by ethnosuicidal hedonism, through material comfort and entertainment culture, we have a problem. Already a dozen years ago, on 12 June 2012 to be exact, in my notebook about this programme I had written down that I loved the following sentences of Severus:

The more comfortable you are, the more detached from reality… You have to be careful of comfort… You have to be aware of it… We are in love of these things [cell phones, etc.], willing to give [genes and land] for them… Our generations are not connected to reality. This is the danger of modern capitalism… [Regarding Jews:] It is our fault too because we are buying [their stuff]… Our modern society is obsessed with entertainment… Most people at 40 are immature… Entertainment is escape like children… If our own leadership [has fallen] to this type of consumerism, then we have a problem.

Emphasis added. Severus talks about an interview that year with a Christian Identity supporter; Carolyn touches on anti-feminism in The Daily Stormer, and Severus responds by talking politely about patriarchy. There was a moment where Severus said that he doesn’t care about the religion of the racialist he’s arguing with and acknowledged, when talking about Catholicism that, if a racialist Catholic prioritises race over his faith, s/he wouldn’t be a true Catholic (even if that hypothetical interlocutor claims to be Christian).

And here is the issue where I now see things more maturely! The problem is that many Christians on the racial right if forced to choose between two masters, race and faith, are willing to sacrifice the former. When I first got into white nationalism I hadn’t noticed this phenomenon. Now that I have been observing it all these years, and posting many entries exemplifying it with concrete cases, it seems to me that it evokes that gospel passage that it is impossible to love two masters: the man with sword and the crucified rabbi.

At the end of the programme, Severus recommends three books:

  • Might is Right by Ragnar Redbeard
  • The False Assumptions of Democracy by Anthony Ludovici
  • Patriarchia: The Natural Power of Kings by Robert Filmer

Ludovici’s is recommended for those American white nationalists who still believe in their project of nation and, especially, in democracy: a system that is based, as Ludovici demonstrated, on the incredible stupidity of accepting the Divine Right of majorities.

18 replies on “Man with sword”

I’ve just printed and read ‘Anthony Ludovici: Conservative From Another World’, published in 2011 on Counter-Currents. He says things worth remembering: Ludovici moved to Germany to learn German so he could read Nietzsche in the original language!

The article has terms that anti-democrats like us should remember, such as ‘the democratic religion’, since democracy is a secular religion, and ‘mobocracy’: the countries where the dumb masses rule.

The author also mentions expressions that we use a lot on this site, such as ‘transvaluation of all values’ and we are even told that Ludovici attacked Christianity because ‘rationalism has never discarded Christian ethics’.

This English gentleman visited Hitler’s Germany and liked it. Alas, there are no more Englishmen like him today (they have thrown away the sword)…

“Our modern society is obsessed with entertainment… Most people at 40 are immature… Entertainment is escape like children”

Yes, this is unfortunately true.

The obsession most men have for sports and other kinds of escapisms shows immaturity in their part, I myself was like that as a teenager and part of my 20s.

I had to experience real life and authentic traumas in order to breakthrough and understand what is truly important, and what is not. However, it is easy to fall prey for comfort here, and then apathy.

I feel mostly apart from the rest of the normies who had a smooth, comfortable life, alienated from reality.

I really find it bizarre to see grow men around their 40-50s still behaving like teenagers, wasting all their money in ball games, cars, and other pointless hobbies in order to ignore the incoming disaster that is coming.

Younger men could still have hope if they are able to feel anger for the sake of the 14 words.

Sorry, Caesar, I commented that last one with my actual email address. Delete it. I simply said that I have Slave on audible.

Ludovici is awesome. There’s a website dedicated on archiving books and articles from Ludovici (I think it was managed by Greg Johnson or someone in Counter Currents, not sure…). You should give his lecture of Nietzsche a read, Cesar, and his Defence of Aristocracy as well. Cheers!

A nice allusion to one of Jesus’s parables, Cesar!

John MacArthur points this out in his book Slave. A servant can indeed serve too masters. This parable of Jesus’s only makes sense if we translate the verb: ‘doulouein’ in Koine Greek, in Matthew 6:24 as ‘slave-away for’ rather than ‘serve’, which is how it is most usually translated. The word for ‘[slave] Master’ in the Greek of this text is ‘kúrios’, which is what Christians call their Jewish god. ’kúrios’, would be translated into ‘dominus’, in Latin, by Saint Jerome, which is what trad-caths call the Jewish god that they are enslaved to. ‘dominus’ seems, etymologically, to mean: ‘man of the house’ i.e.: ‘plantation owner’. ‘domus’, in Latin, means: ‘house’. An Ancient Roman Lord’s rule over his family and his slaves was absolute.

Slave is perhaps a book that you could review, Cesar, as Macarthur simply comes out and says that Christianity is a slave cult. Christians are slaves, and their Jewish gods: Yahweh and Jesus, are their sovereign slave-masters. Yahweh’s and Jesus’s slightest whim must be obeyed by their Goyim slaves, the Christians. MacArthur even concedes to his Celestial Jewish slave-masters the right of life and death. As the Bible says: ‘Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him…’

When I first heard Urban Jungle Girl refer to Christianity as: ‘a vile cult’, I was shocked: as I was still a Christian. However, now I think that she is a correct. In Christianity, one is enslaved to an invisible Jewish Slave-master in the sky… and this is indeed vile. MacArthur’s treatment of the Slave Theology in the Bible is certainly eye-opening. Even in the Old Testament, one of the prophets is called: ‘Obodiah’, which in Hebrew means: ‘Slave of Yahweh’. Obodiah is one of the canonical books of both the Protestant and Catholic Bibles. Esoteric Jews know full well, that Yahweh doesn’t really exist, and that he is simply a metaphor for the Jewish people. Thus: ‘Obodiah’, esoterically, means: ‘slave of Jewry’. One of the Christians’ Holy Books is essentially called: ‘Slave of Jewry’!

I kinda agree with Alex Linder: you are either pro-White, or you are a Christian. It is not good for white men to have a holy book called: ‘Slave of Jewry‘.

What Linder says is exactly what neither Severus nor Carolyn understood.

P.S. Just for the record, this is the link to the book Slave.

In the interview with Severus Niflson on his article “ Are White Males Hooked on Weakness?” I thought it was very interesting how he spent the first part of the discussion on the harmful effects TECHNOLOGY has on Aryan man today… Dr. Robert Morgan would have partially agreed with Severuses assessment.

Indeed, and Severus is right on this point.

Regarding Morgan’s working hypothesis, it would only have been possible to falsify it if, say, the Vikings had conquered the American continent and, over the centuries, also succumbed to technology to the point of ethnosuicide. But since in real history Christianity was imposed on all white peoples, including the Scandinavians, we cannot know for certain how much the current malaise is due to CQ and how much to technology.

All the more to hate this forced imposition of a Semitic cult on the Aryan man since the times of Constantine…

Technology wouldn’t have much effect since to counter that we had eugenics, yoga (an Aryan invention) and others sorts of artificial struggles to mimic nature’s environment.

In a sane world, technology would have been used to clear the world from the subhumans, as Darwyn predicted. But Judeo Christianity has always been in the way, and perhaps also a strong will to power to conquer this world successfully.

I’ve always been interested in whites from Latin America like you and Niflson. From my observations traveling through different countries in the region, whites there tend to be someone instinctively aware of race but they do not approach it consciously or even ideologically. In all the places I visited, I would always try to befriend local whites and once I established a significant camaraderie, I’d try to gauge how conscious they were on the subject. At most, they had a sort of provincial disdain for the natives, but it was always rooted in superfluous classism.

Have you ever met any other whites that are conscious racial realists in Mexico?

Your country’s chaos was unbearable for me during the short amounts of time I was there. Unlike other places that I visited in South America, the white minority seems to have lost all real political power and was content in their wealthy enclaves, even if the country around them was crumbling in the hands of the indigenous and mestizo majority. It seemed like a hellish, schizophrenic existence for me.

Have you ever considered moving to South America? Rural Argentina and Uruguay seem like the best places for whites in my opinion. I saw some places where the population was almost completely untainted by indigenous blood, and they were sufficiently far removed from major metropolitan areas and their ideological rot.

Argentina let’s anyone in, and basically allows you to overstay your welcome as much as you want.

There is more freedom, at the moment, for people like me here than in Argentina (where there have already been cases of laws that muzzle people like us).

As far as your questions are concerned, I talk about the racial surrealism that I have witnessed in Mexico in my latest book.

Soon I’ll start translating all of my books (for the moment only the first chapter of my first volume has been translated and published).

I look forward to those translations. Please post about them when you plan on publishing them.

In the meantime, I am still curious about the state of conscientious whites in your vicinity. What has your experience been like?

Regarding Argentina, you are correct about thought control laws there, however, like most Latin American countries, they are pretty dysfunctional and it seems like any such laws would be unenforceable in a practical sense. But you never know how things will work out, specially now with their buffoonish, philosemitic president.

In the meantime, I am still curious about the state of conscientious whites in your vicinity. What has your experience been like?

My experiences are absolutely terrible on this matter. One of the things I mention in El Ser is that a cousin of mine, physiognomically totally Aryan, recently had a child with an ugly mestizo: spoiling a line of beautiful women that went back to my great-grandmother, who had canary yellow hair when she was a little girl (I still treasure her blonde braid in my family heirlooms).

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