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Crusade against the Cross (book)


Thus, the Nietzschean doctrine of eternal return was strongly influenced by Christian concepts of eternal life. Same song, different tune! Like the Freemasons, and despite the anti-clericalism that Nietzsche shared with them, none of them was free of the malware that our parents installed in our souls. With his Zarathustra, Nietzsche himself thus became a neotheologian, and the same could be said of the much more recent New Age, and even of secular neochristianities as I have so often exposed on my website. There is always a neotheological tail that drags even the most radical racialist into the abyss, as Balrog’s whip of fire dragged Gandalf into the bowels of the earth. Our mission is to cleanse these last vestiges of Christian programming, however recondite they may be hidden in the Aryan collective unconscious: something that can be done by fulfilling the commandment of the Delphic oracle, to know thyself (which is why I have written introspective autobiography).

Crusade against the Cross:
The tragic life of Nietzsche
, page 52.

Crusade against the Cross (book) Daybreak Publishing

Nietzsche PDF

The PDF that brings together the last twenty-one entries on Nietzsche’s tragic life (and two appendices) is now available, here.

In the PDF, I have corrected as many syntax errors in the entries as I could detect.

If a sponsor were to come along who would allow us to have a small publishing house (or alternatively that there was a publisher willing to publish our books), the first thing we would do would be to print books like Crusade against the Cross so that visitors who wanted to have hard copies on their bookshelves could do so.

In the series of the previous weeks, I omitted the image of Franz Overbeck (1837-1905), who is seen here with his wife. Had it not been for this theologian friend of Nietzsche, who made a handwritten copy and sent it to Peter Gast, the manuscript of The Antichrist might have been lost to posterity.

Thank you, Franz, for not allowing what, in my opinion, is the tragic philosopher’s masterpiece to be lost!