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Art Autobiography Music

“El Orador”


Before I was born my mother used to practice El Orador (YouTube audio here): a piece for piano composed by my father.

Throughout her pregnancy I happened to be a couple of inches from the piano’s keys, in embryonic state! My mother once told me that while practicing that piece I moved vigorously in her womb. I have this music amalgamated to my soul…

El Orador (The Orator) is a fantasia for piano that my father composed in 1952 and was performed for the first time by María Teresa Rodríguez, and then by my mother (photo above) in 1958, in private gatherings, after I was born.

Father Vértiz, a Catholic priest with eloquent oratory power had inspired the music of my father. According to my parents, the priest’s sermons were like a parable: they initiated in adages and after crescendos culminated in a violent rhetoric that captivated the faithful.

Art Autobiography Christian art



This 78 x 64 cm. framed illustration in my bedroom is a slightly modified copy drawn by my father in 1957 of Gustave Doré’s illustration of the most famous fratricide in Christendom.

Art My pinacoteca

Paumgärtner Altarpiece

Albrecht Dürer
Paumgärtner Altarpiece
(detail) ~ 1500
Alte Pinakothek of Munich

Art Christian art My pinacoteca

The Apostles

Albrecht Dürer
The Apostles
(detail) ~ 1526
Alte Pinakothek of Munich

Art Christian art My pinacoteca

Resurrected Christ

resurreccion-Hans Pleydenwurff

Hans Pleydenwurff
Resurrected Christ
~ 15th c.
Alte Pinakothek of Munich

Art Christian art My pinacoteca

The conversion of Augustine


Fra Angelico
The Conversion of St. Augustine
~ 1430-35
Musee d’Art Thomas Henry

Art Christian art My pinacoteca

Before Lycias

Fra Angelico
Cosmas and Damian before Lycias
~ 1447-49
Alte Pinakothek of Munich

Art Christian art My pinacoteca


Fra Angelico
~ 1438
Alte Pinakothek of Munich

Art Christian art My pinacoteca

Story of St Nicholas

Fra Angelico
Story of St Nicholas
~ 1437
Pinacoteca Vaticana

Art Christian art My pinacoteca

St Anthony and St Paul

Stefano di Giovanni di Consolo (“Sassetta”)
The Meeting of St Anthony and St Paul
~ 1440
National Gallery of Art