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Kevin MacDonald War!


Power has changed hands and the lackeys haven’t understood that there is now a new sheriff in town, as Alexander Dugin says in an article published in The Occidental Observer.

Kevin MacDonald thus passes the microphone to Dugin on the coming end of the Ukrainian war: something that Greg Johnson, who has sided with Ukraine, I doubt he will do…

4 replies on “Zelensky”

Richard Spencer has a much worse stance than Johnson: he even uses the Ukrainian flag in his X account!

I’ve noticed that there is a contingent of the Dissident Right that is militantly anti-Russia and pro-Ukraine. I don’t understand this. It seems they are opposed to Russia because Russia is not explicitly White Nationalist. How could they use that as the standard? Russia is resisting the ethnic suicide of modern liberalism / Neo-Christianity as much as can be expected from a nation still steeped in Christianity. They are partially resisting the Christian universalist poison instead of fully surrendering to it like the rest of Western Europe and America (Australia, New Zealand, etc). Why attack a country fighting the Neo-Christians and the Jews?

Also, there is the actual history of Ukraine and the way it was cobbled together because of various imperial forces. Its not a true country that should be defended in its current configuration. Its a means to conquer Russian and eliminate the one partial reactionary White society on the planet. How can Spencer and Johnson not know this? Spencer and Johnson get some things right but boy do they get things wrong. The current White Nationalist movement is just quirky. So many of them refuse to cross The Wall to use your metaphor. But they also have an immaturity about them that makes them unlikeable.

Some racialists commenting on WN forums have speculated that Spencer is simply posturing; or that Johnson likes Zelensky because he would open the homo agenda to Eastern Europe! Speculation, but the behavior of both is bizarre as you say.

I remember a dozen years ago when Counter-Currents’ top writer, Michael O’Meara, tried to politely discuss Russia and Ukraine with Johnson, without success. More recently, when Zelensky had journalist Gonzalo Lira killed, Johnson wrote a somewhat mocking article about the Chilean-American!

I just don’t get these people.

The Ukraine/Russia conflict will end with Zelensky being dead to tie up lose ends of the USA shipping them weapons that ended up in the hands of groups the CIA is training. The big question is when will the U.S. politicians stop supporting Israel’s genocide of the real Semitic people. And do not expect the Epstein files to ever be released. Epstein was most likely working with Israel. Remember, these S.O.B.’s killed Dugin’s daughter for telling the truth. Albert Camus was correct, the world is an absurd place.

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