A religion for sheep, 6
by Revilo P. Oliver
Published by Liberty Bell Publications in 1980,
under Oliver’s nom de guerre Ralph Perier.
How the Jews hate Christianity
The Jews no longer make a serious effort to maintain the pretense of an antipathy to Christianity. It is true that once in a while they protest the public display of Christian symbols, such as the cross. But that merely spices their joke. When they erect a thirty-foot “menorah” in front of the White House to remind their tenant who owns the place, the cowed Christians never think of protesting.
Oliver, in his fairly well-known book, Christianity and the Survival of the West, claimed that it was a “Western” religion, but he had to base his argument on what had to be added to the doctrine to make it acceptable to the Nordic peoples after the collapse of the rotted Empire that had once been Roman. And in the postscript to his second edition, he admitted that the religion had been stripped of those additions and was being reduced to the superstition of the early Christian sects that either excluded non-Jews or admitted them only to the status of “whining dogs,” which they could attain by having themselves mutilated sexually, observing the Jewish taboos, and obeying their God-like masters.
The holiness of the Jews is now an established dogma, especially among the Ersatz-Christians. A friend of mine, who is now in the United States, wrote to presidents of various colleges and universities that were trying to make a few extra bucks by offering courses to prove the “truth” of the Jews’ hoax about the “six million” of God’s People that the Germans are supposed to have “exterminated” by a procedure that is physically impossible. He had several very nasty replies from chief diploma-salesmen who intimated that he, who holds a Ph.D. in modern history, should be locked up for his “ignorance.”
I have seen copies of some of those letters. The irate prexies were clearly endorsing their own faith. They knew that Jews could not lie, just as their grandfathers had known that Jesus walked on water and held a picnic that was the least expensive fish-fry in history. It boots not to inquire how much of their grandfathers’ faith or their own was founded on actual belief in what “everybody believes” and how much was based on a calculation that it would not be remunerative to doubt what “everybody knows.” The results are the same. Woe to him who questions any tale told by the “righteous” race.
By this time, everyone must know that the Jews have acquired a working control of all the media of communication: the press, the radio, the boob-tube, and the publication of widely-distributed books. If the Jews had the slightest animus against the Christian religion, they would use these powerful weapons to destroy it. Instead, the real opponents of Christianity, the rational atheists, are systematically and totally excluded from the “media.” No newspaper, no widely distributed periodical, dares print one of their articles or even to mention them without derision. No radio or television station will admit they exist, and even if they telephone on “call in” programmes, they are shut off before their first significant word reaches the antenna.
To get into print, they must organise their own starveling publishing companies to issue books or periodicals that are very expensive because only a few copies can be printed for a tiny audience that cannot be increased because no newspaper or radio could be hired to advertise such publications at any price. The managers, even if not Jews, prudently assume that atheists, who would substitute facts and reason for fairy tales and blind faith in “spiritual values,” are very wicked, and they regret that it is not currently feasible to burn them at the stake. If the Jews had an antipathy to Christianity, they could change that attitude overnight with a few directives to their hirelings, and they could make the religion ludicrous in the eyes of the majority within a year or two. The boobs simply absorb what they are told.
The Jew-controlled “media” constantly and systematically lavish free publicity on the Christian churches and especially on the salvation-hucksters. The aether is clamourous with the bellowing and wheedling of “evangelists,” who are plying their trade and raking in money from everyone whose emotions can be stirred by their crude rhetoric. Even the richest of the gospel-businesses receive much of their advertising free; when they do have to pay, they are given much reduced rates. The “media” religiously report miracles that could have happened only East of the Sun and West of the Moon. And they religiously assume that the Christian shamans are so holy they must “mean well,” even when they are caught in embezzlement or fraud.
I hear that about half a dozen White preachers, more or less subtly “racist” or even anti-Jewish, are allowed to speak (for a fee) over some of the smaller radio stations in the United States, provided, of course, that they do no more than furtively intimate what they mean on racial subjects. If they really annoyed the Jews, they would be shut up on some pretext or other. The “evangelists” who make it to the big time (an annual take of ten million dollars or more) all make it clear that a Christian’s first obligation is to adore God’s People.
Furthermore, although the Christians and some sociologists miss the point, the “media” are industriously creating the atmosphere most propitious to a recrudescence of Christianity. The religion grew in the decaying Roman Empire with the growth of universal unreason: It had to compete only with other superstitions so gross that historians are perplexed when asked to decide which was the most grotesque.
The “media” are today stridently promoting every kind of hokum that encourages belief in the supernatural. They not only advertise, but even hire “psychics,” “seers,” astrologers, and mystery mongers who spin tall tales about haunted houses, weekends on “flying saucers,” “Bermuda Triangles,” and similar boob-bait. All the adepts of such cults are potential customers for the Christian fakirs. When, for example, a man begins to practise the self-hypnosis called “transcendental meditation,” he will soon ripen himself for an access of Faith. When he has so blunted his intelligence that he can believe that the planets, while obeying the law of gravitation with mathematical precision, took the trouble to portend his future, he can soon believe in the Second Coming and the End of Time.
I have seen no statistics that indicate how greatly the percentage of belief in the theological myths of Christianity has been increased by the Jews’ strenuous promotion of it, but I observe that in the United States the three clowns who recently competed for the job of doing the Jews’ work in the White House thought it good advertising to call for a “spiritual rebirth” and to claim that they had been laundered in “the blood of the Lamb” and “born again.” A candidate’s chances of winning the popularity-contest now seem to be increased by evidence that he either is a liar or has hallucinations.
The most stupendous of the Jews’ many hoaxes is a witch’s brew that has, over the centuries, transformed the once intelligent and valiant Aryans into flocks of uncomprehending sheep, easily herded, easily fleeced, and easily stampeded.
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Editor’s note:
After Alain de Benoist’s essay on Christianity, I’ll be posting a series on Revilo Oliver’s book mentioned above.
By the way, I’ve been taking these images from the republishing of this essay six years ago in National Vanguard (here). As you can see, Oliver died in 1994 and the images of the mad evangelist are from this century. Apparently, Rosemary Pennington of National Vanguard chose the images, and I think it was opportune to interpolate them into Oliver’s 1980 piece.
One reply on “Xtianity:”
What Oliver says about how belief in the paranormal is related to our Christian introjects is fundamental. I talk a lot about this in my autobiography, and both in Mexico City and in Seattle I have spoken with a Canadian sceptic, James Alcock, who has written about this subject.