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Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books) Tree


I must clarify something about the hatnote I have been putting on the most recent instalments of Karlheinz Deschner’s books, Christianity’s Criminal History.

As I say in the hatnote, entries 1-183, which can be read in two PDFs (here and here), are a couple of abridged books in English. From entry 184 onwards, on the other hand, I am and will be posting the rest of Christianity’s Criminal History unabridged, except for the substantial endnotes to the books that can only be read in German.

I decided to do so because our first translations, which appear in the linked PDFs, are more than enough to understand that the official history of Christianity, written by Christians, conceals the crimes that religion committed against the white race. Everyone has heard of the witch burnings or the Inquisition of the second millennium c.e. But hardly anyone knows the Christian criminal history of the first millennium. An abridged translation was necessary to make the common reader aware of that reality.

But now that we are approaching the second millennium, the abridgement, which was purely for literary reasons (who will want to read the whole first 5 volumes?) is no longer necessary. With the readable basis of how Christianity destroyed the Aryan society from Constantine to Charlemagne, a basis which had to be summarised if I want my visitors to know about it, it is enough.

After Charlemagne’s successors, we can go into details that will be boring. But I will try to give them some life with my interpolated notes in my new series of entries, that I already started with instalment 184. I confess that I haven’t read the rest of Christianity’s Criminal History. But now that we are translating volumes 5-10, I am sure I will learn many facts about our parents’ religion that I was unaware of.

Those familiar with the POV of this site know that I am convinced that reclaiming History will cure the white man from the guilt that is killing him (guilt evident in the film Am I Racist? which is now being released in the US and Canada). The best way to do this is to realise that the stories we have been told about Christianity and the Second World War are astronomical lies.

As far as WW2 is concerned, the astronomical lie is noted in that the Allies perpetrated a real holocaust of Germans and blamed the Germans for what they did! That’s why I will be quoting the contents of Tom Goodrich’s book, Summer 1945, once a week (I told Goodrich I would).

Without reclaiming our history we will perish! That’s why, as my old visitors know, the symbol I like is that of Bran the Broken touching the Weirwood Tree to see the past as it happened.

3 replies on “Clarifications”

CT, grateful that you have made the effort to bring this work into English. You know how much I agree with your premise, and yes, I also agree that the full criminality and anti-nature of Christianity needs to be fully expressed and exposed. Bitter truths that we all (living in a neo-Christian world) need to grapple with in order to transcend them.

Thank to you, Coel Hen.

And by the way, if any of your comments don’t make it through, please let me know by email (the troll filter is so waterproof that it sometimes doesn’t let legit comments through without me knowing!).

I don’t believe I’ve ever had any issues with it but I know from time to time you’ve had unwelcome commentary so understand the need. I will surely let you know if I have any issues.

Otherwise, I’m not nearly active enough online and need to do better about engaging with your work. I’ve been a bit quiet the past year or so. As you know, I’m a regular reader but tend to meditate more on what you have put together rather than “comment.” I also share it widely on X and other sites when I can. I am trying to put into praxis these things that we meditate on, the best that I can, so I’ve tried to step back from online engagement over the past year or so as it can become a sort of pseudo-reality, a simulacrum.

I’m trying to be more forward in my professional and personal relationships, to guide others towards these truths, however incrementally, to lead them as far as they can be led, so that they can recognize some of the truths we discuss here. I don’t view this as missionary work in the Christian sense, but more like midwivery in the Socratic sense, as the truth (the real truth of nature, of reality) needs no witness.

Most of the time, I’m almost always nodding my head in agreement with you so there’s no need for comment. Please keep up the happy struggle, telling these plain truths that need to be laid bare and translating works for the benefit of us who can’t access them otherwise. I will do my part to offer more discussion where I feel I can contribute.

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