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Aryan beauty

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Imagine a planet inhabited only by those wonderful nymphs and their male counterparts, the Galaxy could be ours, nothing could stop us, we could be mere subhumans compared to them, yes, even today the Euros (most of them) are too far away from our full evolution, from our destiny, we can feel it, grasp it with our arts, myths, science and technology. What are the wonders that await us? and from here a big question arises , White planet or Extinction. I chose the first one and all the brutality and fight needed to fulfill our Destiny.

Good morning Volkor,

For a long time I have called pubescent girls like the ones above ‘nymphets’, and adolescent girls ‘nymphs’.

When I spoke with other men in a café decades ago (a very Spanish custom of the older generations of Spaniards!) I liked to make that hilarious distinction.

Cheers 🙂

nymphets, a cute name indeed. This is how I will call to my daughters. White girls and women deserve the best, and with that they deserve good masculine men models and protection. Equal to our boys , they deserve infinite opportunities, conquests and explorations. Hope one day (very possibly none of us will be alive to see it) we could once and for all overcome our darkest hour.

Just as Velasco (I could never thank him) , thanks for keeping the flame alive. For all your work and time, without a doubt the best thing I discovered 6 years ago.

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