Mural depicting Claudia Sheinbaum as a Jedi in a Star Wars scene.
In the comments section of the previous post, Dale Jansen asks me:
Could you blog on your new Jewess President of Mexico. How did that happen? I would have thought that Mexicans were more naturally racist than that. Aren’t brown Mexicans more anti-Semitic than Whites? Also, we’re getting reports of upwards of around 40 political assassinations throughout Mexico. Could you describe that phenomenon. Is that purely the result of Amerindian violence and drug cartels?
It’s one thing for me to live in Mexico, it’s another to be interested in its politics or society. It may surprise you that I try not to find out what is going on in this country.
This is because, since the mestizaje was consumed, the bulk of Spanish speakers, the very few Criollos included, have been addicted to the blue pill. It is easier for neighbours north of the Rio Grande to take the red one for the simple fact that many haven’t mixed their blood. Here’s how someone who took the red pill sees things:
The Amerindians that ruled Mesoamerica from 2500 b.c.e. to 1521 c.e. were a culture of serial killers (cf. my book Day of Wrath). When the Spanish arrived in the 16th century, the first thing they did was to interbreed with these serial killers! (albeit males marrying Indian women, not white women marrying Indian males). After importing black Africans for the hardest tasks, tri-racial miscegenation was consummated during the Spanish viceroyalty.
The Mexican War of Independence, fought by Criollos, mestizos, Indians and mulattos (1810-1821), was a war against the peninsular whites. And the Mexican Revolution a hundred years later reduced racial taboos and encouraged the rise of non-Criollos.
Mexicans today have internalised the current western narrative (feminism, LGBT, idealisation of pre-Columbian Mexico, etc.) with such violence that, in all Mexican media, there is not even a ‘purple pill’ to half-awaken them.
I have written extensively on the Mexican racial question in the third autobiographical book of my trilogy. If you don’t know Spanish and want to find out my views on the subject, you can do so using Google Translate and read what I have written on my site La hora más oscura para la raza blanca. There you will see that the situation in Latin America is beyond repair because of what I said above: they are addicted to the blue pill.
To make matters worse, the highly mesticized Mexicans you mention have a lower IQ than the pure Criollo, and even the latter sleeps peacefully in the ethno-suicidal matrix that controls him. If the Criollo sleeps, you can imagine the depth of sleep in the common mestizo, not to mention the Indians with very little white blood. Indeed: the murders we are increasingly suffering in the country are a product of the birth rate of the latter compared to the ever-dwindling Criollos. Jared Taylor has published statistics on how low IQ influences the crime rate in the US, and this applies equally to Latin America.
The subcontinent is a basket case, and not worth spending my time deciphering except what I have written in my third book and La hora más oscura para la raza blanca.
As far as the new president is concerned, last year I posted a brief note about the Jewish community in Mexico City. Since I have lived here for decades, I have been several times to the zone where most Jews live, Polanco, which looks like a first-world area compared to others in the great Mexican metropolis. But there is no anti-Semitism in Mexico for the same reason that there is no anti-Semitism in the US, even though there are many more JQ-conscious people in the US than south of the Rio Grande.
My suggestion to the pure Criollo, or the American who hasn’t yet polluted his blood, is to forget about these forsaken lands of the hands of the Gods and focus on trying to understand the reason for the Aryan decline. To this end, my next project will be to put together a new anthology to complement my old anthology of blog posts, Daybreak.
4 replies on “Jewess president”
Thanks for this post. It was informative. I was in Mexico City roughly 25 years ago visiting a Mexican girl I had dated when she went to summer school in America. She was what I would call a White Latin but her friends where almost all Nordic looking Whites; some of them blond blue eyed Aryans. I also remember sections of Mexico city to be very nice and I don’t recall seeing blacks. At the time I thought to myself as bad as brown Mexicans may be, they are nowhere near as bad as blacks. The presence of black populations destroys the shared commons of any society that hosts them.
Imagine if the Spanish and Portuguese did either kill off or quarantine the Amerindians to the outskirts and transplanted Southern European society to Central and South America. An all White Mediterranean themed Southern hemisphere would have been an absolute treasure.
True, but that is not what they did.
With the sword of the Conquest came also the Catholic orders (Franciscans, Jesuits, etc.), which protected the indigenous people and were bearers of the ideological matrix that justified mestizaje.
The blunders that Catholics from Mexico to Argentina committed since the 16th century are now being committed by Anglo-Germans north of the Rio Grande, and both are due to the fact that Christianity doesn’t recognise races: all wingless bipeds have ‘souls’.
That’s why, a generous sponsor has told me, the German word Feinderkennung encapsulates the essence of my work.
“The presence of black populations destroys the shared commons of any society that hosts them.”
I agree with Dale. I have experienced it myself by living in Detroit, one of the blackest cities in the country, and the damage that blacks do to the surrounding white populations with their presence and influence is horrendous.
They really do destroy everything with their ugliness, filthy music and stupid, infant like behavior. Let alone the fact that they are constantly preying on white women, which in turn undermines trust and integrity of society as a whole (with other repulsive results).
Blacks only bring decay and filth, and should be exterminated, I’m convinced.
Have you been to the UK and seen street billboards advertising niggers with English women? What is it about English men that they don’t rebel against it, have they all been lobotomised? What chance does the white race have of surviving with such ‘men’?
Without mushroom clouds burning down major English cities, I don’t see how they’re going to wake up…