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Two former commenters

…on this site are going to jail?

Tyrone Patten-Walsh used to comment quite frequently here under the pen name of Joseph Walsh. The last time I visited London I met him and his friend Cristopher Gibbons, who also commented on this site under the pseudonym Chris White, although very rarely.

Some visitors might remember Black Wolf Radio, where Chris talked to his pal Joseph Walsh (Tyrone, as he was known in the London Forum). They talked about things not unlike what we have said here, or what Andrew Anglin has said in The Daily Stormer.

But apparently the UK lacks a Brandenburg law[1]: a refinement of the First Amendment and these two Englishmen, who as I just said have commented on The West’s Darkest Hour, will spend some time in jail!

Tyrone and Chris were tried separately; a retrial was ordered due to irregularities in the prosecution case. Earlier this year they were found guilty but sentencing has been deferred until January. Based on the conduct and remarks of the presiding judge, a Londoner I also met during my latest trip is anticipating a sentence of about eight years for Chris and somewhat less for Tyrone.

England, the land of my English roses, is gone!


[1] According to Wikipedia: ‘Brandenburg v. Ohio, 395 U.S. 444 (1969), is a landmark decision of the United States Supreme Court interpreting the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The Court held that the government cannot punish inflammatory speech unless that speech is “directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action”.  Specifically, the Court struck down Ohio’s criminal syndicalism statute, because that statute broadly prohibited the mere advocacy of violence’.

8 replies on “Two former commenters”

If you read the thoughtpolice article linked above, they don’t quote Chris and Tyrone’s exact words.

My guess is that they were inflammatory words like Anglin’s, but not calls for immediate violence. If they had cited the exact words it would be easier to see the prosecutorial trick of these Big Brothers of our forums.

Gonzalo Lira, who is in prison in Ukraine or even dead for thoughtcrime, used to advise all of us moving to the Third World so as not to be harassed by the thoughtpolice of the developed world (as I am not harassed in Mexico)!

I’m sad to read about Cristopher and Tyrone. I hope they survive their prison time in on piece, in what must be a very disappointing and stressful situation. I’ve gathered the idea that, in the UK at least, prisoners arrested for TACT offences are in general shunned and ignored, if not subject to disapproval and shaming by those of the main body of Nationalists and Dissents. Their cases are briefly mentioned, as any voyeuristic titbit of current affairs is briefly mentioned, but I get the idea there is limited support and concern afterwards, and most are quickly forgotten and left to their fate. I’d imagine any smaller groups of National Socialists would be more compassionate and loyal towards them, but they remain fiercely overshadowed (even) by the political optics and moral crusades of these image-conscious personality cultists.

I note that The Independent carries an article from the 12th October 2023 stating that a senior England and Wales judge has ordered judges not to jail rapists due to overcrowded prisons, including the early release of some inmates. Also, on the 29th October 2023 the BBC News reported that the Sentencing Court for England and Wales is telling judges to impose more community sentences, again due to prison overcrowding. The Council has written a document suggesting that “judges need to take extra care in assessing the lives of offenders from specific backgrounds including young adults, women, people with dependants, people who are transgender, ethnic minorities or people with addictions, learning disabilities or mental disorders.” Following these two recent UK newspaper articles, I wonder if soon British prison inmates will be disproportionately those native citizens convicted on thought-crime and political prisoner charges. The establishment’s anti-white regime certainly seems to be pre-occupied with the notion of far right terrorism, at the expense of all genuine dangers to the British people. I take it the authorities are simply cracking down on their political enemies in tandem with their general long-term population-replacement drives, much as the unpopular Police have a professional necessity to meet their targets, cynical as much as they are anti-white, perhaps keen as an organisation to redeem themselves of the media’s judgement that they are institutionally racist.

As you know, I’m facing a similar situation myself, come September 2024. Despite my own charges being for the possession and sharing of hard libertarian survivalist manuals, the Police were very keen indeed to highlight (and confiscate) the 6-inch National Socialist pennant hanging beside the oil paintings on my wall, totally private from the public, and indeed the small, discreet Swastika necklace under my clothes, much as they have taken great care to diligently catalogue and photograph the various air-rifles, air-pistols and rifle crossbows I kept in my collection, all totally legal under British Law, and obtained above board, and which I was accustomed to target-shoot with on my friend’s private country estate. In a better a world I’d suggest to them that my National Socialist perspectives, or indeed any ideological perspectives, were none of their business. The rest seems to be an equivalent to the US anti-gun hysteria, and excessive despite the relative innocuousness of these sporting weapons.

Also, I tried putting to my lawyer that to this day Wikipedia’s pages on Ragnar Benson and Kurt Saxon contain active PDF links to a great many of these survivalism manuals, and indeed Amazon’s UK servers quite happily stocked their catalogue at the time of the arrest in 2021 but he says it’ll make no difference. I think I agree with him. Having disregarded all due process thus far, I can’t see these cold fanatics changing their minds no matter what is presented to them. The ‘social stigma’ of their allegation among State care professionals and within my family and the bystander assumptions based on their equivocation between sharing controversial documents and genuine acts of violent terrorism has been my steady undoing the entire way. I can only hope that eventually some solidarity forms among the natives of this country. I wish the two commenters well.

Hello Benjamin,

The anti-white system in the UK and the rest of the West will only begin to go into crisis when the American dollar collapses. Until it collapses, I don’t see any light anywhere in the West. What bothered Tyrone, and he told me this I think in one of the discussion threads, is that we don’t know when the fiat system will collapse.

A German with whom I correspond told me that it won’t collapse during our lifetimes (we are both in our sixties).

I doubt it!

It was men who did that. You can’t hate the English women of that time. Nature made those beautiful creatures with long hair and short ideas so that we would desire them, not so that we would hate them. You just cannot hate a sexual object!

In the U.S. national media are concerned that this clown Trump might have quoted Hitler and accused him of reading Mein Kampf. So, now reading a book is a crime? I assure you today that no news reporter living today has ever read Mein Kampf or any other historical works by Marcus Aurelius, Homer or Nietzsche, etc.. Here is a link to an article all should read:



England was where the human seed stock of the United States plethora of christian nutters like unitarians, quakers, mormons etc came from. Even the mainstream English christian churches were having moral cleansing by fire, torture and the rack of its own people for hundreds of years before that.

Its no surprise then that George Orwell having lived in England came up with his quote “a boot stamping on a Human face forever”

Anglophobia is normal but England was mortally wounded by the Cromwell brothers and the Sephardim who settled in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and London…

the true england will always be part of the german people but not those who say they are english and are not here is a video of the late queen eisabeth and king edward with wallis simpsom doing the roman salute,


Links about the “scandal”


you should also look into the archives of marburg and watch the royal family series although in the end both boys are proof that although not NS the late queen was at least racist.

Yes Orwell was Freemason and he have nice contact in the end of his days he write de Orwell List.

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