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Litmus paper

It is in my peripatetic wanderings that I get my best ideas. Today, thinking a bit about what I said yesterday about Kevin MacDonald, the following occurred to me.

What litmus paper do we have as to who is really defending the white race from the extinction it is experiencing, and who is not really defending it? The answer is simply: the one who has transvalued his values—he defends it. And from this acid test, MacDonald doesn’t defend it entirely in that, by seeing Jewry as the primary cause of the current situation and not Christianity, he inadvertently contributes to the destruction of his race.

How so? Because MacDonald, like the most notable figures in white nationalism—Jared Taylor, Greg Johnson and Andrew Anglin to mention only the admins of the most frequented forums—publishes articles by Christians in his webzine. None of these have transvalued their values to the level of, shall we say, considering what Himmler and his ilk did very moral. We can already imagine KevinMac, Taylor and Johnson sporting T-shirts with the face of the Reichsführer-SS! (even the Christian Anglin has removed the Nazi symbols in The Daily Stormer with which he started).

Transvaluing values to how the Aryans acted before the arrival of Christianity simply means that we will no longer base our morals on the New Testament. Or on the legacy of the Enlightenment and the French Revolution (that pseudo-apostasy of Judeo-Christianity that we here call neochristianity). Whoever has transvalued his values no longer bases his morals on what a Jew wrote for gentile consumption (see what David Skrbina wrote in the most important of our PDFs).

It is as simple as that.

2 replies on “Litmus paper”

Kevin MacDonald: “Why Are Jews So Influential?”

Robert Morgan answered:

One thing is absolutely dead certain. It can have NOTHING to do with the fact that white people have been worshiping a Jew as God for two thousand years. Nosiree! That’s clearly irrelevant! It has no consequences whatsoever! LOL

I saw a title of a blog post recently ….There has to be consequences for anti-white behaviour……… that is the test for who is defending european peoples.

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