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Painting of the day

2 replies on “Painting of the day”

Hello Caesar, in your opinion, do you think is it ever acceptable to beat women out of disciplinary action?

I’m asking because William Gayley Simpson once stated in his book that men should discipline their wives once in a while, but I noticed this opinion was never popular at all, and I’m not fan of it either.

I don’t think it makes sense to speak in the abstract without mentioning concrete cases.

I lived for a month with a woman in 2001 who seemed, from the rude things she said to me, to want me to hit her (I never indulged her; I simply left her house after a month).

In the case of my late sister, she was swearing at my brother-in-law (who, by the way, I invited to my house for dinner tonight). But in that case my sister’s behaviour transferred her feelings hurt by our parents’ abuse since her puberty. So if my brother-in-law had hit her, it wouldn’t have solved the underlying problem.

I also met a bad woman in 1994, curiously a pure white with no Amerind blood whatsoever. But why get in trouble with the law? In a sane world women will behave like Spartan women. I suggest you read the section on Spartan women in Eduardo Velasco’s essay in The Fair Race.

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