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The Ukraine war

In his today’s article on Counter-Currents, Greg Johnson wrote:

How to end this war? If there were justice, Russia would go back to its 2013 borders, pay reparations, and put Putin’s head on a spike on the Kremlin wall.

Wow, just compare it not only with what Andrew Anglin writes these months about Russia and Putin but with several pro-Russian articles in The Unz Review.

This sort of thing makes me think that a PhD in philosophy like Johnson’s is not good for thinking straight. A young lad like Nick Fuentes has better instincts about the profound consequences of the Ukraine war than Dr Johnson.

The West’s Darkest Hour doesn’t usually talk about news unless it’s vital. Of the people I’ve been listening to over the last few months who seem to me to have the noblest political instincts on the Ukraine conflict, apart from Fuentes and Anglin, are TFM whom I talked about in my post yesterday, and Gonzalo Lira (see Lira’s new YouTube channel here).