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House of the Dragon’s nigger

House of the Dragon is a Game of Thrones prequel that premiered tonight on HBO.

If you are interested in my critique of all 73 episodes of Game of Thrones in eight seasons (2011-2019), you can read the final essay of On Beth’s Cute Tits (this link is temporary: when I correct one more book article with DeepL Translator, I’ll delete the old link and upload a new one).

The screenplay for House of the Dragon was written by Ryan Condal, George R.R. Martin (whom I’ll just call Martin) and the Jew Miguel Sapochnik. Like Games of Thrones, House of the Dragon is based on Martin’s novels A Song of Ice and Fire.

The plot of ‘The Heirs of the Dragon’, the first episode of the first season of House of the Dragon, takes place almost two hundred years before the events of Game of Thrones, at the height of House Targaryen and featuring seventeen dragons. It tells the story of the origin of House Targaryen, and the development of an intra-family conflict known as the Dance of Dragons, which stems from the division of the royals into two camps over the choice of the heir to the Iron Throne: Rhaenyra Targaryen, daughter of King Viserys Targaryen (played by Emma D’Arcy) and Daemon Targaryen, brother of King Viserys Targaryen (played by Matt Smith).

In this new series there seem to be three main feudal houses: House Targaryen, House Velaryon and House High Tower. Corlys Velaryon is the head of House Velaryon.

In the books the Velaryons are much like the hyper-Nordic Targaryens, because the two families have been marrying each other for generations. In Martin’s universe, the Targaryens keep their Valyrian blood pure, within the family; so when they don’t marry a Velaryon they usually marry their sister. Thus, the Targaryens and Velaryons in the books are one big, albeit incestuous, family of inbred blondes. The show that premiered today directed by a Jew (remember that Game of Thrones was directed by two Jews) betrays this in the vilest way imaginable.

Lord Corlys is black: a perfect inversion from the books! To boot, the Aryan Queen Rhaenys Targaryen, a dragon rider, in the TV show has coffee-and-milk kids with Lord Corlys! What’s more, Mysaria is a woman from a brothel in Lys. In the books she’s described as ‘very pale’. Mysaria is a lover and trusted confident of prince Daemon. But in the show that premiered tonight she’s a mudblood!

But that’s not enough. In today’s premiere, Lord Corlys sits at the Small Council table across the bedside from the King of the Seven Kingdoms. That is, he also sits at a head table, albeit on the opposite side. And he does so in three Small Council sessions we just watched.[1]

Lord Corlys’ mulatto children, a boy and a girl, appear in tonight’s premiere during a tournament. Remember the tournament in the first season of Game of Thrones: in the blue-blooded people’s seats there were only white people. What the directors of this show are doing is similar to what Peter Jackson did after filming LOTR. In his traitorous The Hobbit trilogy, Jackson started introducing non-white characters in towns that were white in Tolkien’s tale!

Something that the various directors of this new show don’t realise, or perhaps they do get it, is that, as it is set almost two centuries before the events of Game of Thrones, if miscegenation was already being perpetrated back then there couldn’t have been Targaryens as blond and as white as the ones we saw in Game of Thrones.

Obviously, this new show is nothing but poisonous projection of the suicidal zeitgeist of our times onto Martin’s novels—TV shows where it’s increasingly clear that the religion of the West is to wage a war of extermination on the Aryan man.

If I do an episode-by-episode review of this new series as I did of Game of Thrones, Lord Corlys will no longer be called by that name, but Lord Nigger.


[1] The ‘Small Council’ is a body which advises the king of the Seven Kingdoms and institutes policy at his command. It is the inner (thus ‘small’) council of the king, essentially forming the government cabinet of the Seven Kingdoms. Members are appointed to their position by the King; theoretically they can be dismissed at will by him.

9 replies on “House of the Dragon’s nigger”

Well, in the new Lord of the Rings show almost everything is inverted. Elves are now fat niggers (elf literally means white), multiracial world vs evil world (quite possibly the evil side has more White actors), women empowered.

If you look at the news media they say “For new generations this is their version of Tolkien, this is what my daughter will see of Tolkien’s works.”

But that’s the oldest play in the Jewish book. And much in the world makes sense when you realise that Judaism values a witness’ observation of an event more highly than evidence for the event itself. Its judicial system relied on witnesses, the Torah stating two or more witnesses was enough to indict someone of a crime.

This attitude of legitimate truth via witness came to us in Christianity, whereby the whole of Europe observed the truth of Christ not by evidence but by witness, and so we embraced the authenticity of witnessed account over evidence. Hence forgiveness absolves evil by agreement.

This enough was sufficient to build a moral system of witness, a necessary consequence when you observe the most fundamental truth—that Christ was God—as being grounded in witness accounts and not by material evidence or reason. These are rejected, there is only witness truth.

From there then came the cascade of witness-based philosophy, turning the observer into the creator. First it begins within scholasticism, revived then in Kant and the subsequent Germanic idealists, finalising within postmodernism and structuralism today. The destruction of real.

Hence why today so much of politics involves just recognising (aka witnessing) certain things as real and true. The mere doing so is absolutely meaningless in tangible terms, but value is vested in witnessing. Hence obsession with genocide, black history, trans, etc.

From chabad org:

“The Jew must partner with G‑d in creation. The Jew actively improves and elevates the world around him. He transforms the mundane by imbuing it with meaning and holiness. The Jew doesn’t just tell a story, the Jew seeks to actively create it.”

What’s your opinion on incest?
In Simpson’s book “Which Way Western Man?”, he claims the taboo of incest is relatively recent in human history, and was a catalyst for miscigenation, as it forces the siblings and cousins of pure blood families to breed outside their kin.
He claims that children born from incest being defective ‘freaks’ is a myth, that the genetic degeneration happens due to the interbreeding couple already having a mixed bloodline.
So, if the inbred couple has genotypical defects, incest is going to exacerbate these defects phenotypically.
In contrast, if the inbred couple has very pure blood, without any external racial contamination, the children will be born just fine, like the Velaryons and Targaryens in the book.
Do you think Simpson has a point?

I am not Caesar but I may have an opinion on this.

Simpson was a man of the world so there might be some truth on what he says. I can’t tell for sure about the genetic defects of inbreeding, but I see it quite often being used as an argument in favor of miscegenation, and as an derogatory term against those who seem to be pure blooded, particularly those of very nordic looking appearance.

A practical example I can think of is… Iceland. There might be some sort of inbreeding there due to its low population. An higher rate than in most populous, “diverse” countries, for sure. Yet, Icelanders are know to be smart, healthy and very beautiful. So, we could correctly assert this is because Icelanders are relatively homogenous in race.

Now, if we have a very racially mixed population, and they are inbreds, this is where you might see defects due to the genes of different races showing up randomly every generation and are pretty much struggling for supremacy to manifest themselves over the other.

A good example is… the jews. So heavily mixed with every race they encountered, and also mostly inbreed, that has created a very nasty and unstable mongrel race. This is what originated the jew’s desire for filth, corruption and bureaucratic lifestyle, I believe

Even thought I have no scientific evidence to back this up, I would conclude through simple observation of the cases that I mentioned, that Simpson was right about the taboo of incest/inbreeding being wrong.

If used it properly, it is another argument in favor against miscegenation and multiculturalism, thus, good for our purpose.

Thank you for the elaborate reply, I came to the exact same conclusions.

Although breeding with siblings is understandably off-limits (and risky) in this day and age, breeding with cousins shouldn’t be. If cousin marriage serves as an institution for multiplying healthy Whites, I’m all for it.

A moderately large genepool is required to survive indefinitely (at least 200 people if you regulate marriages, 400 if that’s not possible) you shouldn’t be marrying anyone who is closer to you than a 3rd cousin really.

I think I could add something unique, so that’s why I’m writing this.

In my experience, the reason why I could never get into GRR Martin’s work (as opposed to Tolkien’s legendarium) is because when I tried looking up various nations on the ASoIaF wiki (namely, the First Men and the Andals), I found not a single mention of their racial characteristics. Meanwhile, the Dothraki and Roynar are described as non-White – and I immediately lost interest in them.

Whereas in Tolkien’s case, every single Mannish or Elven group is beautifully pictured. The “goldenhead” House of Hador Lórindol, the grey-eyed House of Bëor, the blond Rohirrim, the pale and dark-haired Dúnedain… Galadriel of the House of Finarfin was golden-haired. The southrons and the easterlings are barely dealt with at all, and are only characterised as the “other” of the social studies nightmares.

Of course, Tolkien is not free from the spirit of our times. The Fall of Numenor led to the virtual vanishing of the prideful Hadorians, this is why the surviving Dúnedain mainly descend from the Bëorians… who in their turn are replaced by the Nordic Rohirrim – an allusion to the extinction of the original Roman founding stock, and to its eventual replacement by the German wild men.

> “But the stewards were wiser and more fortunate. Wiser, for they recruited the strength of our people from the sturdy folk of the sea- coast, and from the hardy mountaineers of Ered Nimrais. And they made a truce with the proud peoples of the North, who often had assailed us, men of fierce valour, but our kin from afar off, unlike the wild Easterlings or the cruel Haradrim.” © Faramir the Cuck.

The Kin-strife in Gondor was an outright race war where the bad guys won because Tolkien was a Christian. Still, it is delightful to read about a world with a race of an objectively-superior subgroup of Nordics (again, something akin to the Yeshua-free Romans).

On the plus side, House of the Dragon doesn’t appear to be going over well. The lousy ending for Game of Thrones basically killed the franchise (spoiler: I never watched the series) according to people who care about Pop culture. People were so disappointed/annoyed that they aren’t interested in this prequel. Odds are this woke garbage will be gone fairly fast, especially considering it’s supposed to be over budget.

The popularity of GoT is not from the quality of the actual content but rather to its marketing program aim to condition the minds of those susceptible to it. I see it everywhere on social media.

A sad fact about this is that it is mostly young white girls who are excited about it. They are the target audience.

Also, Caesar, I wanted to mention that I feel honored that you added some of my words into your book On Beth’s cute tits. I am glad of having been able to contribute.

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