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Evropa Soberana (webzine) Free speech / association

Evropa Soberana!

As I have said countless times, I have called the translation of a Spaniard’s essay on Judea and Rome the ‘masthead’ of this site, in the sense that it is a sort of combination of NS and Nietzsche’s thought (something the Nazis never dared to do openly).

Not only that, The Fair Race (see sidebar), which is a sort of extensive manifesto for the Aryan to wake up, contains other fundamental essays from Evropa Soberana such as the essay on Sparta and a new racial classification.

But Blogger has taken down his site!

Fortunately, I saved all his articles on a DVD. Yesterday I sent an email to the Spaniard we call here Evropa Soberana, but have had no reply.

I hope his site will be restored elsewhere.

New visitors to The West’s Darkest Hour who haven’t read his ‘Rome v. Judea; Judea v. Rome’—our masthead—should do so now.

4 replies on “Evropa Soberana!”

César, If you have the Artilces of Europa Soberana, could you send them to me too? , I loved to read them when I was in University.Thanks

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