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David Irving

What the experts said of David Irving

British historian, David Irving, perhaps the greatest living authority on the Nazi era – Professor Stephen Spender, The New York Times Review of Books

On Churchill’s War: Enormous mastery of the sources and ability to maintain a sweep of narrative and command of detail that carry the reader along. – Professor Donald Cameron Watt

On Hitler’s War: It was thoroughly researched and employed a variety of themes… It also confirmed Irving’s reputation as one of the world’s most thorough researchers and an exciting and readable ‘historian’. – Board of Deputies of British Jews

On Hitler’s War: No praise can be too high for Irving’s indefatigable scholarly industry. He has sought and found scores of new sources, including many private diaries. Mr Irving’s craftsmanship as a writer has improved immensely, and I have enjoyed reading his long work from beginning to end. – Professor Hugh Trevor Roper

On Hitler’s War: This ground is traversed with a sense of immediacy and grasp of detail lacking in many of the recent Führer biographies… Mr Irving’s mastery of the German sources is superb. – Professor Donald Cameron Watt

On Hitler’s War: David Irving has ransacked the world’s archives; he has discovered eye-witness accounts; he has unearthed diaries and correspondence which were thought to have been destroyed… a narrative which is, for all its inevitable complexities, remarkably comprehensible and, surprisingly readable. – Professor J.E. Molpurgo

On Goebbels. Mastermind of the Third Reich: Irving does not deny that Jews were horribly butchered or just kept in such conditions as to die in their millions. Nevertheless, the book has received execration in some American pre-publication reviews for its alleged denials of the Holocaust and exculpations of Hitler… There is no truth in these accusations. – Professor Professor Norman Stone, The Sunday Times, April 14,1996.

On Goebbels. Mastermind of the Third Reich: David Irving knows more than anyone alive about the German side of the Second World War. He discovers archives unknown to official historians… His greatest achievement is Hitler’s War… indispensable to anyone seeking to understand the war in the round. Irving as usual, knows more than anyone of the details [of the death of Goebbels’ family in 1945]. He does not spare us. – Professor Sir John Keegan, The Daily Telegraph, April 20, 1996

On Göring: At the Nuremberg trials he defended himself with vigour and rebutted some of the charges that had wrongfully been made against him. It also came out in matters of art, on which David Irving is rather good. – Professor Norman Stone in The New Statesman, August 18, 1989.

On Goebbels. Mastermind of the Third Reich: Some critics, including Deborah Lipstadt of Emory University, have accused Irving of ‘trying to destroy the memory of those who… perished at the hands of tyrants.’ Even a cursory inspection of this new, 700-page plus account [Goebbels] does not support that assertion. – Professor Francis L. Loewenheim

On Goebbels. Mastermind of the Third Reich: Mr Irving would be a high price to pay for freedom from the annoyance that he causes us. The fact is that he knows more about National Socialism than most professional scholars in his field, and students of the years 1933 1945 owe more than they are always willing to admit to his energy as a researcher and to the scope and vigor of his publications. – Professor Gordon A Craig

On Göring: Irving’s research effort is awesome. – Professor Larry Thompson in The Chicago Tribune

David Irving… has mastered his material and written a very readable biography. – Professor Hugh Trevor-Roper (Lord Dacre) in The Sunday Telegraph, August 20, 1989.

On Göring: A very readable book, for Irving has always written with verve and energy… It tells us a great deal that we did not know… Highly interesting… Marvellous stuff… An absorbing account… Most intriguing. – Professor Gordon A Craig

On Churchill’s War: A vivid portrait accompanied by much striking and original analysis. It is certainly no mere repeat of the usual hagiography. Once again David Irving shows himself a master of documentation. – Prof. John Erickson, April 30, 2001

On Rommel: David Irving has been so successful in building up a reputation as The Man You Love To Hate that his merits as an historian are too easily forgotten… But professional historians have always envied him his immense capacity for work and his astonishing luck including new documents; and they should be grateful to him… But his fellow historians can take nothing but pleasure in [this] work. – Professor Michael Howard

A fascinating study of the brilliant Rommel. It enables the reader to experience the emotions of a warrior in battle. – Mark W. Clark, General, U.S. Army (retired)

David Irving’s full study The Rise and Fall of the Luftwaffe therefore deserves a warm welcome… Mr. Irving has made splendid use of the Milch papers and other German records which he has been able to study. – Capt. Stephen Roskill, UK official historian

Most of Irving’s books are big, solid works like this. All are well written, exciting, fun to read, and all contain new information based on sensational discoveries. – Stephen Ambrose, Washington Post Book World

David Irving specialises in the blunders of war. He also knows how to appraise the unassuming heroism of the ordinary man. From both points of view, his present book on the destruction of convoy PQ.17 is even better than the one which made his name on the bombing of Dresden. It is a melancholy story, with many separate strands leading to disaster. – Professor A. J. P. Taylor, The Observer

The result is a biography of Milch, slanted as it were towards the Luftwaffe… This one is scholarly, fair and highly informative. – Professor A. J. P. Taylor, The Observer

6 replies on “What the experts said of David Irving”

How many people read voluminous books, how many have the time these days.

clowns remember some kike hollywood movie, this is why holocaust revisionists always fail, they fail not because they lack factual evidence, they fail because they never had control over narrative.

For a Jew , truth is control over narrative. They control the narrative through press, media and if necessary censorship.

can’t fault the entertainment capitalism fuks for getting “it (the consumable)” right: park your ass; flick the switch; the big screen comes alive; the brain switches into zombie alpha frequency mode; download the storybook narrative while the screen dazzles; fait accompli. subject permanently propagandized.

why do the litvaks own hollywood and the msm? must be some dna factors that explain the discrepancies as a function of race. just gotta be.

“April 14,1996” > a space is missing

What’s about Richard J. Evans’ account and his 2001 book Lying About Hitler: History, Holocaust, and the David Irving Trial?

For example, he accuses Irving of misquoting and misrepresenting the Goebbels’ diary.

> In both editions of Hitler’s War, Irving omitted Goebbels’ characterization of Hitler’s stance as unrelenting. (P. 89)

Richard Evans is the typical court historian who would never publish a source which went against the traditional viewpoint about World War Two. This man actually believes Hitler’s ultimate goal was to conquer the world. I followed the Irving trial in 2000 and Evans was an embarrassment.

Mr. Irving’s ‘Churchill’s War,’ both volumes, taught me more about British domestic and foreign policy during the war than any other history on the subject I have read before. ‘Uprising,’ his work on the Hungarian Uprising against Soviet and Jewish tyranny was so fascinating I finished it in two days. I can also recommend ‘Hitler’s War,’ and ‘Nuremberg, the last battle.’

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