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Free speech / association WDH radio show

WDH radio nuked

As a result of yesterday’s Vice article linking to our SoundCloud account for the West’s Darkest Hour Radio show, the account has been suspended. (*)

Maybe we should move to BitChute and have a new show, Monday through Saturday, discussing all sort of topics. Any visitor willing to become our regular commentator?


(*) Norman Spear didn’t say anything illegal on the show, but presently First Amendment rights are constantly violated by most platform providers.

8 replies on “WDH radio nuked”

Keep going as long as you can. It is amazing that WP hasn’t dismissed your page completely. It isn’t Groupthink or Hivemind and not approved by the esteemed party member comrade kommissar arbiters of RightThink.
They know what is best for the deplorable kulaks and they feel our pain from their gated and walled mansions which are completely free of the indispensable vibrant diversity.

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