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Intellectual cowardice

The other article that I reproduced this day, quoting Devi, made me think something: If the great awakening of the Aryan consciousness happened, in fact, in the century when many of us were born, why the vast majority of sites of the so-called white nationalism do not focus on that awakening? Isn’t it a real shame that only one woman, Carolyn Yeager, focuses on it?

Think again about the primary article that The West’s Darkest Hour recommends to the new visitors about ‘the worst white generation since prehistory’ (visit the sticky post and follow the white rabbit). To the extent that the story that Westerners tell themselves not only distorts, but reverses reality, the white man will continue to head towards extinction.

The quackery across the alt-right is to avoid talking not only about what National Socialism represented, but about how the Allies committed a real holocaust of Germans that even in the white nationalist forums isn’t mentioned properly. There’s only a review of Goodrich’s book in Counter-Currents, another distant review in The Occidental Observer, but never a continuous discussion of what should be the subject of every day talk, even with zero-budget films like the ones that have been made about the Gulag.

Instead of telling to themselves their own story white nationalists are heading, like the rest of whites, to extinction for the simple fact that they are too coward to confront it. And I say ‘their own story’ because what happened in Germany concerns the white race in general, not just the Germans.

The story that white nationalists are telling is not the story of the white race. If so, William Pierce’s only nonfiction book would be a huge bestseller in the American alt-right. These folks continue to see themselves as the Jews told them they had to see themselves: believing in the existence of the Hebrew god and, in the case of the secularists, still following the moralistic teachings of a rabbi who never existed.

If the white race is extinguished it must be obvious that non-whites who write their epitaph will say that it was pure intellectual cowardice the cause of its sunset. But I would like to finish this entry with a personal vignette.

Since I began to savagely criticise American Christianity on this site, the donations of Americans have dropped to almost zero (instead, I have received the most valuable donations from other continents). What draws my attention to this phenomenon is that American donors still provide donations to American cowards whose ideology is not conducive to the salvation of what is left of the Aryan DNA in North America.