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Aryan beauty Jesus Nordicism Schutzstaffel (SS)

Nordicism and National Socialism, 13

Wolfgang Willrich: Maria Weinmayr.

It is not only because the shape of the body of the Nordic man entails certain dimensions in height, width and length, or because it is often characterized by blond hair and blue eyes that we grant it some importance. It is not for that reason that we attribute a certain value to our Nordic inheritance.

Certainly the indications that the form of the body of the Nordic man gives us do not cease to constitute the very basis of our ideal of beauty. This has always been the case in Western history and it is enough to be convinced of this by taking a look at the panorama of the works of art that have been produced over the centuries by all the civilisations and ‘cultures’ that have been appearing on the European territory.

As far back as we go into the past, we always find sculptural figures and paintings that evoke an ideal of beauty, the characteristic forms of Nordic man. Even in certain Eastern civilisations we are in the presence of the same phenomenon. While the deities are represented with distinctly Nordic features, the figures of demons representing lower or dark forces have traits of other human races. In the Indies and even in the Far East there are often Buddhas whose features are distinctly Nordic.

That the Nordic racial body represents for us the ideal of beauty, seems natural to us. But all this only acquires its real and profound meaning because we find in it the expression and symbol of the Nordic soul. Without that Nordic soul, the Nordic body would be nothing more than an object of study for the natural sciences, as the physical form of any other human or animal race.

Just as the Nordic body has become precious and pleasant to us as perfect support and expression of the Nordic soul, so we experience repulsion by certain Jewish racial traits because they are the direct symbol and the true indication of a Jewish soul that for us is totally foreign.

Wise specialists of the matter tell us that a certain racial physical form and a certain racial soul necessarily go together and that they are, after all, more than the expression of one and the same thing. However, nothing seems more difficult for us than to demonstrate scientifically or by other means the accuracy of that homogeneity between the racial body and the racial soul.

‘Annals’, No. 2. Edition of the Belgian Schutzstaffel (SS) Brigade ‘Wallonie’, excerpted from ‘The SS Order’, OSS I.3.3.

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Editor’s note: The level of inverted values imposed by Christianity, even among white nationalists, is so evident that few reproduce on their sites images of Aryan beauty. Prior to Christianity, Aryan beauty appeared everywhere in sculptures and paintings. In the Middle Ages the Aryan figure lost its beauty and iconography was replaced with depictions of a Semitic Jesus, so that Aryans no longer experienced repulsion by certain Jewish racial traits.