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Emigration / immigration

Unz commenter, 2

The wall is a good example of why the issue is cultural, not the result of a conspiracy. Endless excuses are given for not building it (too expensive, won’t work, will cause too much environmental damage, will interfere with local jurisdictions, etc.), which of course is part of its charm for those who, like Trump, really don’t want a wall anyway. But a moment’s thought shows that calling for a wall in itself proves the lack of seriousness with which American whites take the problem of illegal immigration.

The approximately 2000 mile long border with Mexico could be better protected by perhaps a hundred roving snipers who shoot to kill, and this at an infinitesimal fraction of the cost of a wall. Each sniper could be made responsible for a 20 mile stretch of border, upon which he could station himself at random, ever-changing locations. After only a few illegal crossers are shot and killed, it’s overwhelmingly likely that attempted infiltrations would drop to close to zero. After all, would you want to cross the border illegally if you knew for a fact that there was even a 1 in 100 chance it would be the last thing you ever did? Thus, instead of billions for a wall, the problem could be made to disappear essentially for the cost of a few bullets.

A simple solution like this is ruled out though by Christian ethics, which has so influenced Western culture that it’s considered outrageous; completely beyond the pale even by those who nominally are opposed to Christianity itself. When even non-Christians and anti-Christians subscribe to Christian ethics, then you know that Christianity’s cultural dominance is total.