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Free speech / association

Censorship on Gab

by Jan Lamprecht

It appears to me that the Jews and Andrew Torba have been engaging in a massive censorship of “Free Speech” Gab. Torba’s claim that you can “Speak Freely” on Gab is now going down the toilet because of this synagogue shooting by Robert Bower…

I think Torba [pic] is showing what a newbie he is, by going into panic overdrive like this. Alex Linder confirmed that he lost his Gab account. He tried to contact Torba to ask about his 15,000 Tweets… but it seems he will never get his own tweets back from Gab.

All I can guess/say is that I think, at the very least Gab has deleted tens of thousands of accounts, and I’m sure all of them were white. I never saw a black or other race on Gab. I really wish we knew more about how many whites were kicked off. This is dreadful.

I’ve been talking to Alex Linder about the situation. We’re busy throwing some ideas around. Watch this space…

(Read it all on Jan’s own site: here.)