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Alex Linder on GD crackdown

GD symbol

He’s [Greg Johnson] going where the money is, and that will always be in safe, comfortable, respectable conservatism, rather than in radical nationalism.

Just look at the Golden Dawn types—they are burly. Not effete men of letters. Military hard men and such. That shows you what type is necessary to get ahead under conditions as they actually are today. Yes, you need writers and speakers and lawyers, and Golden Dawn has those, but you mainly need ass-kickers. Why? Because our enemy cheats. It lies, beats down, and murders. After all, if it played fair, it would lose. Because its views and interests belong only to a minority. The majority view is nationalist. Always and everywhere. It’s not even a racial thing, it’s a species thing. Not even a human thing. People prefer their own kind. This idea that it’s going to be better after we wipe out the white race, replacing white countries with a grabbag of third-worlders, is not merely not what the actual people want—you know, the democratic view, the view of the people—it is flat wrong. Demonstrably, obviously, measurably wrong. But the super-elite have accepted it, and are doing what they can to enforce.

Basically, the superelite need to be killed, down to the last man. I don’t see any way around that. And the jews need to be counter-exterminated en masse, as they are very deliberately, calculatedly and brazenly trying to wipe other nations off the globe.

For once and for all, we need to smash marxism and multiculturalism, and that means nothing more or less or different from destroying jews, right down the to the very last one.

You’ll note I alone have posited this as the only solution that can work. Yet idiots only judge what I say from a moral or respectability standpoint; not one person has ever yet put forward any reasoning that shows what I have said is analytically wrong, and that’s the only argument I’m interested in.

The jews are not going to stop doing what they do. They have to be stopped. That’s on us.

It is highly evident that jews are our main enemy, and christianity is the main reason we fear even to consider doing what we rationally ought to do to defend our kind.

Greg Johnson can hardly be interested in Golden Dawn when its daily doings amount to a refutation of his thesis about meta-politics. He’s going to effect a sea change in the culture that will save white people, all without any actually gritty engagement with the real world. He’ll do it all with the smoke and mirrors of clever essays about Batman XIV and private conferences.

Same with MacDonald—do you think he grasps that Golden Dawn’s experience directly belies everything he advises through A3P?

Heck, no. Smart people are just like dumb people. They don’t ever want to admit they’re wrong, not even to themselves.

Another little feller completely shown up by Golden Dawn’s experience is Hadding [Scott]. He is #1 among those embracing the illusion that white nationalists are responsible for their own failures, mainly because they haven’t stayed within the law.

Golden Dawn offers a perfect example of what happens when you stay within the law and use the democratic system precisely the way it was intended. Golden Dawn is being punished, attacked, lied about, sued, prosecuted because it is successful, in the true democratic sense of the word. What does democracy mean if not the people engaging in politics directly? Isn’t that exactly what Golden Dawn does when it, in every part of Greece, prints up and passes out newspapers, directly talks to the folks, helps them with whatever they need, getting physical protection the police are too busy to provide, food they need simply to stay alive? It doesn’t get any more democratic than what Golden Dawn does daily. In public. In the streets. With the people. And what happens? Why, the machine fails to function! Its operators say that Golden Dawn is outside the law when it passes out food to people! When it gives its literal blood for the people?

So tell me again, Hadding you mentally constipated idiot: how is working within the system working for Golden Dawn?


Gee, the System doesn’t seem to be very interesting in saying, gee, Golden Dawn really appeals to people. It’s getting an increasing share of the votes. Soon its man will be running Athens. We need to study what we’re doing so that we can capture some of that appeal. What are we doing wrong, that The People reject us and turn to GD? Is that how the System reacts? Hell, no. It moves, rather to outlaw this legal party. It moves to declare it a criminal organization. To arrest its leaders. Every article in the domestic and foreign media supports and backs up and reinforces this anti-democratic impulse. They all, as a one, System parties and System media, portray Golden Dawn and its leaders as evil incarnate.

Tell me again, little Hadding jackass, how staying legal is working for Golden Dawn? Tell me how it’s going to be any different anywhere else.

What do I have to say to get through to the high-IQ morons WN is beset with (apart from the dirt-eaters it is also beset with)?

Our enemy has a minority view. It cannot win by playing fair.

Please. Spend the ten or fifteen hours you need to ponder on that statement until you understand what I mean by it.

WN is just white normalcy. It is the default. Most people support it, without thinking. The alien elite hostile minority, led by jews, buys up the media because it has to. It buys politicians because it has to. It criminalizes ordinary human activity and speaking language because it has to.

It has to control every normal down to the last jot and tittle because the normal’s instincts are a hundred percent against the agenda the jews-led-abnormal coalition tries to impose. They are anti-democratic tyrants by necessity. They don’t have a choice. Calling what they do and their agenda democratic rather than tyrannical is of a piece with everything else they do: A sour lie. A cynically knowing deliberate reversal of reality. And a lie they mouth incessantly because they have to.

Do you really think you can get through an anti-white agenda without the help of a term like racism? Hell, no.

Do you really think you can get through a pro-homo agenda without the help of a term like homophobic? Of course not.

Everything they do is on this pattern.

They cannot do otherwise. Their views are too weird, twisted, abnormal and unthinkably undesirable to the normal majority.

Get it?

At long last, do you understand this, people?

We are not in a debate, a game, a contest that is overseen by any rule except one:

Whatever works, works. Whatever goes, goes.

This is the eternal stumbling block of the respectable right: they simply refuse to accept that their opponent cannot win an unfixed game, and, unlike them, he is not content to lose. He must and will win, and there is only one way he can do this: by lying, cheating, browbeating and murdering.

Now that you know that… what are you going to do about it?

If you’re a conservative, your answer is: nothing. You will listen to your favorites gasbags, pride yourself on how smart and moral you are, and how “stupid” the left is, and you will continue to lose.

If you want something better and different, then you need to swallow the reality pill and join the racialists. In Greece that party is Golden Dawn. They show what the normals do when they are truly seriously intent on not letting the jew-led abnormals control their country and decide their future.

Greece is the only place in the white west this is happening, and that is why it is worth microscopic attention I give it daily.


If we exterminate termites because they destroy the foundations of our houses, how much more lenient should we be in our treatment of jews, who destroy the foundations of our society? [Source: here]